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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: "Speak of the devil..." <STU_RWMORRIS@*******>
Subject: PBeM problems...yes...we're still talking about it...
Date: Thu, 23 Apr 92 00:26:00 EST
This isn't a flame, Darknight, at least not a directed one. It seems
that this whole PBeM thing was handled a little messily by everyone involved
(with the possible exception of myself :) ). I was one of the people who
replied to your posting for players and did not receive a response. After some
time, I sent a posting to the 'serv asking about it and received a prompt
response and mild apology. Unfortunately, it had become late in the semester
and I had to decline anyway.
Then I noticed the flames rising...
The flames were, in a word, irresponsible. They were unleashed
prematurely and without an attempt to politely ask what had happened.
Computers, despite popular response, are not infallable. They can and have and
will malfunction. I am assuming, despite what Darknight's local computer
operator said, that a malfunction occured somewhere, since it seems that both
parties are being honest.

> I responded to ALL that sent me a character, "I'm sorry, but there just
>wasn't enough response". Evidently, some of the persons concerned did not
>receive such notification, and took it upon themselves to publicly ~flame~
>me because of it.

Okay...I think that I might see the problem. I sent a reply stating
that I wanted to know more information, not a character. If this was the
problem, Dk should've responded with 'I need a character.' I don't put
much belief in this hypothesis, but it is not an impossibility.

> THE POINT: The point is quite simple. It is not my _job_ to take
>people on a campaign. It should not come down to petty childish bickering
>and whining that they sent me a character and that quote"He must just need
>characters for another campaign". This is garbage.

I'll have to agree with you on that statement. The statement was
irresponsible and not even worthy of being called a flame, if that's what was
intended. Unfortunately, some people decided to be offensive instead of asking
politely (to the net if directly to the person wasn't working) what was up. I
know for a fact that Darknight was perfectly willing to respond to such a

> A word of warning for any who may be considering running a campaign via
>email: Don't; unless you want to put up with a lot of abuse from childish

I implore you to please not have this attitude because of a few people.
I will be back next semester and would LOVE to play in a Shadowrun PBeM. Try
posting yet again next semester, when people aren't as busy. I'm certain you
won't be disappointed.

>Sick and tired as hell,
>The Darknight

>P.S.: Oh, and ANANDA... I couldn't use your character in another game, in
> any case. It was incredibly illegal, and terribly conceived. Don't
> flatter yourself. (That is not to say that I didn't _like_ it.)

And please don't sink to Ananda's's a bit disheartening.

Lucifer >:}

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about PBeM problems...yes...we're still talking about it..., you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.