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Message no. 1
From: David Buehrer dbuehrer@******
Subject: [OT] Movie Release Dates
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 1999 07:39:43 -0600 (MDT)
Gurth wrote:
/ What I've long wondered about is why movies have different release dates
/ in different countries in the first place. What's wrong with opening in
/ the same week (or even on the same day) all over the world?

To show a US produced movie in another country you have to pay taxes and

They delay the release in other countries to see how it fairs in the
US. If it does well in the US then they expect it to do well in other
countries and are willing to pay the taxes and fees and do the paper

If it bombs in the US then they can go straight to video and work on
marketing the video world-wide, or do a delayed release which I think
is cheaper in terms of import fees.

At least thats part of the reason for the latter release. I think
they're also delayed because of business deals that have to be made.
I'm also pretty sure there's a lot of beurocratic government red tape
on both ends.

-David B.
"Earn what you have been given."
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Message no. 2
From: Manx timburke@*******
Subject: [OT] Movie Release Dates
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 1999 03:06:09 +1000
>They delay the release in other countries to see how it fairs in the
>US. If it does well in the US then they expect it to do well in other
>countries and are willing to pay the taxes and fees and do the paper
>If it bombs in the US then they can go straight to video and work on
>marketing the video world-wide, or do a delayed release which I think
>is cheaper in terms of import fees.
>At least thats part of the reason for the latter release. I think
>they're also delayed because of business deals that have to be made.
>I'm also pretty sure there's a lot of beurocratic government red tape
>on both ends.
>-David B.

Then there is also the fact that I am 18 hours ahead of Hollywood.
If they were to release films at the same date worldwide then I'd
get them before all of you Americans and Europeans.

Hey I like the idea.

#950 of 1000
"Such carping is not commendable"
- William Shakespeare
- Much Ado About Nothing a3.s1.l71
Play SR3 at Maelstrom, 1st-3rd May 1999

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about [OT] Movie Release Dates, you may also be interested in:


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