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Message no. 1
Subject: Neural tissue re-itterated...
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 93 01:59:44 CET
>>>>>[I think that my point was misunderstood. If eyes, or even the nerve
endings in your hands, are all made out of neural tissue and then it is
feasable to be able to make the brain also. This is the genral idea that
I get from Archangels'POV. My rational for the passage (on p.250 of SR2)
that basically says that neural tissue cannot be cloned is that the COMPLEXITY
of nerve-endings and eyes is within SR tech but the brain is still too
complicated. I'm sorry if I stated this badly in my earlier post.
Archangel: isn't "flameing BurnouT" just a little obnoxus? A well placed
THWAP would have been a better well as more in the
spirit of this discussion board.]<<<<<
-BurnouT <15:59:38/17-02-54>
Message no. 2
From: Stainless Steel Rat <ratinox@******.COE.NORTHEASTERN.EDU>
Subject: Re: Neural tissue re-itterated...
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 93 04:30:55 CET
>>>>> On Thu, 18 Feb 93 01:59:44 CET, "I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY...IT'S
>>>>> said:

Burnout>>>>>[I think that my point was misunderstood. If eyes, or even the
Burnout> nerve endings in your hands, are all made out of neural tissue and
Burnout> then it is feasable to be able to make the brain also. This is
Burnout> the genral idea that I get from Archangels'POV. My rational for
Burnout> the passage (on p.250 of SR2) that basically says that neural
Burnout> tissue cannot be cloned is that the COMPLEXITY of nerve-endings
Burnout> and eyes is within SR tech but the brain is still too complicated.

This makes sense. There are a number of things Tom Dowd does *not* want to
be in the official Shadowrun universe. Among these are true Artificial
Intelligences and clones. Unfortunately, when they say something like
"clones are not viable" then come out with something like Shadowtech, it
seriously muddies the issue.

--Rat PGP Public Key Block available upon request
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Northeastern's Stainless Steel Rat ratinox@******
It can be shown that for any nutty theory, beyond-the-fringe political view or
strange religion there exists a proponent on the Net. The proof is left as an
exercise for your kill-file. --d9bertil@**** (Bertil Jonell)
Message no. 3
From: Chris Davies <rdac005@****.AC.UK>
Subject: Re: Neural tissue re-itterated...
Date: Fri, 19 Feb 93 10:29:38 GMT
Would it no be easier to view this as the fact the it is possible to
clone neural tissue but is is not bossible to build a brain becuase it
is not possible to force the correct connectivity into the cell that
are cloned. This allows work with simple nerves cells but not with
complex structures.
Only a sugestion

--Snake over Dragon <16:44:42/17-02-54>

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Neural tissue re-itterated..., you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.