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Message no. 1
From: Stuart Marsh <sam10@***.AC.UK>
Subject: Magnification
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 1995 12:40:29 +0000
Are all you GM's getting just annoyed when your players use that nifty
eye magnification to shoot the tail of a mouse at a couple of klicks with that
assult rifle well heres something to consider..

Remember boys and girls that changing the magnification takes a free action, and
you only get one free action per phase, unless you start trading in simple
actions. Free action: Activate Cyberware. Well this means that the runner
could get caught out if they have there mag activated at long rand and then try
to shoot some one a short range, the ultimate case of long sightedness.

I suggest the following for every range shift i.e short-medium is 1 then thereis
a +2 to hit something at closer range

This isn't to clear so heres an example

Cinder the Street sam sorcerer with optical mag 3 in his cyber eyes spots some
goons at long range and some bods at short range so he spends his first free
action to magnify the goons at long range and then takes one simple action
to shoot one.
He then decides to shoot a bod a short range Now remember his maagnification
is set to long so thats a 2 range catagry differece so he gets a 2x +2= +4
to his target number.

So there are all manner of ways to make the players be more carefull when using
op mag, and remember while changeing there mag they can't Talk eject clips or
do any other free action

At the moment I am trying to stop the players have long discutions about tactics
in the middle of combat.

Cinder, The man with the Force 10 Fire ball force 6 fire ball focus and a hot
Message no. 2
From: Damion Milliken <adm82@***.EDU.AU>
Subject: Re: Magnification
Date: Sat, 11 Mar 1995 00:08:52 +1000
Stuart Marsh writes:

[Good rules for magnification scopes]

I like them, well done.

> At the moment I am trying to stop the players have long discutions about
> tactics in the middle of combat.

This is a problem with almost every RPG. One needs really good _role-players_
to get around this. I have given up, it is almost impossible to stop players
discussing things when they shouldn't. One could do things like deduct karma
or the like, but that would only "force them underground", and if they
really wanted to they'd do it without your knowledge anyway. I think if they
wish to have detailed discussions, then at least you might as well set it up
so that you are privy to their discussion, by not doing something like
deducting karma or the like.

Damion Milliken University of Wollongong E-mail: adm82@***

(GEEK CODE 2.1) GE -d+@ H s++:-- !g p0 !au a18 w+ v(?) C++ US++>+++ P+ L !3
E? N K- W M@ !V po@ Y+ t+ 5 !j R+(++) G(+)('''') !tv(--@)
b++ D B? e+ u@ h* f+ !r n----(--)@ !y+
Message no. 3
From: Robert Watkins <bob@**.NTU.EDU.AU>
Subject: Re: Magnification
Date: Sat, 11 Mar 1995 01:34:56 +0930
Damion Milliken wrote:
> Stuart Marsh writes:
> [Good rules for magnification scopes]
> I like them, well done.
> > At the moment I am trying to stop the players have long discutions about
> > tactics in the middle of combat.
> This is a problem with almost every RPG. One needs really good _role-players_
> to get around this. I have given up, it is almost impossible to stop players
> discussing things when they shouldn't. One could do things like deduct karma
> or the like, but that would only "force them underground", and if they
> really wanted to they'd do it without your knowledge anyway. I think if they
> wish to have detailed discussions, then at least you might as well set it up
> so that you are privy to their discussion, by not doing something like
> deducting karma or the like.

I tend to do it by either not letting them talk, or using their discussion
as if the NPCs know about it. Combats tend to be fairly focussed, anyway...
they might talk during the start, but that's about it. All the real talking
tends to be me, repeating over and over again where people are... (makes me
wish I had DMZ, at times)

Robert Watkins bob@**
Real Programmers never work 9 to 5. If any real programmers
are around at 9 am, it's because they were up all night.
Finger me for my geek code
Message no. 4
From: Lort Gob <teunissen@***.NL>
Subject: Magnification
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 21:08:00 +0100
Hy all,

I've come up with a question...( Who doesn't ? )
In the Shadowrun Sourcebook ( or whatever ) I find
at page 240 under Imaging Scopes the fine option:
MAGNIFICATION. Well, I understand what it does,
magnifying ( now that's obvious ).
But I can't find anything on it in the book....
What I don't get is:
- How many times does it magnify?
- What's the difference between option 1,2 or 3 ?
Does it just magnifies 3 times greater for option 3 ?
- What does it in game terms ?


Lort Gob
UIN: 4812743
Message no. 5
From: Mon goose <landsquid@*******.COM>
Subject: Re: Magnification
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 12:55:47 PST
>Hy all,
>I've come up with a question...( Who doesn't ? )
>In the Shadowrun Sourcebook ( or whatever ) I find
>at page 240 under Imaging Scopes the fine option:
>MAGNIFICATION. Well, I understand what it does,
>magnifying ( now that's obvious ).
>But I can't find anything on it in the book....
>What I don't get is:
>- How many times does it magnify?
>- What's the difference between option 1,2 or 3 ?
>Does it just magnifies 3 times greater for option 3 ?

Well, those are all "roleplay" issues, but Id say the high ratings are
bigger (notice they are heavier and cause more concealability loss), so
they have clearer sights (larger objectivs), and maybe somewhat more
powerful magnification. They cost and weigh more, so they are proabably
also higher quality optics and alignment. Maginification is not the
sole bonus of using a good scope!

>- What does it in game terms ?

In game terms, it reduces the range catagory for ranged combat tests by
its rating. So a rating 3 scope makes everything close range (tn 4)!
Note that they DON'T work with smartlinks, but can with lazer sights (if
the lazers range is long enough).

Eye magnification has the same effect and limitations.

Electronic eye magnification doen't give very good imaging for camera
shots and making out detail, so if you give perception bonuses to
surveilence for binocs and such, it won't help.

Get Your Private, Free Email at
Message no. 6
From: David Buehrer <dbuehrer@******.CARL.ORG>
Subject: Re: Magnification
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 14:00:35 -0700
Lort Gob wrote:
/ Hy all,
/ I've come up with a question...( Who doesn't ? )
/ In the Shadowrun Sourcebook ( or whatever ) I find
/ at page 240 under Imaging Scopes the fine option:
/ MAGNIFICATION. Well, I understand what it does,
/ magnifying ( now that's obvious ).
/ But I can't find anything on it in the book....
/ What I don't get is:
/ - How many times does it magnify?
/ - What's the difference between option 1,2 or 3 ?
/ Does it just magnifies 3 times greater for option 3 ?
/ - What does it in game terms ?

The number (1,2, or 3) is the rating of the scope. What this means
in game terms is how the range of the weapon is affected. When using
the scope decrease the range a number of levels equal to it's
rating. So, a rating 1 scope reduces the range by one (from Medium
to Short, for example) in regards to the base target number.

The actual magnification is hard to pin down, because the rating
applies to any weapon it's on. So a rating one scope on an LMG has a
hell of magnification, but the same scope on a pistol doesn't
<shrug>. It's an inconsistency that a lot of people have house rules

"By the way, this may look like a slab of liver
but it's an external brain pack."
- Ratbert
Message no. 7
From: Lort Gob <teunissen@***.NL>
Subject: Re: Magnification
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 22:14:54 +0100
>>- What does it in game terms ?
>In game terms, it reduces the range catagory for ranged combat tests by
>its rating. So a rating 3 scope makes everything close range (tn 4)!
>Note that they DON'T work with smartlinks, but can with lazer sights (if
>the lazers range is long enough).
>Eye magnification has the same effect and limitations.
>Electronic eye magnification doen't give very good imaging for camera
>shots and making out detail, so if you give perception bonuses to
>surveilence for binocs and such, it won't help.

Hmmm, do they work with Cybereyes that have Magnification ?
Message no. 8
From: Brett Borger <bxb121@***.EDU>
Subject: Re: Magnification
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 16:39:01 EST
> I've come up with a question...( Who doesn't ? )
> In the Shadowrun Sourcebook ( or whatever ) I find
> at page 240 under Imaging Scopes the fine option:
> MAGNIFICATION. Well, I understand what it does,
> magnifying ( now that's obvious ).
> But I can't find anything on it in the book....
> What I don't get is:
> - How many times does it magnify?
> - What's the difference between option 1,2 or 3 ?
> Does it just magnifies 3 times greater for option 3 ?
> - What does it in game terms ?

I don't have the book to quite you pages, but:

When using firearm ranges, you have short, medium, long and extreme
range. (call them 1,2,3,and 4). Subtract the level of the scope you
are using to find which range's target number you use (you can't get
better than short range).

Example: I (Long Range) fire a rifle using a Scope 1. My target is
5, the target for a medium range.

Message no. 9
From: David Buehrer <dbuehrer@******.CARL.ORG>
Subject: Re: Magnification
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 15:52:37 -0700
Lort Gob wrote:
[snip: question about scope ratings]
/ >>- What does it in game terms ?
/ >
/ >In game terms, it reduces the range catagory for ranged combat tests by
/ >its rating. So a rating 3 scope makes everything close range (tn 4)!
/ >Note that they DON'T work with smartlinks, but can with lazer sights (if
/ >the lazers range is long enough).
/ >
/ >Eye magnification has the same effect and limitations.
/ >
/ >Electronic eye magnification doen't give very good imaging for camera
/ >shots and making out detail, so if you give perception bonuses to
/ >surveilence for binocs and such, it won't help.
/ Hmmm, do they work with Cybereyes that have Magnification ?

FWIW, I don't allow eye magnification to be applied to ranged
combat. Go to a firing range with a pair of binoculars and a
pistol. While looking through the binoculars try to shoot at your
target. You'll be able to see the target just fine but you won't be
able to see the pistol very well, let alone the pistol's sites, and
you won't be able to line the pistol up on the target. I feel the
same thing would happen with eye magnification.

"By the way, this may look like a slab of liver
but it's an external brain pack."
- Ratbert
Message no. 10
From: "Paul J. Adam" <shadowrn@********.DEMON.CO.UK>
Subject: Re: Magnification
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 00:04:32 +0000
In article <199802112252.PAA21668@******>, David Buehrer
<dbuehrer@******.CARL.ORG> writes
>FWIW, I don't allow eye magnification to be applied to ranged
>combat. Go to a firing range with a pair of binoculars and a
>pistol. While looking through the binoculars try to shoot at your
>target. You'll be able to see the target just fine but you won't be
>able to see the pistol very well, let alone the pistol's sites, and
>you won't be able to line the pistol up on the target. I feel the
>same thing would happen with eye magnification.

On the other hand, if your aiming mark is projected into your
(magnified) vision and compensates for the magnification, then it's
basically a telescopic scope. (With the same problems of lost peripheral

I do allow Smartlinks and magnification to work together, but it does
leave you with severe tunnel vision, and penalties (I use +(Rating) ) to
any tests involving your peripheral vision.

There are four kinds of homicide: felonious, excusable, justifiable and

Paul J. Adam paul@********
Message no. 11
From: Czar Eggbert <czregbrt@*********.EDU>
Subject: Re: Magnification
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 04:33:31 -0600
On Wed, 11 Feb 1998, David Buehrer wrote:

> FWIW, I don't allow eye magnification to be applied to ranged
> combat. Go to a firing range with a pair of binoculars and a
> pistol. While looking through the binoculars try to shoot at your
> target. You'll be able to see the target just fine but you won't be
> able to see the pistol very well, let alone the pistol's sites, and
> you won't be able to line the pistol up on the target. I feel the
> same thing would happen with eye magnification.

I agree, but I would allow it with a SmartGun Link. As I see it with the
SGL you dont need the sights. Also I would multiply the base modifer for
moving targets by the level of image mag.


Czar Eggbert
Ruler, Dark Side of the Moon.
"Considering my last relationship, I'd rather have the extra rib."
"I'll need morphine, lots of it, and a pistol."
-The English Patient
Message no. 12
From: Gurth <gurth@******.NL>
Subject: Re: Magnification
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 12:02:34 +0100
Lort Gob said on 21:08/11 Feb 98...

> What I don't get is:
> - How many times does it magnify?

That's not mentioned anywhere.

> - What's the difference between option 1,2 or 3 ?
> Does it just magnifies 3 times greater for option 3 ?

The higher the number, the higher the magnification, siple. Since exact
factors aren't given, all you really need to worry about is that leel 1 is
less powerful that level 2, etc.

> - What does it in game terms ?

It reduces the range category by uts level: with a Level 2, Short, Medium,
and Long ranges all count as Short, and Extreme counts as Medium, for

However, my house rule is that magnification exttends range groups by its
level + 1, so if you have a heavy pistol (5/20/40/60 meters), with level 2
magnification that becomes 15/60/120/180 m.

Another house rule that can be used with either of the above methods is
that you need to spend a Simple Action to stabilize your weapon before you
get the scope's benefits.

Gurth@******.nl - - UIN5044116
That's just fine.
-> NERPS Project Leader & Unofficial Shadowrun Guru <-
-> The Plastic Warriors Page: <-
-> The New Character Mortuary: <-

Version 3.1:
GAT/! d-(dpu) s:- !a>? C+(++)@ U P L E? W(++) N o? K- w+ O V? PS+ PE
Y PGP- t(+) 5++ X++ R+++>$ tv+(++) b++@ DI? D+ G(++) e h! !r(---) y?
Message no. 13
From: NightRain <nightrain@***.BRISNET.ORG.AU>
Subject: Re: Magnification
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 15:07:01 +1000
-----Original Message-----
From: David Buehrer <dbuehrer@******.CARL.ORG>
>FWIW, I don't allow eye magnification to be applied to ranged
>combat. Go to a firing range with a pair of binoculars and a
>pistol. While looking through the binoculars try to shoot at your
>target. You'll be able to see the target just fine but you won't be
>able to see the pistol very well, let alone the pistol's sites, and
>you won't be able to line the pistol up on the target. I feel the
>same thing would happen with eye magnification.

Exactly the reason that I say that the gunner has to have an active
smartgun or a laser sight that reaches the target to use Vis Mag built into
the eyes. They get no bonus from the Smartgun or laser, they just get to
use their Vis Mag.


|The universe is a big place, and whatever happens, you will not be missed|

EMAIL : nightrain@***
: macey@***
ICQ : 2587947
Message no. 14
From: David Buehrer <dbuehrer@******.CARL.ORG>
Subject: Re: Magnification
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 07:46:22 -0700
Paul J. Adam wrote:
/ In article <199802112252.PAA21668@******>, David Buehrer
/ <dbuehrer@******.CARL.ORG> writes
/ >FWIW, I don't allow eye magnification to be applied to ranged
/ >combat. Go to a firing range with a pair of binoculars and a
/ >pistol. While looking through the binoculars try to shoot at your
/ >target. You'll be able to see the target just fine but you won't be
/ >able to see the pistol very well, let alone the pistol's sites, and
/ >you won't be able to line the pistol up on the target. I feel the
/ >same thing would happen with eye magnification.
/ On the other hand, if your aiming mark is projected into your
/ (magnified) vision and compensates for the magnification, then it's
/ basically a telescopic scope. (With the same problems of lost peripheral
/ vision...)
/ I do allow Smartlinks and magnification to work together, but it does
/ leave you with severe tunnel vision, and penalties (I use +(Rating) ) to
/ any tests involving your peripheral vision.

My only problem with that is: bringing the smartlink crosshairs into
your field of vision. Imagine looking at your target through a high
mag scope and trying to bring the dot from a laser sight into your
field of vision. It isn't going to be easy.

On the other hand I've got no problem if a smartlinked PC aquires his
target with normal vision and lines up the crosshairs (spending a
simple action) and then steps up the magnification (free action)
before firing to get the rating bonus from the scope. Then on the
next phase he could spend a free action to step the magnification
back down and be ready to do it again on his next action phase.

"By the way, this may look like a slab of liver
but it's an external brain pack."
- Ratbert
Message no. 15
From: Da Twink Daddy <twinkie@*******.DMSC.K12.AR.US>
Subject: Re: Magnification
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 10:09:42 -0600
-----Original Message-----
From: Mon goose <landsquid@*******.COM>

>In game terms, it reduces the range catagory for ranged combat tests by
>its rating. So a rating 3 scope makes everything close range (tn 4)!
>Note that they DON'T work with smartlinks, but can with lazer sights (if
>the lazers range is long enough).

I realize the Scopes don't work with smartlinks, but are you talking about
cybereyes and internal smartlinks too? I would think they would mesh well.

Cyber-Eyes: Low-Light, Thermo, Ultra-Sound, Flare Comp, Optical Mag 3, and
Cyber-Ears: High Freq., Low Freq., select Sound lv 5, Balance Augmentation,
Amplifier (did I just make this up, I don't have the books with me) and

This Ultimate Reporter.... Take out a little, (maybe the camera and some of
the ear stuff and a smart link.... hehehehehehhehe).

Da Twink Daddy ( twinkie@******* gilmeth@*********.com
"I need to discuss BUY-BACK PROVISIONS with at least six studio
SLEAZEBALLS!!" --Zippy the Pinhead
Message no. 16
From: Da Twink Daddy <twinkie@*******.DMSC.K12.AR.US>
Subject: Re: Magnification
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 10:04:42 -0600
-----Original Message-----
From: David Buehrer <dbuehrer@******.CARL.ORG>

>FWIW, I don't allow eye magnification to be applied to ranged
>combat. Go to a firing range with a pair of binoculars and a
>pistol. While looking through the binoculars try to shoot at your
>target. You'll be able to see the target just fine but you won't be
>able to see the pistol very well, let alone the pistol's sites, and
>you won't be able to line the pistol up on the target. I feel the
>same thing would happen with eye magnification.

Ah, but that's because of the length/bulkyness of the goggles/binoculars,
what about cybereyes? BTW, I wouldn't allow it with goggles of binoc's
either, unless they had a DAMN good reason, remember is SR you aren't
assumed to aim, that's an entirly different action. I think you are always
"shooting from the hip" or somesuch nonsense.

Da Twink Daddy ( twinkie@******* gilmeth@*********.com
"I need to discuss BUY-BACK PROVISIONS with at least six studio
SLEAZEBALLS!!" --Zippy the Pinhead
Message no. 17
From: David Buehrer <dbuehrer@******.CARL.ORG>
Subject: Re: Magnification
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 09:31:11 -0700
Da Twink Daddy wrote:
/ -----Original Message-----
/ From: David Buehrer <dbuehrer@******.CARL.ORG>
/ >FWIW, I don't allow eye magnification to be applied to ranged
/ >combat. Go to a firing range with a pair of binoculars and a
/ >pistol. While looking through the binoculars try to shoot at your
/ >target. You'll be able to see the target just fine but you won't be
/ >able to see the pistol very well, let alone the pistol's sites, and
/ >you won't be able to line the pistol up on the target. I feel the
/ >same thing would happen with eye magnification.
/ Ah, but that's because of the length/bulkyness of the goggles/binoculars,
/ what about cybereyes?

What I meant is that the magnification alone would screw you up. You
wouldn't be able to see the pistol (it would be a blur), let alone
the gun sites. Cyber-magnification would do the same thing.

"By the way, this may look like a slab of liver
but it's an external brain pack."
- Ratbert
Message no. 18
From: Da Twink Daddy <twinkie@*******.DMSC.K12.AR.US>
Subject: Re: Magnification
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 11:58:34 -0600
-----Original Message-----
From: David Buehrer <dbuehrer@******.CARL.ORG>

>Da Twink Daddy wrote:
>/ -----Original Message-----
>/ From: David Buehrer <dbuehrer@******.CARL.ORG>
>/ >FWIW, I don't allow eye magnification to be applied to ranged
>/ >combat. Go to a firing range with a pair of binoculars and a
>/ >pistol. While looking through the binoculars try to shoot at your
>/ >target. You'll be able to see the target just fine but you won't be
>/ >able to see the pistol very well, let alone the pistol's sites, and
>/ >you won't be able to line the pistol up on the target. I feel the
>/ >same thing would happen with eye magnification.
>/ Ah, but that's because of the length/bulkyness of the goggles/binoculars,
>/ what about cybereyes?
>What I meant is that the magnification alone would screw you up. You
>wouldn't be able to see the pistol (it would be a blur), let alone
>the gun sites. Cyber-magnification would do the same thing.

Yes, put many of my PC's don't aim in the first place (Simple Action: Take
Aim). So They are "shooting from the hip" They're not looking at their gun,
they are "feeling" thier gun and looking at the target. It's not like they
are using a sniper rifle here.... I mean, yes It would be hard to actually
aim, but, I'm not seeing my players do that. As for the usaibility of laser
sights, IF the laser has the range I don't see it being that hard to follow.
And for smart links, those are cybernetically controlled so, there's no
increase in difficulty whether it's mag'd or not.

(Note: My best exeriance with guns is a crappy laser tag knock off. But, in
playing that game I "shoot from the hip" and don't have any porblems and
there I look at the target, I never really aim with the gun, I just feel it
from the way my hand the positioned.)

Da Twink Daddy ( twinkie@******* gilmeth@*********.com
"I need to discuss BUY-BACK PROVISIONS with at least six studio
SLEAZEBALLS!!" --Zippy the Pinhead
Message no. 19
From: Sean Martinez <el_bandit@****.COM>
Subject: Re: Magnification
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 14:08:35 -0500
On Thu, 12 Feb 1998 07:46:22 -0700 David Buehrer wrote

>My only problem with that is: bringing the smartlink crosshairs into
>your field of vision. Imagine looking at your target through a high
>mag scope and trying to bring the dot from a laser sight into your
>field of vision. It isn't going to be easy.

I have always thought of a smartlink as a little more advanced than just
a set of crosshairs. Smartlinks should overlay a sophisicated targeting
display on the cyber eye or retina, afterall the systems are fine tuned
enough to allow you to saftly shoot without hitting "friends."

Perhaps the Smartlink would display a arrow pointing in the direction you
should aim, which changes colors as you approach a "lock on". Though, I
imagine it would take practice.

I could see using a cybereye mags with the smartlink if this was the

OOC, what is FASA's offical answer?

-El Bandit

"....but in purple, I am stunning!"


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Message no. 20
From: Michael Vander Donk <mdonk@******.OZ.AU>
Subject: Re: Magnification
Date: Fri, 13 Feb 1998 11:46:35 +1100
Sean Martinez[SMTP:el_bandit@****.COM] wrote:
> On Thu, 12 Feb 1998 07:46:22 -0700 David Buehrer wrote
> >My only problem with that is: bringing the smartlink crosshairs into
> >your field of vision. Imagine looking at your target through a high
> >mag scope and trying to bring the dot from a laser sight into your
> >field of vision. It isn't going to be easy.
> I have always thought of a smartlink as a little more advanced than just
> a set of crosshairs. Smartlinks should overlay a sophisicated targeting
> display on the cyber eye or retina, afterall the systems are fine tuned
> enough to allow you to saftly shoot without hitting "friends."

Something has been bothering me .... Where does it say that you need to
zoom both eyes? Now in some situations it's going to be needed (casting
spells) but with most firearm usage, there is no real extra advantage in
zooming both (specially with a range finder...). It is essentially the
same as using a scoped rifle.
Yes it is possible to see using both at the same time (a little
difficult to start, but much easier with practice.)
So using this idea, you focus on the image in the left eye, wait till
the SL cross hairs are over the blob in the distance, then focus on the
right eye to fine tune the shot.
There are no rules to cover this ... ideas?

Another question to ask would be the zoom speed. Ie, how long it takes
to magnify from normal to full zoom. .1 seconds would be confusing if
not focused on a target, but then 1 second would be too slow.....
(essentially asking the added time to target, zoom, target, fire, as
apposed to target, fire...)


What's the difference between a duck? One of it's legs are both the
Message no. 21
From: Mon goose <landsquid@*******.COM>
Subject: Re: Magnification
Date: Fri, 13 Feb 1998 03:58:19 PST
> I could see using a cybereye mags with the smartlink if this was the
>OOC, what is FASA's offical answer?

The eye magnification description says it works just like a scope. That
means you can't use it and the bonus from a smartlink, or any other form
of scope or gogles. Thats the BBB answer.

I'm leaning towards letting people pull of "integrated cyber" effects by
using rating points from an I/O spu.

IMO, the magnification systems DON'T restrict feild of veiw- they are
higher resolution optics for the eyeball, or electronic simulations
thereof, not "zooms". Eagles and hawks see very well at long distance,
and have fine feild of view (although they can't focus near objects).
Eye mag would, however, be limited in depth of focus- thats unavoidable,
without limiting the apperature hugely. Although, using lowlight, doing
that could be easily practicle.

Mongoose / Technological progress is like an ax in the hands
of a psychotic - Einstein

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Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Magnification, you may also be interested in:


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