From: | Steadfast <laughingman@*******.DE> |
Subject: | Re: Magnification systems(long example) |
Date: | Fri, 11 Dec 1998 01:57:55 +0100 |
> Alright, how about this. Sam aims at goon number one who
> is north of him at extreme range. Then he want to shoot goon number
> two who is at long range due east of him. Assume he's using something
> with a decent range, say an assualt rifle. Now how does the actions
> break
> down? Current rules it takes two that doesn't make sense to me. Try
> rapidly changing your field of view with a pair of binoculars. So 4
> under
> your system. Not sure I like this. I'm thinking something like:
> 0 (Free action) Goes out to extreme range
> 1 (Simple action) Shoots.
> 2 (Simple Action) Find second guy
> 3 (Simple Action) Shoots.
> The problem comes in the 3rd line. To find the other guy I'd
> think he'd have to go back to no or minimal maginfication then refocus
> out to him. That'd really be two actions which may be two much. Maybe
> make 'snapping back' to normal range cost nothing? It'd make sense,
> since a rapid return would be highly desirable if somebody engages
> in melee or even short range firearms combat. Wouldn't slow down
> Sam's alot, they could always attack 1 person at whatever range with
> no mods an action but would make it so it's not always short range.
> Hmm.....comments?
In the above example Sam could only shoot at the second guy in his next
Initiative Pass. And for that I'll give an example (based on the above
and on the Canon Rules as I understand them). Correct me if I am wrong.
Character Initiative Pass 1 Pass 2 Pass 3
Sam 21 21 11 1
Guy 1 11 11 1 -
Guy 2 15 15 5 -
Sam Knows at the start of the Combat that Guy 1 is at extreme Range
north of him. He knows that another guy is located somewhere on the area
but not exactly where. His EyeMag III is set to normal vision aka no
Magnification. Guy 1 and 2 both know where Sam is.
Pass 1:
Starting in Combat Phase 21 Sam is first
-Sam adjusts his EyeMag III to extreme Range (free action, activating
/using cyberware)
-Sam shoots Guy 1 and kills him with one lucky shot (simple action,
firing weapon in SS/SA or B mode)
-Sam now wants to find Thread number two to his life, Guy 2. He scans
the area detailed to get a clue where Guy 2 is situated and he finds
him although his vision is a bit blurred due to overmagnification
(simple action, making a detailed perception test)
Now Guy 2 makes his move in Combat Phase 15
-Sam declares free action in this Phase, declaring that he adjusts his
EyeMag III two the range that Guy 2 is. This Free action takes place
after Guy 2 has done his actions (declaring free actions in Combat
Phases other then your own)
-Guy 2 Shoots two Bursts at Sam, riddling him with tiny little holes
(2 simple actions, firing in B mode)
-Guy 2 falls prone behind his Cover and vanishes from the Vision of Sam
(free action, falling prone)
As Guy 1 is already quite out of the Game he lost his Combat Phase.
Yes, realy.
Pass 2:
Starting in Combat Phase 11 Sam is first
-Sam swears and screams "Arh, Yar Bastard I'll... " (free action,
speaking one word and 2 free actions speaking four words[converted
simple action])
-Sam fires blindly through the cover to hit his oponnet.
Now Guy 2 makes his move in Combat Phase 5
-Sam declares free action, speaking a word "...get..."
-Guy 2 declares that he delays his action
Pass 3:
Sam is first in Combat Phase 1
-Sam speaks a word "...Ya!" (free action, speaking a word)
-Sam switches to "peace" on his trusted AK and opens fire blindly,
killing through sheer luck and loads of Karma Guy 2 (Complex
action, firing a weapon in FA mode)
Hope it helps. Thats the way it goes in my rounds.
---> Steadfast...Selfproclaimed Protector of Gerber BABY's
Surfin' through the 'trix is
not like dustin crops boy!
Uh, 089 of 200 it states in Gerber BABY...