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Message no. 1
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Iridios)
Subject: [OT]Where were you...
Date: Tue Sep 11 22:20:01 2001

This will indeed be a day that will not be forgotten by many. I was
at work and my S.O. paged me on my text pager "737 embedded in the side
the World Trade Center." I started to check the 'net, and the news
sites were bogged down (and I have T1 at work!).

My S.O. called me a few moments later, "Did you get my page?"

"Yes.", I said.

"Well another plane just crashed into the tower."

I was flabbergasted.

Where were you, what were you doing, and what were your initial

From:The Top 100 Things I'd Do
If I Ever Became An Evil Overlord

My dungeon will have its own qualified medical staff complete
with bodyguards. That way if a prisoner becomes sick and his
cellmate tells the guard it's an emergency, the guard will fetch
a trauma team instead of opening up the cell for a look.

Used Without Permission
Message no. 2
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Steve Collins)
Subject: [OT]Where were you...
Date: Tue Sep 11 22:30:01 2001
----- Original Message -----
From: Iridios <iridios@********.net>
To: ShadowRN <shadowrn@*********.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 10:14 PM
Subject: [OT]Where were you...

> Greetings,
> This will indeed be a day that will not be forgotten by many. I was
> at work and my S.O. paged me on my text pager "737 embedded in the side
> of
> the World Trade Center." I started to check the 'net, and the news
> sites were bogged down (and I have T1 at work!).
> My S.O. called me a few moments later, "Did you get my page?"
> "Yes.", I said.
> "Well another plane just crashed into the tower."
> I was flabbergasted.
> Where were you, what were you doing, and what were your initial
> reactions?

I had just sropped my son off at school and was on my way back home when I
switched the radio from a music station to a Talk station, this was just as
the first reports of the 1sta attack were coming in. When I got home I ran
in to see what the news stations were showing on TV and was just assuming it
was an accident. Fox News Channel was interviewing someone who was saying it
was likely just that and showing a live shot in the background when the 2nd
plane came into view.

The announcer was flabbergasted and the guy he was interviewing didn't seem
to realize what he was saying when se started stammering there was another

All in all This will rank up there with the Challenger Disaster and the day
Reagan was shot in my cannot forget list.

Message no. 3
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Zebulin Magby)
Subject: [OT]Where were you...
Date: Tue Sep 11 23:20:01 2001
"Iridios" <iridios@********.net> wrote:

> I was flabbergasted.
> Where were you, what were you doing, and what were your initial
> reactions?

I was standing in our lunch room and overheard the news. At first I thought
they had meant something like small planes had hit the towers, you know,
like Cessnas or something. A few moments later, back at my desk, I brought
up yahoo and saw they were freaking 767 airliners with people on board!
Airliners!!! What kind of sick f**k do you have to be to fly an airliner
full of people into a building? My God!

To tell you the truth I just sat down, completely numb. We were told we
couldn't make any phone calls, in order to keep the lines free for emergency
personnel ( I feel I should state that I'm in Portland, OR but that my job
is working at a call center with accounts all over the nation but mostly
back East). That left us with little to do but busy work for the next 6
hours. No one wanted to work, everyone was scouring what few webpages we
could bring up for any new facts.

I came home an hour early, about 2pm EDT and was still numb. I hadn't yet
seen the footage of the second airliner(!!!!) crashing into the building.
When I saw that, I don't know, I just cried at the horror of it all. They
flew it into the side of a building with innocent people on board like some
sort of missile.

All I can say, even now, is My God....


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Message no. 4
From: shadowrn@*********.com (DemonWytch)
Subject: [OT]Where were you...
Date: Tue Sep 11 23:35:01 2001
Truth be told, I was asleep when the planes crashed and the first building
went down. Today was the last day of my "weekend" so I had intended to enjoy
it as much as I could. I woke up, tossed on the news channel...

And nearly had my legs go out on me. I tuned in in time to watch the second
building collapse. I spent the rest of the day trying to get in contact with
my friends (all well and accounted for, praise Diana) and alternatly
discussing them with it or trying to help them forget about it, whichever
they felt they needed. As for myself, I scoured the lists and news sites and
channels for updates.

Common consensus here is: Flay them alive, and keep them alive. We don't
want them to get infected, so rub alcohol on them....then drop a building on
them (my mother's opinion) or suffocate them with dust and ashes (mine). first violent thought against these people. I think I'm finally
coming off of shock.

Message no. 5
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Jane VR)
Subject: [OT]Where were you...
Date: Tue Sep 11 23:45:01 2001
>Where were you, what were you doing, and what were your initial

i got up at 6 this morning (7 hours after) to put on a video for the kids.
When I turned on the TV, WTC was all over it. I was stunned and confused, it
didn't make any sense. And then I thought WTC, Pentagon, they sure picked
high profile targets. I didn't think about the people who were killed for
quite a while. Actually, that still hasn't sunk in. My condolences to
everyone who lost someone.

My daughter (age 3) said 'that plane turned into fire!'. I just said 'yes,
it did'. And she said, 'if my friend was on that plane, I would be very
sad'. And I agreed with that too. When the newsreaders said that people were
jumping out of the building, she said 'no, it's too high'. I didn't know
what to say to that. I don't know how much she understands (obviously some
things) and I don't want to explain more than she needs to know, so I don't
know what to say. I just said a bad accident happened, and people got hurt.
I think I will listen to her pretend games and see if anything seems to be
bothering her and deal with it that way.

To me, being so far away (in Australia), it all seems a bit unreal. And it
reminds me of some other experience I've had of watching crisis in America
on TV, but I can't remember the occasion. Some kind of natural disaster, an
earthquake maybe? But this is much, much bigger. I just heard that 250 odd
firefighters were in the WTC when it collapsed. That's a lot of
firefighters. Which is a pretty trivial detail I know, but it stands out to
me at the moment.


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Message no. 6
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Rand Ratinac)
Subject: [OT]Where were you...
Date: Tue Sep 11 23:55:01 2001
> "Iridios" <iridios@********.net> wrote:
> I was flabbergasted.
> Where were you, what were you doing, and what were
your initial reactions?

I was in bed, fast asleep, when my dad woke me up and
started telling me terrorists had crashed three planes
into the WTC and the Pentagon. Funny thing is, the
first thing I did was look at my alarm clock and
think, oh no, I'm going to be late for work. It was a
while before I realised that it was actually about
half-an-hour earlier than I normally get up, not
half-an-hour later. I don't think I was taking in
anything my dad was saying at first. All I was saying
was, "What? What?"

Took me at least a minute to understand what he was
saying - he said he figured I'd want to know what was
happening. To be honest, I'm not sure I do...but it's
not something you can avoid, and as much as you want
to, it's not something you SHOULD avoid.

I spent half-an-hour just sitting and watching the TV,
trying to...I don't know...comprehend it? Understand
why it happened? Or what happened? I don't know. I was
watching when they found the 'amateur video' footage
from the street level on the south side, showing the
second plane plowing into the south building. It just
disappeared into there, almost like it was going into
a hangar. There was barely any indication that
anything's wrong - until the explosion blew out the
other side of the building. I don't cry much, man, but
I still have a sick, hollow feeling in my stomach.

I was also watching when the reports of rocket or
missile fire in Kabul started coming in, but I haven't
heard anything since. Does anyone know who's
responsible (or who the media's saying is responsible)
for that yet?

(aka Mr. Freaky Big, Super-Dynamic Troll of Tomorrow, aka Doc'booner, aka Doc' Vader)

.sig Sauer

If you SMELL what the DOC' is COOKING!!!

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Message no. 7
From: shadowrn@*********.com (BD)
Subject: [OT]Where were you...
Date: Wed Sep 12 00:15:02 2001
Doc' wrote this:
> I spent half-an-hour just sitting and watching the TV,
> trying to...I don't know...comprehend it? Understand
> why it happened? Or what happened? I don't know. I was
> watching when they found the 'amateur video' footage
> from the street level on the south side, showing the
> second plane plowing into the south building. It just
> disappeared into there, almost like it was going into
> a hangar. There was barely any indication that
> anything's wrong - until the explosion blew out the
> other side of the building. I don't cry much, man, but
> I still have a sick, hollow feeling in my stomach.

The sheer magnitude of the fatalities and the absoulte suddeness with
which they happened... I bawled for a bit. Strange reaction... just when
you think that the media has immunized you against feeling, something like
this spears a savage little hole through your armour.

> I was also watching when the reports of rocket or
> missile fire in Kabul started coming in, but I haven't
> heard anything since. Does anyone know who's
> responsible (or who the media's saying is responsible)
> for that yet?

As far as anyone knows, that's the result of rebel activity against the
Taliban govt. Some official in the U.S. denied that they'd taken any
action anywhere, so I don't think it's them. The Afghanistan govt sure
wouldn't be offering condolences if the U.S. have bombed their capital.


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Message no. 8
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Iridios)
Subject: [OT]Where were you...
Date: Wed Sep 12 00:15:06 2001
Rand Ratinac wrote:

> I was also watching when the reports of rocket or
> missile fire in Kabul started coming in, but I haven't
> heard anything since. Does anyone know who's
> responsible (or who the media's saying is responsible)
> for that yet?

It appears that a rebel group in Afghanistan is responsible for that.
Maybe they know that we will soon be applying our own pressure against
their government.

Message no. 9
From: shadowrn@*********.com (J. Keith Henry)
Subject: [OT]Where were you...
Date: Wed Sep 12 00:20:03 2001
replies below
----- Original Message -----
From: "Iridios" <iridios@********.net>
Subject: [OT]Where were you...

> This will indeed be a day that will not be forgotten by many. I was
> at work and my S.O. paged me on my text pager "737 embedded in the side
> of
> the World Trade Center." I started to check the 'net, and the news
> sites were bogged down (and I have T1 at work!).

My network admin told me he was monitoring DNS problems across the eastern
half of the nation that seemed to start in the early morning. We never
personally had problems on our end, but getting to anything that was hosted
out east seemed to be a fraggin' mess. Mercifully, our customers in Oregon,
Arizona and Florida could get to us just fine.

> My S.O. called me a few moments later, "Did you get my page?"
> "Yes.", I said.
> "Well another plane just crashed into the tower."
> I was flabbergasted.
> Where were you, what were you doing, and what were your initial
> reactions?

I was asleep. Sleeping late because I was having this stupid bout of
personal disbelief and depression that I was the eve of turning 33 today.
Mike comes in and wakes me and Jon up stating "you have to get up, they're
blowing up the World Trade Center.... oh, and happy birthday."

Yeah, never gonna forget this one.
J. Keith Henry ("K" "NeoJudas")
Hoosier Hacker House (
Message no. 10
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Anders Swenson)
Subject: [OT]Where were you...
Date: Wed Sep 12 00:40:05 2001
----- Original Message -----
From: "Iridios" <iridios@********.net>
To: "ShadowRN" <shadowrn@*********.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 7:14 PM
Subject: [OT]Where were you...

> Greetings,
> Where were you, what were you doing, and what were your initial
> reactions?
We're on the West Coast: My wife woke up to her alarm radio, just after
the first crash. She turned on the TV, and called me right after the
second crash. Since I work for a government, I was sent home for the
day, and I spent it in front of the tube, watching late-breaking
amateur footage. --Anders
Message no. 11
From: shadowrn@*********.com (david lowe-rogstad)
Subject: [OT]Where were you...
Date: Wed Sep 12 01:00:02 2001
At 10:14 PM -0400 9/11/01, Iridios wrote:

>Where were you, what were you doing, and what were your initial

my wife and i woke to our radio alarm. we have a local dj team in san
francisco who are amusing, but pretty uninformed about world events.
they were talking about buildings collapsing and people jumping from
windows, and my first thoughts were "shut up. this is the worst joke
ever, in the poorest of taste, and it's not even remotely funny."

then i realized that the dj was serious and i had that "holy fuck!"
moment, jumped out of bed and turned on the tv. i've been working all
day with one eye on the television and the other on the
worst part about working for yourself is that there is nobody to send
you home.

my wife is 43 weeks pregnant and is due any day now. let me tell you,
having a baby due any minute, and watching the possible opening
frames of world war three play out in front of you, it's been a rough

thanks for listening.

david lowe-rogstad
flash designer +developer
Message no. 12
From: shadowrn@*********.com (S. Johnson)
Subject: [OT]Where were you...
Date: Wed Sep 12 01:05:01 2001
>Where were you, what were you doing, and what were your initial

I was sleeping. but that doesnt matter. Why was this done? For a terrorist
activity it was/is affective, but why? Did we(USA) do something to instigate
this? Why would 'they' do this and not claim it or use it as a statement?
Will we as humans ever mature enough to put and end to this. Do 'they' not
know or understand that this has gained them only enemies and recruites
against them.? Can we(humans) end this with out killing ourselves 1 by 1?
Are we (humans) doomed to kill off those who would save us by example and
then die without their lessons learned < the fireman, police and others who

OH MY GOD, that this could happen. here or anywhere for that matter.
terrorist dont scare me now at my house typing on my computer. what scares
me is far far worse. How can Mankind do these things and hope to survive?
How can we teach them not to hate? Can we?

Everyday i hold a moment of silence for those lost in terrorism like today.
For lives lost in war, in violence. In famine brought by anothers greed. In
pestilence wrought from the darkness in everyone's soul.

Everyday I Hold A Moment Of Silence For All Mankind.


I once asked a blind man 'How did you become so wise?' The blind man said to
me 'I had an eye for knowledge.'

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Message no. 13
From: shadowrn@*********.com (DemonWytch)
Subject: [OT]Where were you...
Date: Wed Sep 12 01:30:01 2001
> I was sleeping. but that doesnt matter. Why was this done? For a terrorist
> activity it was/is affective, but why? Did we(USA) do something to
> this? Why would 'they' do this and not claim it or use it as a statement?
> Will we as humans ever mature enough to put and end to this. Do 'they' not
> know or understand that this has gained them only enemies and recruites
> against them.? Can we(humans) end this with out killing ourselves 1 by 1?
> Are we (humans) doomed to kill off those who would save us by example and
> then die without their lessons learned < the fireman, police and others
> tried>

In answer to your questions:
1) This was not effective. It was meant to scare us but instead we are angry
and gunning for them. It backfired.
2) We disagreed with them. They are Wholy Right and we are Wholy Wrong.
Since we are wrong, it is okay to kill us.
3) Kan we kill ourselves one by one? Yes. But with the population increases,
we can afford that without wiping each other out...unless we start killing
ourselves off hundred by, even then we'll have more than enough
for a breeding population.
4) Some of us. Some of us learned from Pearl Harbor, some of us didn't and
flew planes into buildings. (just an example. You have to WANT to learn)

> OH MY GOD, that this could happen. here or anywhere for that matter.
> terrorist dont scare me now at my house typing on my computer. what scares
> me is far far worse. How can Mankind do these things and hope to survive?
> How can we teach them not to hate? Can we?

Start with the children and hope for the best. If not, the cockroaches will
gladly take over as dominant species.

> Everyday i hold a moment of silence for those lost in terrorism like
> For lives lost in war, in violence. In famine brought by anothers greed.
> pestilence wrought from the darkness in everyone's soul.

If you did it in proportion, it is sad to say you would never speak again.

> Everyday I Hold A Moment Of Silence For All Mankind.
> Sagys
> I once asked a blind man 'How did you become so wise?' The blind man said
> me 'I had an eye for knowledge.'

I pray....I never did before as much as today, but I pray and hope...and

Message no. 14
From: shadowrn@*********.com (NightLife)
Subject: [OT]Where were you...
Date: Wed Sep 12 01:50:01 2001
>Where were you, what were you doing, and what were your initial

I was at work and immediately called my wife of three months. I was as
scared as I've ever been in my life and had to know that she was alright.
After I spoke to her and told her she needed to go home away from any site
of a sizable group. Then I called my family to see if the navy had
reactivated by brother and then proceeded to check with every family member
and friend I have. After that I checked in with my friend Brad who is in
active duty with the navy. As for my initial reaction. "I'm gonna wake up
and realize this is another one of my really messed up dreams." Right now
I'm hoping my family in New Jersey are safe and well. Especially my little
second cousins.
Message no. 15
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Allen Smith)
Subject: [OT]Where were you...
Date: Wed Sep 12 01:55:01 2001
On Sep 12, 1:59am, NightLife wrote:
> Right now I'm hoping my family in New Jersey are safe and
> well. Especially my little second cousins.

Where in NJ? With the exception of very near NYC, the phones seem to
be OK now, so I think you could give them a call.


Allen Smith easmith@********
Message no. 16
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Gurth)
Subject: [OT]Where were you...
Date: Wed Sep 12 06:40:01 2001
According to S. Johnson, on Wed, 12 Sep 2001 the word on the street was...

> I was sleeping. but that doesnt matter. Why was this done? For a terrorist
> activity it was/is affective, but why? Did we(USA) do something to instigate
> this?

Well... In the eyes of many people and countries you're the imperialist

> Why would 'they' do this and not claim it or use it as a statement?

Not all terrorist groups immediately make announcements of what they've
done; ETA in Spain, for example, often takes up to two weeks to claim
attacks. For those half-reading this post, I'm not saying this was an ETA
attack -- just that whoever did this might wait a while with claiming
responsibility, for instance to make sure their claim don't get lost in
the multitude of false ones usually made after terrorist attacks.

Gurth@******.nl -
If only it were almost easy.
-> NAGEE Editor * ShadowRN GridSec * Triangle Virtuoso <-
-> The Plastic Warriors Page: <-

GC3.12: GAT/! d-(dpu) s:- !a>? C+@ UL P L++ E W-(++) N o? K w+(--) O V?
PS+ PE(-)(+) Y PGP- t@ 5++ X(+) R+++(-)>$ tv+ b++@ DI- D+ G+ e h! !r y?
Incubated into the First Church of the Sqooshy Ball, 21-05-1998
Message no. 17
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Gurth)
Subject: [OT]Where were you...
Date: Wed Sep 12 06:40:05 2001
According to Zebulin Magby, on Wed, 12 Sep 2001 the word on the street

> Airliners!!! What kind of sick f**k do you have to be to fly an airliner
> full of people into a building? My God!

Think about this rationally: if you're going to bomb a building where
50,000 people work in order to bring it down, an airliner with 100 on board
isn't going to make much of a difference, is it?

Gurth@******.nl -
If only it were almost easy.
-> NAGEE Editor * ShadowRN GridSec * Triangle Virtuoso <-
-> The Plastic Warriors Page: <-

GC3.12: GAT/! d-(dpu) s:- !a>? C+@ UL P L++ E W-(++) N o? K w+(--) O V?
PS+ PE(-)(+) Y PGP- t@ 5++ X(+) R+++(-)>$ tv+ b++@ DI- D+ G+ e h! !r y?
Incubated into the First Church of the Sqooshy Ball, 21-05-1998
Message no. 18
From: shadowrn@*********.com (danzig138)
Subject: [OT]Where were you...
Date: Wed Sep 12 10:30:01 2001
> -----Original Message-----
> From: shadowrn-admin@*********.com
> [mailto:shadowrn-admin@*********.com]On Behalf Of Iridios
> Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 9:15 PM
> To: ShadowRN
> Subject: [OT]Where were you...

> Where were you, what were you doing, and what were your initial
> reactions?

I got up about seven-thirty. I had the Today show on, but I wasn't really
paying attention. I got my son (7) ready for school, and I watched him walk
to the bus stop. I went and did some work in the kitchen, and when I walked
back upstairs, and sat down, I saw a smoking building on the TV, and I said
"What the f*** is that?", I thought maybe some weird accident had happened,
and then the second plane hit, and I just said "Jesus Christ".

My sympathies for the victims and their families.

"Because there is good and there is evil, and evil must be punished.
Even in the face of Armageddon I shall not compromise in this"
-Rorschach (The Watchmen)
Message no. 19
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Lady Jestyr)
Subject: [OT]Where were you...
Date: Wed Sep 12 10:35:20 2001
At 03:44 AM 12/09/2001 +0000, Jane VR wrote:
>To me, being so far away (in Australia), it all seems a bit unreal. And it
>reminds me of some other experience I've had of watching crisis in America
>on TV, but I can't remember the occasion. Some kind of natural disaster, an
>earthquake maybe? But this is much, much bigger. I just heard that 250 odd
>firefighters were in the WTC when it collapsed. That's a lot of
>firefighters. Which is a pretty trivial detail I know, but it stands out to
>me at the moment.

Absolutely. That was the bit that shattered me, too, hearing the potential
death toll amongst the emergency services workers. I don't know why, but
that upset me more than the countless thousands of civilians who must have
lost their lives. Human emotions are a funny thing.

Lady Jestyr
"If you can't be a good example, then you'll just
have to be a horrible warning." - Catherine Aird
* jestyr@*****.com | URL: *
Message no. 20
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Peter Mikulsky)
Subject: [OT]Where were you...
Date: Wed Sep 12 11:55:01 2001
Hello everyone,

Wednesday, September 12, 2001, 4:14:32 AM, you wrote:

> Where were you, what were you doing, and what were your initial
> reactions?

Well, living in Germany I was just leaving my desk. Radio news says
at that moment, that two planes had crushed into the TWC.
My first thought was that a nasty accident had happened....

At home I saw the pictures on TV just they show the footage as the
second pane hit the tower. I was stunned, I didn't belief it- even now
its hard for me - that someone can do THAT.

Shortly after that I felt only hate...

In the moment... I feel er.. empty

I'm not good at words, especially in english language...

I would like to send my condolences to all those affected by this

My best wishes to all members of this list how are in military
service in the US

Best regards,
Message no. 21
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Dave Weirs)
Subject: [OT]Where were you.....
Date: Wed Sep 12 14:55:01 2001
I was driving to work, listening to ABC Newsradio. When I turned it on,
they were interviewing an eyewitness on the telephone who saw the 1st plane
hit from his VERY nearby office window, so close that he ducked under his
desk when some debris started splattering his office window. As they were
interviewing him live on the air, the 2nd plane hit. Needless to say, he
FLIPPED. Screaming "OMIGOD, OMIGOD", and it was several seconds before he
was coherent.

At work, we set up a TV to see the news, and when I saw the footage of the
2nd jet hit, I was just numb. When my wife heard that Palestinians were
celebrating in the streets of the West Bank, she wanted to bomb them right
then. I've been bouncing back and forth between numbness, sorrow, and rage
since then, with a nice undercurrent of emotional exhaustion running under
it all.

Watching EVERY member of Congress, all 500+ or so, put aside all partisan
politics and making a statement of solidarity while standing on the Capitol
Building steps was impressive. Then seeing all of them, Left and Right,
breaking out into song with "God Bless America" almost brought me to tears.

An anti-terrorism expert said last night that a favorite tactic of
terrorists is to use 2 bombs, the 2nd one designed to go off a certain
amount of time after the 2nd, so as to catch rescue personnel and police in
it's detonation. He speculated that was the reason for the time delay
between the 2 planes hitting. It apparently worked, as almost 300 fireman
and 100 police were killed in the tower collapse. Also, the Fire Chief,
Asst Fire Chief, and Deputy Fire Commissioner (I think those were the
correct titles) were all killed in the collapse. Top 3 department
personnel, just like that.

The explosions in Kabul are probably rebels taking advantage of the
situation. Strangely enough, an assassination attempt was made against the
chief rebel leader there this past weekend. The Taliban claim he's dead,
the rebels claim he's still alive. That's a pretty strange coincidence, if
it is one at all.

This one's even wilder. This slipped under the news networks' radar a
couple of weeks ago, on Aug 30th. Russia was pissed at the Taliban because
they made Bin Laden ***the Commander In Chief*** of the Taliban armed
forces. So the Taliban isn't just harboring him, but made him a government
official. I think that might change how we deal with Afghanistan.!6037
UPI's server is getting hammered, so you'll probably have to hit reload on
that link a few times to get it to come up, but it will eventually.
Message no. 22
From: shadowrn@*********.com (shadowrn@*********.com)
Subject: [OT]Where were you...
Date: Wed Sep 12 16:45:01 2001
From: Iridios <iridios@********.net>
>Where were you, what were you doing, and what were your initial

Well, I first heard about it on the Mark & Brian Show, right when they
swiched over to live coverage from NBC (with a little commentary by
themselves as well). I was getting dressed after my shower, so I waited
untill I was clad before turning on CNN. I did not see the impact, so my
reaction was, basically, well, it could be worse. So I got on the computer
and started working on E-Mail, and I glanced toward my mirror that I have
stragically placed so I can see the TV, and I saw the first tower collapse.
Let's just say my reaction, were it aired on Radio, would violate FCC regs.
Message no. 23
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Bira)
Subject: [OT]Where were you...
Date: Wed Sep 12 17:20:00 2001
> "Iridios" <iridios@********.net> wrote:
> I was flabbergasted.
> Where were you, what were you doing, and what were
>your initial reactions?

I had spent part of the day sitting in front of my computer, taking care of an
assigment from the File Structures class. Because of this, I was kind of "out of
tune" with the rest of the world, and still digesting the news that the mayor of the
city I live in was murdered the previous night (while resisting a robbery). Initial
knowledge of the attack came to me from this list, when I decided to check my mail at
about 2 p.m.

The first thing I thought was that it looked like the plot for one of those
Hollywood action movies, and that it was really bad that someone would take it out of the
screen. I then went looking for more news on the matter, and as time passed I felt worse
and worse about it. I prayed for the people who died in the attack, and also for a
solution that didn't involve all-out war and the razing of cities.

Bira -- SysOp da Shadowland.BR
Redator de Shadowrun da RPG em Revista
Message no. 24
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Samael Firstfallen)
Subject: [OT]Where were you...
Date: Wed Sep 12 18:15:01 2001
already at work, starting the daily grunge, which ended when everyone was
sent home at noon.

does anyone else feel like they're living a Tom Clancy novel?


>From: Iridios <iridios@********.net>
>Reply-To: shadowrn@*********.com
>To: ShadowRN <shadowrn@*********.com>
>Subject: [OT]Where were you...
>Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 22:14:32 -0400
> This will indeed be a day that will not be forgotten by many. I was
>at work and my S.O. paged me on my text pager "737 embedded in the side
>the World Trade Center." I started to check the 'net, and the news
>sites were bogged down (and I have T1 at work!).
> My S.O. called me a few moments later, "Did you get my page?"
> "Yes.", I said.
> "Well another plane just crashed into the tower."
>I was flabbergasted.
>Where were you, what were you doing, and what were your initial
>From:The Top 100 Things I'd Do
>If I Ever Became An Evil Overlord
>My dungeon will have its own qualified medical staff complete
>with bodyguards. That way if a prisoner becomes sick and his
>cellmate tells the guard it's an emergency, the guard will fetch
>a trauma team instead of opening up the cell for a look.
>Used Without Permission

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at
Message no. 25
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Strago)
Subject: [OT]Where were you...
Date: Wed Sep 12 18:55:01 2001
Iridios wrote:

>Where were you, what were you doing, and what were your initial
I was driving to work. I heard it on the radio. The news guy on the
morning show mentioned that a plane hit the World Trade Center and I
thought "Huh?" and then turned it up to listen closer. Then I continued
driving and pulled into Dunkin Donuts when the second strike (note I say
strike, not attack, this was an act of war) occurred. My first thought
was to yell "HOLY SHIT" then I started to yell. Then I got my Dunkin'
Donuts medium Iced Coffee, cream and sugar, $1.75 and listened to the
radio as I drove into work at the mall. I continued to listen until I
got into the parking lot. Then I heard nothing else until 1 when our
mall closed and I got back in my car. I don't think I'll ever forget
this. It's as etched in my mind (including the price of the medium
coffee) as sitting in Sister Asunta's 2nd grade class when the
Challenger exploded.

At least there probably won't be any tasteless jokes about this, like
there were after the Challenger.


"How can you fit seven astronauts in the back of a Volkswagon? Use the
Message no. 26
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Chris Maxfield)
Subject: [OT]Where were you...
Date: Thu Sep 13 04:55:01 2001
Records show that at 10:17 on Thursday 13/09/01, Lady Jestyr scribbled:
>At 03:44 AM 12/09/2001 +0000, Jane VR wrote:
>>To me, being so far away (in Australia), it all seems a bit unreal. And it
>>reminds me of some other experience I've had of watching crisis in America
>>on TV, but I can't remember the occasion. Some kind of natural disaster, an
>>earthquake maybe? But this is much, much bigger. I just heard that 250 odd
>>firefighters were in the WTC when it collapsed. That's a lot of
>>firefighters. Which is a pretty trivial detail I know, but it stands out to
>>me at the moment.
>Absolutely. That was the bit that shattered me, too, hearing the potential
>death toll amongst the emergency services workers. I don't know why, but
>that upset me more than the countless thousands of civilians who must have
>lost their lives. Human emotions are a funny thing.

And that six degrees of separation effect is working as well. Although I'm
in Australia, I feel close, involved and deeply shocked because I know so
many people with friends or family in or near the attack sites. I have an
American friend here in Canberra. I spoke with and comforted her earlier
today. I have a good friend who moved from Canberra to Boston a few years
ago. His brother-in-law was in the WTC when the first plane hit. He managed
to flee to safety. And many more connections. Truly six degrees. Finally,
we are looking at up to 80 dead Australians in this attack. Minuscule
compared to the likely terrible American casualties, but still.

My deepest condolences to all who have lost and suffered in this tragedy.

Message no. 27
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Scott Harrison)
Subject: [OT]Where were you...
Date: Thu Sep 13 08:35:01 2001
I was in my office in Paris just finishing up checking on a daemon, when
I overheard a coworker describe (in French) to another that two planes
had hit the WTC. I stood up (from kneeling) and said "What!?!". He
started to translate into English what he said, but I cut him off saying
I understood, but was shocked. Those two coworkers immediately tried to
see CNN's coverage on the net, but the net was tied up. I told them to
try the BBC which we got access to. I immediately said this was
terrorists, and all around me (about 5 or so had gathered) said it could
not be. Then I went into a long description of how it is pretty easy to
hijack a plane, and that they would be domestic planes due to less
stringent security measures, and probably ones with lots of fuel to make
better bombs. Of course a bit later we saw the images of the Pentagon
as well. And later I assume my coworkers believed what I said after
many news people started saying the same things.

I then called my wife who is travelling in northern Virginia. I got a
message through to her voice mail but all later attempts to call the
States failed to get through. She eventually was able to call me from a
police station in northern Virginia. The really disturbing thing she
mentioned to me was her father works on the 53rd floor of one of the
towers of the WTC. We spent the next 6 hours or so thinking he was
dead. Much to our relief he actually showed up at his house on Long
Island. His office just recently moved to an ajoining building. He
felt the impact of the first plane, saw the impact of the second plane,
and having presence of mind decided he needed to be off of Manhattan.
He ran (he runs multiple marathons a year) to a bridge onto Long Island
and was across it about two minuted before it shut down.

My wife's and my family are from the NYC area and the ones that have
left the area are either in DC or over here in Europe. All our
immediate family seem to be safe, but we have many many friends from
which we have not heard. And since our families have been in banking
for over a quarter of a century, we know many people who work in the
WTC. I think what best describes this to me is numbing. My dog
probably senses my stress and tries to help, but who knows.

My wife is currently cutting across America and will be making her way
home in a very round-about manner. Basically after I saw the three
planes hit the buildings some of my first thoughts were that someone was
really stupid to do this to America. Most likely America will hit back
very hard and not necessarily on one target. I can imagine that any
known terrorist groups will be hit - whether they are involved in this
action or not. Perhaps this will start World War 3. Once I am with my
wife things will be better and we can handle whatever comes our way.

Yes, numb is probably the best.

Scott Harrison
Message no. 28
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Kesh)
Subject: [OT]Where were you...
Date: Thu Sep 13 09:45:01 2001
I was going into a class at 9 am when someone mentioned that they had
heard a plane had crashed into a building in NYC, and it was being called
a National Emergency. We didn't know what to think of that, but we went
on with class. After that hour, I had a film class. We went into another
room, and spent a couple hours watching "Tootsie".

It was only after that, when I was walking down the street on the way to
lunch that I ran into a friend. She told me what had happened and I was
just shocked. I went on to the cafeteria, passing by the large TV in the
building's lounge because there were too many people to see. I had a
quick lunch, letting a few other friends tell me more, before heading
back to my room and turning on CNN.

That was when I finally got to see what had happened. It was about 12:30
EST before I actually knew for sure that this had happened, and it was over.
Message no. 29
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Peter Mikulsky)
Subject: Re[2]: [OT]Where were you...
Date: Thu Sep 13 12:50:01 2001
Hallo Samael,

Thursday, September 13, 2001, 12:10:14 AM, you wrote:

> already at work, starting the daily grunge, which ended when everyone was
> sent home at noon.

> does anyone else feel like they're living a Tom Clancy novel?

> Sam

Yes, and not only one. Thats like Dept of Honor and Sum of all fears.
Or like that old movie, can't remember tthe exact name.
Something with "Medusa"

Best regards,
Message no. 30
From: shadowrn@*********.com (J. Keith Henry)
Subject: Re[2]: [OT]Where were you...
Date: Thu Sep 13 15:50:06 2001
replies below
----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter Mikulsky" <PeterMikulsky@********.de>
Subject: Re[2]: [OT]Where were you...

> > already at work, starting the daily grunge, which ended when everyone
> > sent home at noon.
> > does anyone else feel like they're living a Tom Clancy novel?
> Yes, and not only one. Thats like Dept of Honor and Sum of all fears.
> Or like that old movie, can't remember tthe exact name.
> Something with "Medusa"

Actually, they had Mr. Clancy on the CNN news (audio only) within a few
hours of the initial actions Live and were asking him questions. If
anything, it made things seem more "beyond belief" for me initially.
J. Keith Henry ("K" "NeoJudas")
Hoosier Hacker House (
Message no. 31
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Chipeloi)
Subject: [OT]Where were you...
Date: Thu Sep 13 18:55:01 2001
In the asylum, Gurth whispered in the corridors:

> > Why would 'they' do this and not claim it or use it as a statement?
> Not all terrorist groups immediately make announcements of what
> they've done; ETA in Spain, for example, often takes up to two weeks
> to claim attacks. For those half-reading this post, I'm not saying
> this was an ETA attack -- just that whoever did this might wait a
> while with claiming responsibility, for instance to make sure their
> claim don't get lost in the multitude of false ones usually made after
> terrorist attacks.

The first one to open his mouth to say it was him/her/it gets a
cruise missile in it ...
Message no. 32
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Chipeloi)
Subject: [OT]Where were you...
Date: Thu Sep 13 19:10:01 2001
In the asylum, Iridios whispered in the corridors:

> Where were you, what were you doing, and what were your initial
> reactions?

On net surfing and playing anarchy online

I only heard of it in my car over the radio and when they started to
say that "maybe" one or two planes hit the WTC, i thought it was
some kind of sick joke (they do that sometimes over here)

When i went to a birthday and turned on the television
The first thing i saw was the building collapse
My mother and some of her friends sayed:
"Stop watching that stupid movie and come here eat some cake"
Me: Ma that is real its not a movie
My mother and friends: What ?... you must be joking....O FUCK
(at this moment she saw te video of the second plane hitting the

So to be sayed the party had ended quickly

>>>My condolences to all who lost any<<<
>>>A world at war with one person, WTF are they going to do for
an encore?<<<<
Message no. 33
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Mik)
Subject: [OT]Where were you...
Date: Fri Sep 14 10:55:01 2001
Online playing Operation Flashpoint.

Friend ICQ'd me, saying " get your ass to the TV"

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about [OT]Where were you..., you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.