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Message no. 1
From: Mongoose <evamarie@**********.NET>
Subject: Maglock secuity [was : Smartgun Links (pt 1)]
Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 13:39:12 -0700
:>(Tangent time. Here's a sick thought: put a layer of data
:>encryption atop a maglock system.)

That would make it a higher rating maglock, if that? I mean, how does
magloc security work? It basically requires the card to have an (xbit)
password. Most times, for good security, that "password" will be random.
Encrypting that password makes it no harder to guess the apropriate
(encrypted) sequence, unless you actually increase lenght (which true
encryption need not do- it useually removes reduncy for security,

:That's nothing ... you want sick ... tack on psychotropic black IC and/or
:a BTL ... now THAT'S evil! :)

Who jacks into a maglock? Or do you mean on the matriux controls;
that would just be specialized (and pricey) matix IC. HMM- could you put
that sort of thing in special areas of a rigger CCSS net? Maybe,
persuming the rigger had no normal acsess to them- but then, how would an

Damn, I'm just an EGM wet blanket today, ain't I?

Message no. 2
From: "D. Ghost" <dghost@****.COM>
Subject: Re: Maglock secuity [was : Smartgun Links (pt 1)]
Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 21:12:26 -0500
On Mon, 14 Sep 1998 13:39:12 -0700 Mongoose <evamarie@**********.net>
>:That's nothing ... you want sick ... tack on psychotropic black IC
>:a BTL ... now THAT'S evil! :)

> Who jacks into a maglock? Or do you mean on the matriux controls;
>that would just be specialized (and pricey) matix IC. HMM- could you
>that sort of thing in special areas of a rigger CCSS net? Maybe,
>persuming the rigger had no normal acsess to them- but then, how would
> Damn, I'm just an EGM wet blanket today, ain't I?

No ... you misunderstood. I meant route IC and/or BTLs through the
smartlink ... it'd take a bit of modification but smartlinks ARE simsense
devices ...

Just imagine ... Runner runs out of ammo and picks up guard's gun ...
guard's gun detects the intruder and kicks in the Psychotropic ("Defend
Corp Interests") Black IC ... Runner fails to resist it and statrs
shooting at teammates ... gotta love it!

D. Ghost
(aka Pixel, Tantrum, RuPixel)
o/` I traded my Flesh for a Fantasy and now my truck broke down, my wife
left me, and my dog died o/` -- Billy Idol, Jr. Rock Country Singer

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Message no. 3
From: Steadfast <laughingman@*******.DE>
Subject: Re: Maglock secuity [was : Smartgun Links (pt 1)]
Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1998 04:29:50 +0200
And so it came to happen that D. Ghost wrote:

...> I meant route IC and/or BTLs through the
> smartlink ... it'd take a bit of modification but smartlinks ARE simsense
> devices ...

I agree. But only to a certain point are they simsense device. They're said
to use a feedback loop circuitry (what ever that technobabel should mean
;o)). You can say thats something like simsense.

> Just imagine ... Runner runs out of ammo and picks up guard's gun ...
> guard's gun detects the intruder and kicks in the Psychotropic ("Defend
> Corp Interests") Black IC ... Runner fails to resist it and statrs
> shooting at teammates ... gotta love it!
> D. Ghost

Let's just say the Psychtropic kicks in and the dot on the retina of the
jumps up and down all the time he targets a Corp-boy. Maybe I would allow
a bounce that reasembles the Corp-Logo, but only after a sucsessfull
Int-Check TN 5 (Etiquette: Corp does do as complemantary in this case).

to be "human" is not a state of living
I want to achieve.

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Maglock secuity [was : Smartgun Links (pt 1)], you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.