From: | "Damion Milliken" <dam01@***> |
Subject: | Low Powered Character Creation |
Date: | Mon, 10 Jun 1996 22:40:45 +1000 (EST) |
variant Super Tuesday, Casualties of War scenario - it was much
appreciated. I'll probably run a mini bug breakout in the UCAS sector of
the downtown area of Denver - that has about the same atmosphere as Hell on
Now for my newest request. I'm going to be starting up a new game next
session, and I was wanting to start it off at a low power level. You know,
a game where the PC's are just hitting the big time, where the characters are
gang members, uni computer/magic degree dropouts, AWOL army privates,
ex-Lone Star police academy dropouts and so on. To facilitate this, I'm
going to down-scale the character creation table as it is in SRII. To me
this table represents experienced runners, who have knowledge of the field,
equipment, training and contacts. So, what I'm looking for is sugesstions
on balancing the down-scaling of the table in order to still keep it fair.
Here's the table as it is taken directly from the SRII book:
Priority Race Magic Attributes Skills Resources
A Meta Magician 30 40 1,000,000/50
B Meta Adept 24 30 400,000/35
C Meta - 20 24 90,000/25
D Human - 17 20 5,000/15
E Human - 15 17 500/5
(I've included the modifications for the "More Metahumans" rule - hey, I
think metahumans are *cool*.)
Here's what I've decided upon as a base:
Priority Race Magic Attributes Skills Resources
A Meta Magician 24 30 100,000/22
B Meta Adept 19 24 40,000/16
C Human - 16 20 9,000/12
D Human - 14 17 500/8
E Human - 13 15 50/4
Now, I can make a couple of observations about this kind of a setup. Namely
that it encourages the choice of metahumans and magically active characters
(particularily physical adepts). The "gain" to be had from chosing a
metahuman or a magical character is greater than the "gain" to be had for
placing the A or B priority on something else. A similar problem exists
with the skills/attributes vs the resources. The skills and attributes
present more "gain" than the resources do (at least when compared to the
original character creation table). The likely end result of this is that
I'll see a lot of metahuman and magician characters, and that nobody will
have decent resources. I can live with the latter, but the former may pose
a little problem, however I guess I could live with it.
OTOH, if one just does a straight out comparison between the categories in
my new table, then it can be seen that by choosing a higher resources one
can gain many times more nuyen as compared to the "gain" to be had by
choosing a higher attributes or skill category. So that might even the
resources-skills/attributes inbalance up. However, the problem of a
dominance of magical types still remains. I guess I'll just have to live
with it.
Naturally enough, in addition to down scaling the character creation table, I
shall be closely monitoring the gear (cyber/foci/guns/etc), spells and
contacts that I will allow to be chosen.
I'd like the views of anyone who has done a similar thing themselves, or who
has suggestions and ideas for a good way to go about doing such a thing.
Damion Milliken University of Wollongong E-mail: dam01@***
Version: 3.1
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