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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: Max deLaubenfels <madness@*.WASHINGTON.EDU>
Subject: PSI: Psionics in the Matrix and Astral Space
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 1994 11:58:09 -0700
Hello all --
I have a few thoughts on this subject that I thought might be
useful. Joan Vinge wrote a very good book a few years back called Cat's
Paw, the sequal to a previous book called Psion. In Cat's Paw the main
character successfully interfaces with the futuristic equivalent of a
galaxy sized internet, and the same questions of how the psionicist can
do this, or affect anything on the matrix once he's there, were
discussed. This is how she explained it: The matrix was large enough
that it had essentially the same functions as another mind -- thoughts
are basically electromagnetic pulses anyway. People with no psionics
must install data jacks to interface with this mind, but psionicists
actually do not need a jack -- they enter the matrix telepathically. For
this reason, they not only can enter the matrix, but they are slicker
than anything electronic once they are there -- they issue no commands or
instructions to a deck, they just will themselves around. Necessarilly
this requires skill, and makes the psionicist rather vulnerable to
physical damage, as well as getting lost in there. In fact, this seems
much like a mage astrally projecting. It's something to consider, anyway.
On the issue of psionicists in astral space: there is a lot of
resistance to having psionicists involved in astral space it seems. I'm
all for making game play smooth, and if the psionics system will work
better without astral space stuff then no prob. Astral space, though, is
made up of things like life force, isn't it? And aren't auras reflections
of emotional state? Empathy is a big field of psionics, and powers like
telepathy have always seemed like exertions of will against other minds.
That's a life force issue, isn't it? If a psionicist can project
emotions, how can she NOT be represented in astral space? Since there
are so many forces at work in astral space, including spirits and
monsters of a dual nature, I think that at least the option of astral
perception should be open to psionicists. Either that, or perhaps
whatever space psionicists ARE open to should include similar challenges
(psionic monsters, beings, etc.). Just my 2 =Y=!


For some moments there are no words. The reverse is true, but
it's trickier.

Message no. 2
From: Max deLaubenfels <madness@*.WASHINGTON.EDU>
Subject: PSI: Psionics in the Matrix and Astral Space
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 1994 06:59:41 -0700
One more thing I forgot to mention -- When the psionicist was traveling
through the computer net, there was a rule about what he could affect.
Being telepathic, he could look at anything. But to change anything,
move anything around, or take anything he couldn't remember, he had to be
This idea may not fly with the game mechanics, but I kind of like
the idea. Everything we feel and think has some representation in the
physical universe, including data bits and thoughts. It is feasable that
psionicists could interact quite well with the matrix. And, hey, they'd
give deckers some company.

-Max :)

For some moments there are no words. The reverse is true, but
it's trickier.

Message no. 3
From: MILLIKEN DAMION A <u9467882@***.EDU.AU>
Subject: Re: PSI: Psionics in the Matrix and Astral Space
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 1994 00:24:47 +1000
Max writes:

> One more thing I forgot to mention -- When the psionicist was traveling
> through the computer net, there was a rule about what he could affect.
> Being telepathic, he could look at anything. But to change anything,
> move anything around, or take anything he couldn't remember, he had to be
> telekenitic.
> This idea may not fly with the game mechanics, but I kind of like
> the idea. Everything we feel and think has some representation in the
> physical universe, including data bits and thoughts. It is feasable that
> psionicists could interact quite well with the matrix. And, hey, they'd
> give deckers some company.

you got it right that it may not go too well with game mechanics. If the
telekinesis was used on a deck or computer with access to the data, then
sure, but I fail to see how, unless the psi* telekinised his own deck
(pretty useless), or some other deck with a persona in the right spot (LOS

Damion e-mail u9467882@***

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Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about PSI: Psionics in the Matrix and Astral Space, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.