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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: Lady Jestyr jestyr@*******
Subject: Interesting...
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 15:08:58 +1000
Hot on the heels of rumors that the upcoming movie "Matrix" is based on the
story out of the back of VR1, if you do a search for William Gibson at the
IMDB, you find the following entry:

2.Zen Differential, The (1998) (novel Count Zero)

If you follow the link;

Production Notes/Status:
Status: Completed
Last Updated: 05 September 1998
Note: Since this project is categorized as being in production, the data
is subject to change or could be removed completely.
Country: USA

That's pretty much all you get. Interesting, though... :-)

Lady Jestyr

"A true beanie should have a propellor on the top." -- Terry Pratchett
- jestyr@******* URL: -
Message no. 2
From: XaOs [David Goth] xaos@*****.net
Subject: Interesting...
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 1999 01:54:17 -0600
> Hot on the heels of rumors that the upcoming movie "Matrix" is
> based on the
> story out of the back of VR1, if you do a search for William Gibson at the
> IMDB, you find the following entry:

Rumors? You mean the preview shown during the Superbowl (incidentally, is
that commonly broadcast to your side of the world?)

Here's a link on "Coming Attractions" (which is a very good movie website
that compiles various information and rumors about upcoming films): (The F/X in the preview
were excellent, by the way).

> 2.Zen Differential, The (1998) (novel Count Zero)

Here's the similar link on Coming Attractions:

This link is much more pessimistic, and probably not as informative.
However, when it gets to IMDB, it generally has more credibility. (Which
isn't to say "Coming Attractions" is unreliable, I just mean to say that I
don't think IMDB lists films until they're actually filming them).

-David Goth-
Message no. 3
From: Bob Tockley zzdeden@*******
Subject: Interesting...
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 20:13:53 +1000
>Hot on the heels of rumors that the upcoming movie "Matrix" is based on the
>story out of the back of VR1, if you do a search for William Gibson at the
>IMDB, you find the following entry:

Unfortunately it IS a rumour - this is a science fiction/ martial arts
movie hybrid and not much more. Though it does share some similarities
with the novella in the back of VR1, the two do not have the same plot.
Essentially, the story behind "Matrix" is: Thomas Anderson (Keanu Reeves)
discovers that he is living in a highly detailed virtual reality created
and maintained by a computer that has taken over future Earth. Eventually
he teams up with group of freedom fighters led by Morpheus (Laurence
Fishburne) and begins to try to get himself back to 'reality'.

From all accounts, "Matrix" will be a sci-fi buff film only. As for the
William Gibson movie, well... I've heard rumours but they're only rumours
from what my 'inside sources' (cliched eh?) tell me.

"The difference between a clown and a mime? Easy. People care if the
clown gets killed."
Message no. 4
From: Patrick Goodman remo@***.net
Subject: Interesting...
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 10:29:22 -0600
From: Bob Tockley
Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 1999 4:14 AM

>As for the William Gibson movie, well... I've heard rumours but
>they're only rumours from what my 'inside sources' (cliched eh?)
>tell me.

Probably doesn't matter. It's based on a Gibson novel, which generally
means it's gonna blow....

(>) Texas 2-Step
El Paso: Never surrender. Never forget. Never forgive.
Message no. 5
From: Ereskanti@***.com Ereskanti@***.com
Subject: Interesting...
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 20:27:29 EST
In a message dated 2/10/1999 3:06:46 AM US Eastern Standard Time,
xaos@*****.net writes:

> (The F/X in the preview
> were excellent, by the way).
Cute, I can't even get a server connection...

Message no. 6
From: XaOs [David Goth] xaos@*****.net
Subject: Interesting...
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 12:04:11 -0600
> > (The F/X in
> the preview
> > were excellent, by the way).
> >
> Cute, I can't even get a server connection...

<shrug> Works fine by me. Any luck lately trying it?

-David Goth-
Message no. 7
From: Ereskanti@***.com Ereskanti@***.com
Subject: Interesting...
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 23:14:24 EST
In a message dated 2/11/1999 1:13:39 PM US Eastern Standard Time,
xaos@*****.net writes:

> > > (The F/X in
> > the preview
> > > were excellent, by the way).
> > >
> > Cute, I can't even get a server connection...
> <shrug> Works fine by me. Any luck lately tr

Yes, got it to work again last night, but finally checked this out just now.
I would agree, *VERY* interesting, and not entirely un-insightful. However,
the rumors listing that is found on that page make me consider that this is
going to be another "Keanu Pales Himself" category thing. The concept of
"Neo" and "Morpheus" would play nicely into a comparison of
"Renny" and
"Lucifer" however.

$63MILLION!?! What on earth for???

Message no. 8
From: XaOs [David Goth] xaos@*****.net
Subject: Interesting...
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 00:07:34 -0600
> $63MILLION!?! What on earth for???

F/X, Keanu's salary (Aren't top dollar actors in the $20mil range? ...which
Keanu isn't), On-location filming, the producer [of Predator, Lethal
Weapon(x), Demolition Man, Die Hard(x)]'s obvious this guy doesn't know
how to NOT spend money.

-David Goth-

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Interesting..., you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.