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Message no. 1
From: HHackerH@***.com HHackerH@***.com
Subject: Metaviral Dynamics (Re: If I cut your arm, will it grow back?)
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 08:19:57 EST
In a message dated 3/27/00 8:06:27 AM US Eastern Standard Time,
Airwisp@***.com writes:

> > Magically killing all the viruses wouldn't guarrantee immunity either,
> (Even
> > before the transformation was complete), because the body had to have
> > ability to create its own antibodies against the virus.
> I like what you are saying, so if someone is infected and the virus is
> magically killed off, it may have a chance of coming back again, if I
> understand you correctly. IYO, would you give someone like this the flaw
> "Borrowed Time" except that instead of Death happening in the end, the pc/
> npc
> will need to make another resistance test against the HMHVV to try and
> it out or succumb and join the ranks of the legions of the undead?

Actually, I would have given this one the Flaw of "Lowered Resistance"
(Reduced Immunity, or whatever you'd call it). You literally are more
susceptible to the reapplication or reinfestation of the HMHVV should you
manage to at least initially shrug it off (again, this would be an
interesting twist applied to "Ghoul Viral Dynamics").

> Would additional "magical-killings" of the disease have a shorter period
> than
> the first before the pc/npc would need to make another resistance test too?

You mean that if you used an application of a "Viral Cleansing" spell, would
each application after the first couple become more increasingly necessary?
Kind of how a person adapts (builds up a resistance) to some medications they
take over prolonged periods of time???

Hmmm ... part of me wants to say "No" initially to this one based on the idea
that "Magic" is ever adaptive. However, I can see a wide variety of game
plots this could also help to spawn out. Drag in all sorts of individuals,
ranging from Universal Omnitech and Yamatetsu as they struggle to retain
their selective edges in the medical field. Could also be a neat variation
on a "Vampire Scourge" that could be unleashed upon a community of "X"
(based upon GM/Group choice of course) where a "cure" would have to be found
which means finding the original host-carrier of this particular "strain" of
the virus. Lots of ideas ... going to have think about this one ...

-"Just a Bastard"
-Hoosier Hacker House
"Children of the Kernel"

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Metaviral Dynamics (Re: If I cut your arm, will it grow back?), you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.