From: | Pete Sims <petesims@********> |
Subject: | Invading Shadowtk - was Misery |
Date: | Thu, 10 Oct 1996 02:55:57 +0100 |
<chaos@*****.com> writes
>Well, Bull's now resubscribed and ready to help us take over, so just give
>the word Pete... I think you're the unofficial team leader in this op...
>BTW, will this be a standup fight or a bughunt?
All we know is that there's still no contact with the colony and that a
Xenomorph may be involved. ... [:-{
>>>Serious mode on<<<
I just received a mail from some chap called Fro - apparently this is
the gentleman responsible for updating the FAQ for this (and I assume)
the other lists. He says that I'm not allowed to continue this
discussion of Shadowtk Invasion, 'coz, it's dumb and that the list has
an ongoing game, and we're not *allowed* to invade. :(
So... What I'm going to do, is wait for a while, and see what the FAQ
is turned into. I would like to see him conditionaly define *exactly*
what Shadowtk is actually for, in the FAQ for this list, and others that
mention Shadowtk. It states in the FAQ I got, that it's for in
character discussions of Shadowrun leading to plot ideas and in
character information. Admittedly *not* silliness, but that was never
the intention anyway. But then I never learned to read properly, so I'm
probably making it up.
I'm surprised to see so much support for the invasion, and will work on
a plan of action to achieve this invasion, that will keep those of you
happy that want to talk to each other in character, and swap
information, ideas and contacts, that won't cause the disruption and
flaming that Fro seems so scared is what I intend. It wasn't, but I
have a feeling that is what would have resulted from an in character
invasion. I am slightly disappointed by his mail, as he didn't discuss
any of the points that had been brought up in this list, but pointed out
my "invasion" suggestion alone, snipping the rest of the post. (hmmm
convenient choice of paraphrasing).
Thankyou all those who supported the idea. You will be remembered, and
if satisfaction is not guaranteed to the character chatters, an Invasion
may still be in the offing. I think initially any discussion of the
invasion will need to be done via E-Mail, as any planning done in this
list, will only give away our plans. Please feel free to email me if
you have any ideas regarding the "invasion", and what header you think
should be used so that we can all recognise each other. Either that, or
we can choose character names (I see some have already done so) :) and
work from there.
However, at this point I advise caution. :( Fro is "apparently" going
to rewrite the FAQ, and is awaiting suggestions for changes/improvements
etc. If he has been following my rantings he will already know what I
would like to see changed and clarified in the FAQ. If anyone else
here has any suggestions, please feel free to e-mail him. his address
is here on the list. I'm afraid I deleted his e0mail in a fit of pique
and no longer have the address to hand.
This caution and momentary pause is in no way a step down. I still feel
very strongly about the treatment some people have received at the hands
of a *few* Shadowtk bigots, most especially my player. OK she made a
mistake. She apoligised, and was nuked. I would like to state for the
record that her being attacked is *NOT* my reason for invading Shadowtk,
my reason is for the peace of mind of several people.
1) Those on this list who don't want to have to trawl through in
character posts that are irrelevent to their views of Shadowrn
discussion (although an *all rules area* would be soooo boring.)
2) As a nod to those on this list that have to pay for mail space, and
also don't want 50+ posts of irrelevant discussion.
3) To talk *in character* to other characters, to gain a view of the
world from their point of view, of their countries home towns/cities. I
live on the Isle of Wight, as many of you already know. I am never
likely to be able to travel to some of these exotic places mentioned in
FASA material, but there are people here, who *DO* live there, and would
be absolute mines of information to people like me. It *would* be nice
to know some real bars and clubs in cities and towns that the *maps*
don't give. I spent a long time on the net searching for material on
Seattle, finally finding a "virtual tour" at the Emerald Web, but there
are posters in here who live in Seattle, and could have saved me days of
searching, with a couple of posts.
4) A lot of the posters in Shadowrn, have voiced a certain amount of
displeasure at the way some of the more recent threads have developed.
We all know who are guilty of this, and yes I am one of the guilty. :(
The problem is I like to talk, I like meeting people, and I want to know
about where they live. But it would be more fun to do this *in
character* and share this learning process, than to privately discuss
things with people over e-mail, going to e-mail has been the death of
more than one list in the past. :(
When I first subscribed to Shadowrn in January, and re-subscribed in
April, I was warned by the FAQ that if I couldn't handle a "load" of
mail, it would be a *bad* idea to subscribe, but I don't recall many
occassions when I received more than 200 posts a week. Lately, I have
had this number per day. This is both good and bad. More people have
decloaked, more have joined the list, and it has got busier. I have
already got several plot ideas and NPCs for my game from the idle banter
in this list, more than I have got all year from Shadowtk, wihch has a
*very* low average of posts.
5) More than a few people have expressed resentment at in character
nattering in this list. I *can* sympathise with these people, unless
you are privvy to what started the chatter, it can look very confusing
and senseless. I appreciate that some of the conversations in here have
resulted in short and confusing posts, this is the main reason for
wanting to move to Shadowtk. But.... As For pointed out to me *in
character chatter* in any form is not allowed in Shadowtk, unless it is
a part of the ongoing plot line. :(
I think that about does me for the moment. If any of you have any
further views to this post, or things that you feel would be relevant to
in character posts or not to this list, please feel free to add to my
reasoning. And, let Fro know about it. He seems to be the guy in
control at the moment.
As regards Shadowtk...
See you there - soon. :)
Pete Sims
Heroes or Fools? That's a determination others will make in hindsight. But by
being here now, we make that determination for ourselves, and it's neither.