From: | shadowrn@*********.com (Raul Morales) |
Subject: | Love and Metatypes |
Date: | Tue Oct 23 12:25:01 2001 |
>>men, animals, inanimate things, anything. We're really not all that evolved
>>from the bonobos at all. I'd say that if someone goblinised then they'd
>>still be more attraced to humans, especially if they don't like their new
>>shape, though trolls probably won't go in much for other races because the
>>size differences would be a bit wierd, it'd be like having sex with a kid.
>I must disagree. I think it has been stated enough both directly and
>indirectly that those that are born meta or morph into meta not only go
>thru a physical change but a metnal one as well. If that wasnt the case
>how do you explain the dwarfs and orcs perfer to live underground, for
>example? Not very typical human nature. Thus, I dont think its a huge
>leap to say with that in mind that they also find their race generally
>more attractive then their former or other races. But as you also said
>there certainly would be exceptions and I dont think it would be
>realistic to say otherwise.
>But generally speaking along with there many mental alterations I think
>this would be one.
Actually i think I must disagree with harlequin, we must remember that no
matter which metatype you are into or the
mental changes you been through every character has a general human
behavior, and like humans every character may decide
they like a person from any metatype just "because", every person has
"quirks", little sparks of originality that forms the best of us,
So no matter what, maybe there's this little dwarf female just madly in
love with the BB Troll because of his way of doin' stuff or because
they have similar tastes on music and/or weapons, we can't say that an
individual from any metatype is "generally inclined" to anything,
maybe dwarfs and orks prefer to live underground 'cause their new vision
is hampered with sun-light, so actually i prefer to leave this kind of details
apart, Harlequin is right in a couple of things though, people who change
physically is never the same mentally or emotionally than before,
and if he/she was born into an specific metatype then his/her behavior is
more learned than controlled by his/her "urges".
And remember one lil'detail, our players are humans, so there's a fat
chance that they might *know* how does a troll or an ork actually think,
we must be tolerant with those details and leave them to the char, maybe he
will like or even despise the others who share his/her metatype!
Sonnik from "The New Runners Society"
(apply within) ;)