From: | Simon and Fiona sfuller@****** |
Subject: | Intelligence Methods Part 1: Collection [LONG!] |
Date: | Wed, 2 Feb 2000 15:52:08 +1100 |
From: DemonPenta@***.com <DemonPenta@***.com>
To: shadowrn@*********.com <shadowrn@*********.com>
Date: Wednesday, August 02, 2000 3:23 PM
Subject: Re: Intelligence Methods Part 1: Collection [LONG!]
>>Well of course nothing prevents them from getting allies to do the dirty
>>work. Much like the NSA circumvents restrictions on monitoring US citizens
>>by having their friends in Canada or Britain do it. Echelon is a perfect
>>example of this circumvention of US law and policy by various agencies.
>>our own good of course. fnord"
> The problem arises..what if it IS someone like Castro that nobody else
>hates enough? Or, what if some idiot US official gets the idea to kill the
>Pope or something?
Funny you should say that. Pope John Paul II's predescessor, Pope John (some
number) was a noted communist, and spoke out for communism in Europe. On the
night of his canonisation, he was having drinks with some high up friend
(archdeacon?) Anyway, the other guy drank first, and keeled over dead. At
first they said that it was poison, but the story quickly changed to heart
failure. A week later, the Pope also died of heart failure, vital evidence
vanished (like his bedside water jug), and an ambulance arrived on the scene
within minutes, even though the nearest ambulance centre was about 40
minutes away (Rome and the Vatican being very covoluted street-wise).
Anyway, up stepped John Paul II, not even Italian, but a staunch
anti-communist with US endorsement. In a couple of years JP quashed the
communist rumblings in Europe, especially in his native Poland, where they
were strongest. KGB files (which are on sale a dollar to the kilo these
days) said that not only did they endorse John XYZ and tried to off JP, but
they knew the US killed John XYZ to stop communism's spread.
I saw this on a show hosted by William Shatner, so it must be true :?)