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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: Michael Orion Jackson <orion@****.CC.UTEXAS.EDU>
Subject: [OT] Dying threads, 1st amend, & off-topic
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 1998 10:12:32 -0500
I think a lot can be solved by just adding [OT] to the subject
line of any off-topic (i.e. non-shadowrun related, like religion) posting
to the list. That way, the poster isn't deprived of their freedom to say
whatever is on thier mind, and the rest of us aren't deprived of the
freedom to selectively ignore it... :-)
Of course, the whole discussion of first amendment rights is a
little silly on an international mailing list. Not that citizens of
countries other than america don't have free speech, but it's unlikely
that the document granting said rights would, in every country, be
reffered to as the "1st amendment" to a "Constitution". Hahaha! :)
Re: religion discussions: This is an extraordinarily pointless
thing to argue about for a two-fold reason. 1) No one is going to change
their minds. 2)They'll feel compelled to defend their position and/or
beliefs. These two facts combined generate a huge "debate" that has the
potential to engorge the list with meaningless ranting... (not to imply
that religion is meaningless, but ranting to each other about it would
be... :-) )

Anyway, that's just my .02 Y worth...

*****************Michael Orion Jackson******************
***********TAMS Class of 96/UT Class of 2000************
*********************Random Quote:**********************
*"Why me?" "Because you are in Natural Sciences,silly."*
Message no. 2
From: Drekhead <drekhead@***.NET>
Subject: Re: [OT] Dying threads, 1st amend, & off-topic
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 1998 11:57:09 -0500
On 21 Apr 98 at 10:12, Michael Orion Jackson wrote:

> I think a lot can be solved by just adding [OT] to the subject
> line of any off-topic (i.e. non-shadowrun related, like religion)
> posting to the list. That way, the poster isn't deprived of their
> freedom to say whatever is on thier mind, and the rest of us aren't
> deprived of the freedom to selectively ignore it... :-)

Been there, done that. Only works if 100% of the posters agree and
comply. We're no where near that number.


- DREKHEAD - |"Let's face it. Sometimes your a
- drekhead@***.net - | pigeon, and sometimes your the
*-ShadowRN - GridSec Division-* | statue."
"To Protect and To Serve" |-Unknown
Message no. 3
From: Lehlan Decker <decker@****.FSU.EDU>
Subject: Re: [OT] Dying threads, 1st amend, & off-topic
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 1998 13:55:42 -0500
> On 21 Apr 98 at 10:12, Michael Orion Jackson wrote:
> > I think a lot can be solved by just adding [OT] to the subject
> > line of any off-topic (i.e. non-shadowrun related, like religion)
> > posting to the list. That way, the poster isn't deprived of their
> > freedom to say whatever is on thier mind, and the rest of us aren't
> > deprived of the freedom to selectively ignore it... :-)
> Been there, done that. Only works if 100% of the posters agree and
> comply. We're no where near that number.
You guys are forgetting, OT or not, each message eats space and
bandwidth. It doesn't bother me, but overflowing other people's
mail boxes is an issue.
Lehlan Decker 644-4534 Systems Development
"Uh-Oh Toto, it doesn't look like we're gods anymore."

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about [OT] Dying threads, 1st amend, & off-topic, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.