From: | Ralph and Ivy Ryan <sgmpaws@*******.COM> |
Subject: | Intro part 2 |
Date: | Mon, 22 Dec 1997 11:13:06 -0500 |
While I am introducing myself I should mention that I GM mostly and I
haven't actually played since 95. But, I GM for players with 350 to 450
Karma Pools (Yes, Pools, not Good Karma) and I haven't had any problems in
challanging them so far. One Character has been played since 89 and
another is a transplanted AD&D Bard.
I am firmly convinced that SRII does the best replication of reality in
gaming. If I ever find a better one I might switch but I haven't seen
anything more accurate so far. I must also warn everyone that I am very
set in my opinions and require actual "proof" that something is better
before I will believe it.
As an example, I do understand the Spirit Combat section, including the
reasons for the differing treatment of the spirit's armor, and use it. I
also understand *why* it works that way, from the POV of legend and myth.
On the "Vamp as player char" front, I don't allow them, tried it once with
a player, it didn't work. She didn't want to suck essence, and the physics
of SR has them doing just that. So sad...
Were-folk as players? Can be done, but I have yet to find a player who can
get their head around the mind-set of an animal, even one that can change
to a human. I have thought of doing *that* differently too, but decided
not to. Hence, no were-PCs.
Oh, yes, I also understand english, so I understand the SRII karma/karma
pool award system, and the whys behind it, and that system is one of the
games best features from my POV. Every player will get at least 1 karma
pool point at the end of each finished adventure and at least one good
karma for the same thing. Karma Pool isn't luck, it's experience. The
ability to adapt your skill to the current conditions so to speak.
So, here I am...
Ivy K.