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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: Jordan findlerman@*****.com
Subject: MC23's forwards
Date: Wed, 3 Feb 1999 12:22:33 -0800 (PST)
Hey, MC23, (at least i think that was who sent it)
Yesterday, you had a forward advertisingthousands in cash, and a free
trip to disney world. Do you (or anyone else) have that still? I
deleted that one, because I needed to clean out my in-box anyways,
then got another copy later. I 'reply all'-ed to that one, saying
something akin to 'Get a Freaking Life, and NEVER send one of these to
me again,' albiet, a bit watered down. Then i deleted it again. Then
i realised that I have a friend who works for Disney Corp. If anyone
still has a copy out there, send it to me, or the list....i really
want to check this one out.


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Message no. 2
From: Joshua Mumme Grimlakin@**********.com
Subject: MC23's forwards
Date: Wed, 03 Feb 1999 14:40:51 -0600
Jordan wrote:

> Hey, MC23, (at least i think that was who sent it)
> Yesterday, you had a forward advertisingthousands in cash, and a free
> trip to disney world. Do you (or anyone else) have that still? I
> deleted that one, because I needed to clean out my in-box anyways,
> then got another copy later. I 'reply all'-ed to that one, saying
> something akin to 'Get a Freaking Life, and NEVER send one of these to
> me again,' albiet, a bit watered down. Then i deleted it again. Then
> i realised that I have a friend who works for Disney Corp. If anyone
> still has a copy out there, send it to me, or the list....i really
> want to check this one out.
> Thanks,

You are kidding.... RIGHT?

Message no. 3
From: Jordan findlerman@*****.com
Subject: MC23's forwards
Date: Wed, 3 Feb 1999 12:49:35 -0800 (PST)
> You are kidding.... RIGHT?

'Fraid not. Though it's not because I want to go to disney world....i
still haven't recovered from my last trip. In the above mentioned re:
to the entire list of people my 'friend' mail it to, somebody was
foolish enough to allow for the possibility for it to be *real and
genuine.* Then, he became beligerant when I said 'Are you NUTS?!?'
and send him a line-by-line of why it would be SOOOO dumb to believe
in such a thing. So, it came down to 'prove it doesn't exist.' So, I
said I'd check with my Disney Contact. (Who says contacts like this
can't come in useful?) But, I'd like to have the actualy e-mail
before I query him.

Get your free @*****.com address at
Message no. 4
From: MC23 mc23@**********.com
Subject: MC23's forwards
Date: Wed, 3 Feb 99 23:50:31 -0500
Once upon a time, Jordan wrote;

>Hey, MC23, (at least i think that was who sent it)
>Yesterday, you had a forward advertisingthousands in cash, and a free
>trip to disney world. Do you (or anyone else) have that still? I
>deleted that one, because I needed to clean out my in-box anyways,
>then got another copy later. I 'reply all'-ed to that one, saying
>something akin to 'Get a Freaking Life, and NEVER send one of these to
>me again,' albiet, a bit watered down. Then i deleted it again. Then
>i realised that I have a friend who works for Disney Corp. If anyone
>still has a copy out there, send it to me, or the list....i really
>want to check this one out.

The one I sent was a parody of alot of the current urban myths. I kept
that one just for the last line, "The Y1K problem caused the Dark Ages".


Ancient cultures believed that names held great power, personal names
more so and they were guarded very closely. To protect themselves, they
answered to another name, because if another discovered their real name,
it could be used against them.
History repeats itself.
Welcome to the Digital Age.
I am MC23

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about MC23's forwards, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.