From: | shadowrn@*********.com (Mark M. Smith) |
Subject: | Observation Resolution (was "Here's an idea that will speed up |
Date: | Tue Feb 12 11:10:01 2002 |
>But if you do that, you get characters who'll observe first but only be told
>what's there _after_ taking their other action...? I suppose this is fine if
>you have a character who fires an APDS round followed by an explosive round
>from his gun, but you resolve the explosive first anyway :)
>My house isn't intended to allow characters to be shot at in the Combat
>Phase in which they themselves have an action (as I think you read it) but
>rather to force them to wait, and thereby give the opposition a chance to
>act _after_ a character storms into a new situation -- and immediately
>removes any possible threat in the same Combat Phase.
>(I know the opposition could delay their actions and be ready, but it's just
>not believable that, whatever the situation, the PCs opponents have ready
>actions. IMHO, it _is_ realistic to assume a character needs a few seconds to
>take in the situation, and be open to counterattacks while doing that.)
Well, to take the original situation and place it within the confines of an
Player 1 rounds the corner and sees 5 guys in various forms of clothing and
armor mixed and matched and put together rather haphazardly. Each of them
carries a heavy pistol or SMG and given that they're that sort of people
combat begins and we go to initiative. Now the player doesn't want to just
open fire on some random people so he tries to see if he can observe any
gang colors on them, assuming he does he's going to open fire.
Possibility 1:
The player observes and makes his roll, the GM tells him that yeah he's
facing down the Foos and he uses his other simple action to shoot them.
Possibility 2:
The player declares his two actions for the turn. The GM then has him roll
observe and tells him what he notices after he's already decided what to
do. He could either shoot first while observing, shoot twice, or observe
and delay action (well, I mean, I guess he could also use a complex action
to call his wife and remind her to go to the bank and pick up the dry
cleaning, but this is a bit more unlikely).
The player decides to look as well as shoot just in case. He peeks out from
some light cover and screaming (his free action) "PLATYPI ARE OUR
FRIENDS!!!" (strange one that... too much headware) he lets loose with a
burst from his *overpowered SMG* as he checks out his targets in greater
detail. As he fills them with his hot, manly lead he finds that - oh no! -
he's just shot up the Little Old Ladies! The gang composed entirely of nice
old woman and devoted to giving out cookies and milk around the 'plex.
Their cats kill him in the next round and it isn't pretty.
As such the player doesn't receive any particular advantage in observing
before shooting without making observe in detail a complex action. Of
course... they do have the consequences of shooting first still.
Version: 3.12
GS/CS/AT d- s-: a-- C++++ UL++>++++ US P+>++ L++>+++ E@ W++(+++) N+++@ o+
K++ w---() O- M-- !V PS+@ PE++(+++)@ Y+@ PGP- t+ 5 X++@ R++ tv++ b+++
DI++++ D+++ G++ e>++++$ h(!) r++ y+**