From: | korishinzo@*****.com (Ice Heart) |
Subject: | Layered Armor (was: Rolling the bones...) |
Date: | Fri, 25 Jun 2004 07:31:28 -0700 (PDT) |
> The problem I have with that line of thought (and I have thought of
> it, plus it's right there in the book) is that realistically (and,
> yes, you shouldn't argue physics in a world of magic, or reality in
> a fantasy game), adding another layer of armor *should* increase
> your resistance to bullets. My players argued the point, and I tend
> to agree.
Do what I do then. I do something a little different than giving them
the full value of their highest piece of armor, followed by half the
value of their second piece. I give them the full value of their
outermost layer of armor. I then give them half the value of any
layer armor worn underneath, round down, to a minimum of 1/1. So if
the player actually wants to layer on armored clothing, an armored
vest with plates, a long coat and a form fitted suit, they get
benefit from every piece of armor worn. The long coat would give
them 4/2. The vest (IIRC 3/2) would give them +1/1. The armored
clothing would give them another +1/0. The FFBA would add its 4/1.
Slap on some forearm guards for an extra +0/1 in melee. Result 10/4
(10/5 in melee). Now, I think it is a bit ridiculous that FFBA
incurs NO layering penalty. I add half its value (round up) to the
layering calculations [shirt: 1/0, partial suit: 1/1, full suit:
So, the layering total for the armor combination would be long coat
(4/2) + vest (3/2) + clothing (3/0) + FFBA (2/1) = 12/5. So a
character with a Quickness of 6 will, in my game, suffer a -3 to
Combat Pool, and find their effective Quickness reduced by 3 for
calculating movement. Any Athletics test depending on agility (read:
most of them, running/jumping/climbing/etc) will suffer a +3 TN
penalty. Note that a character with a Quickness of 4 (high end human
average) will be completely unable to move in this amount of armor
(effective Quickness of 0 for calculating movement). I am all for
letting PCs wear a bunch of armor, and giving them some benefit for
all that protection... right up to the point where they immobilize
themselves... making all the armor in the world moot. :)
--Can I offer you gel-packs to go with that, sir? ;>
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