From: | The Deb Decker <RJR96326@****.UTULSA.EDU> |
Subject: | Money |
Date: | Fri, 10 Sep 1993 01:29:22 -0500 |
>goverment to print money. I don't know if this applies to the UCAS, but I
>would think it would. Corporate Scrips is allowed in the USA, but only for use
>inside of a company.
Well, that controls who prints it. Use is another matter. For instance, when
I lived in Germany there were many German stores, proportional to the distance
from American posts, that would accept US dollars. If you say corporat
sovreignty is akin to national sovreignty as fAr as rights and priviliges go,
I think the analogy holds.
>Secondly, you don't want people outside of the corporation using your scrip
>because it cost you money! As you said the company charges twice the cost of
>production in scrip while it charges three times the cost of production in
>regular money types. If you let people outside of the corp use scrip you are
>in effect giving them the 33% discount you give corp employees who are given
>Corp Scrip instead of cash discounts. Make those people outside of the
>corp pay in gold, which money stands in for.
Well, that's true. If Alex walks across the street to Ben's store and Ben
accepts Alez's corps scrip, Ben can then spend the scrip on those discounted
prices. Does the corp care? No, because the amount of money in circulation
hasn't changed. If they want to give the discount to employees only, they
will restrict access to the store or require corp ID, rather than regulate
it through money. Of course, Ben can also exchange the corp scrip for regular
cash if he doesn't want to shop at the corp.
As for gold, I was told that we were now off the gold standard. The only thing
that makes a dollar valuable is, to use hyperbole, the faith in America. We're
all pretty confident that any given store we enter in the US will accept
greenbacks. If, for some reason, they weren't (runaway inflation, for example)
the problem would be exacerbated and the dollar would continue to dwindle
in purchasing power. There is not enough gold to honor every buck-we just
have a strong enough economy that it doesn't matter.
\ I / J Roberson
- 0 - "Women are from Venus. Men are from Mars.
/ I \ Me? I'm from Earth."
+ --Me, except I'm sure someone else thought of it, too.