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Message no. 1
From: shannon@***** (Shannon Buys)
Subject: Plastic Rat's back with more ideas...
Date: Mon, 7 Oct 2002 11:05:51 +0200
Hi folks, Plastic Rat's back on the list. Who the heck is Plastic Rat? Yes
well, never mind..

Anyway, I've updated and written a few more of plastic rat's fast and dirty
cheat sheets, busy tightening up the rigging guide. Also got a few new
topics for guides and cheat sheets. Such as. How to hack gridguide. How
to run matrix overwatch without killing your chummers. and Plastic Rat's
fast and dirty guide to bondage. Oh, hang on that isn't a SR one..

Anyway, I'll be putting together a website with all the guides on as I make
them, along with a bunch of maps that the amazing Mrs. Rat has been working
on. This may take some time, but it's slowly materialising.

I've also gotten together a bunch of like minded SR critters to actively
write SR adventures for games days and con's. These should also appear on
the site as they are written.

What I would like is an idea of what rules sets people need condensed. What
kind of maps and locations are needed. I've tried in vain to get hold of
Sprawl Sites, and can't thus the whole idea of maps with keys that can be
used anywhere e.g. generic warehouse, generic offices etc.

I'd also like some help perhaps with people submitting maps to the archive.

Any more ideas?
Message no. 2
From: paladinu@****.com (Paladinu)
Subject: Plastic Rat's back with more ideas...
Date: Mon, 7 Oct 2002 22:09:02 -0500
>I've tried in vain to get hold of Sprawl Sites,
>and can't thus the whole idea of maps with keys
>that can be used anywhere e.g. generic warehouse,
>generic offices etc.

>I'd also like some help perhaps with people
>submitting maps to the archive.

Hmm... One technique I've used to get some good blueprints or floorplans is
google's image search at although people seem to
be much more cautious these days about security. I'll see if I can dig up
the ones I found. Are any of the older books abandonware in the eyes of
FASA/Wizkids/FANPro/Whomever? I'd happily share maps from Sprawl Sites but
not if it infringed on an enforced copyright. My grandfather was an
architect maybe I can dig through some old stuff of his although it's
unlikely to be classified as SOTA :).
Message no. 3
From: adam@************.com (Adam Jury)
Subject: Plastic Rat's back with more ideas...
Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2002 21:15:56 -0600
At 21:09 10/7/2002, Paladinu wrote:

>Hmm... One technique I've used to get some good blueprints or floorplans is
>google's image search at although people seem to
>be much more cautious these days about security. I'll see if I can dig up
>the ones I found. Are any of the older books abandonware in the eyes of


[But stay tuned - some sort of Maps Solution is being discussed as part of
the upcoming Mr. Johnson's Little Black Book.]

Official Shadowrun Page: | adam@************.com
Message no. 4
From: pentaj2@****.edu (Penta John C)
Subject: Plastic Rat's back with more ideas...
Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2002 23:30:15 -0400
----- Original Message -----
From: Adam Jury <adam@************.com>
Date: Monday, October 7, 2002 11:15 pm
Subject: RE: Plastic Rat's back with more ideas...

> [But stay tuned - some sort of Maps Solution is being discussed as
> part of
> the upcoming Mr. Johnson's Little Black Book.]

Message no. 5
From: dmhyde@***.net (Derek Hyde)
Subject: Plastic Rat's back with more ideas...
Date: Mon, 7 Oct 2002 22:33:51 -0500
> Explain?
I believe he would be hinting at a new book in the works
Message no. 6
From: adam@************.com (Adam Jury)
Subject: Plastic Rat's back with more ideas...
Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2002 21:49:09 -0600
At 21:30 10/7/2002, Penta John C wrote:

>> [But stay tuned - some sort of Maps Solution is being discussed as
>> part of
>> the upcoming Mr. Johnson's Little Black Book.]

I'm not really sure what's to explain. FanPro is working on ways to provide
extra maps in some form with Mr. Johnons's Little Black Book, but no
decision on how exactly to do it has been reached.

For those of you that haven't seen the 2003 schedule, it looks like this:

Sprawl Survival Guide: Life on the streets, travelling information, and
life for the everyday person.

Mr. Johnson's Little Black Book: Gamemastering stuff, maps, NPCs, and all
that other stuff GMs need.

Shadows of Europe: The nuclear wastelands that is Europe. Oh, just kidding.
This book will - as the title suggests - be in a format similar to Shadows
of North America.

Shadows of Asia: Ditto. This will follow up on a lot of the Year of the
Comet events and how they've affected Asia, especially Japan.

Flashpoint: Northwest: This book will cover various stuff happening in the
PacNW - Seattle stuff, Salish border war, etc. This book will probably be a
track-style adventure book like Blood in the Boardroom, with some source

Loose Alliances [tentative title]: Covers various non-corporate
organizations in the Sixth World, such as policlubs, other political
groups, activist groups, etc.

State of the Art: 2064: In the same format as SOTA: 2063, updated Culture
Shock and other material. Likely contents include Law Enforcement, Military
stuff, and a few other chapters.

Official Shadowrun Page: | adam@************.com
Message no. 7
From: loneeagle2061@*******.com (Lone Eagle)
Subject: Plastic Rat's back with more ideas...
Date: Tue, 08 Oct 2002 08:49:01 +0000
>From: Adam Jury <adam@************.com>
>[But stay tuned - some sort of Maps Solution is being discussed as part of
>the upcoming Mr. Johnson's Little Black Book.]

So when's it due to appear on the website?
I notice however that someone's been quite clever and posted the article
from Dragon #199 on the official site... and when did that happen? yesterday
apparently :-)
Does that make the article more cannon than it was? sort of "official
sanction" or something?


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Message no. 8
From: loneeagle2061@*******.com (Lone Eagle)
Subject: Plastic Rat's back with more ideas...
Date: Tue, 08 Oct 2002 09:35:24 +0000
>From: Adam Jury <adam@************.com>
>I'm not really sure what's to explain. FanPro is working on ways to provide
>extra maps in some form with Mr. Johnons's Little Black Book, but no
>decision on how exactly to do it has been reached.
>For those of you that haven't seen the 2003 schedule, it looks like this:

<Snip™ the list>

No archive CD-ROM then...

GMing essentials (stuff like Sprawl Sites and apparently MJLBL) are
sooooooo! useful. My team wander off track enough boom they're in another
run (from one of the Sprawl Sites "encounter tables".)

But why do we have to wait 'til late next year?

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Message no. 9
From: adam@************.com (Adam Jury)
Subject: Plastic Rat's back with more ideas...
Date: Tue, 08 Oct 2002 21:18:26 -0600
At 03:35 10/8/2002, Lone Eagle wrote:
>No archive CD-ROM then...

Well, not that's been announced yet.

>GMing essentials (stuff like Sprawl Sites and apparently MJLBL) are
>sooooooo! useful. My team wander off track enough boom they're in another
>run (from one of the Sprawl Sites "encounter tables".)
>But why do we have to wait 'til late next year?

For what?

Official Shadowrun Page: | adam@************.com
Message no. 10
From: loneeagle2061@*******.com (Lone Eagle)
Subject: Plastic Rat's back with more ideas...
Date: Wed, 09 Oct 2002 09:38:27 +0000
>From: Adam Jury <adam@************.com>
> >GMing essentials (stuff like Sprawl Sites and apparently MJLBL) are
> >sooooooo! useful. My team wander off track enough boom they're in another
> >run (from one of the Sprawl Sites "encounter tables".)
> >
> >But why do we have to wait 'til late next year?
> >:-(
>For what?

For MJLBB (Mr Johnson's Little Black Book)! I want it now! <<Tantrum.mp3>>

OK, I'm better now.

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Message no. 11
From: adamj@*********.com (Adam Jury)
Subject: Plastic Rat's back with more ideas...
Date: Wed, 09 Oct 2002 03:48:52 -0600
At 03:38 10/9/2002, Lone Eagle wrote:

>>For what?
>For MJLBB (Mr Johnson's Little Black Book)! I want it now!

Funny, I didn't see a date listed saying that MJLBB would be out late next
year; it's actually the second release planned for 2003.

| Editor, The Shadowrun Supplemental: |
| adamj@*********.com | | UIN: 2350330 |
Message no. 12
From: loneeagle2061@*******.com (Lone Eagle)
Subject: Plastic Rat's back with more ideas...
Date: Wed, 09 Oct 2002 09:50:36 +0000
>From: Adam Jury <adamj@*********.com>
> >For MJLBB (Mr Johnson's Little Black Book)! I want it now!
>Funny, I didn't see a date listed saying that MJLBB would be out late next
>year; it's actually the second release planned for 2003.

Hmmm, have you just been reading the BOFH articles? This sounds somehow
I made the assumption that your list was in chronological order (well, you
know what they say, assumption is the mother of all frag-ups) and as MJLBB
was late in the list I assumed it would be late in the year.

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Message no. 13
From: shannon@***** (Shannon Buys)
Subject: Plastic Rat's back with more ideas...
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2002 11:59:29 +0200
Lone Eagle Wrote:
>For MJLBB (Mr Johnson's Little Black Book)! I want it now! <<Tantrum.mp3>>

>OK, I'm better now.

First time I heard of MJLBB it resulted in uncontrolled drooling for about
15 minutes. This shouldn't happen often as MS natural keyboards are
expensive here. Did I mention that I REALLY WANT THAT BOOK!?! NOW! Any
insider info on how big the book wil be, how far development is etc? hmm, I
may have to sell a kidney or two here (do you REALLY need your liver?) to
keep up with my call order in a few months....
Message no. 14
From: pentaj2@****.edu (Penta John C)
Subject: Plastic Rat's back with more ideas...
Date: Wed, 09 Oct 2002 13:42:20 -0400
----- Original Message -----
From: Adam Jury <adam@************.com>
Date: Monday, October 7, 2002 11:49 pm
Subject: Re: RE: Plastic Rat's back with more ideas...

Semi-stupid questions follow:

> Sprawl Survival Guide: Life on the streets, travelling
> information, and
> life for the everyday person.

Cool. Is this sort of an updated NAGRL?

> Flashpoint: Northwest: This book will cover various stuff
> happening in the
> PacNW - Seattle stuff, Salish border war, etc. This book will
> probably be a
> track-style adventure book like Blood in the Boardroom, with some
> source
> material.

Side thought: Didn't the "Flashpoint" title (not for the PacNW)
originally appear in the mid90s for a thing covering places like the
Panama Canal? (Wonder if we'll ever get real coverage on the canal...)

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Plastic Rat's back with more ideas..., you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.