From: | "Paolo Falco" <Falco@****.it> |
Subject: | PuWa's guide part 3 |
Date: | Wed, 22 May 1996 23:08:52 +0000 |
there's 1 "very ironic" versus 3 "pro" :), so I'll post the third
part of PuWa's guide
PuWa's Guide To Amazing Senseless [Etcetera] Fun
PART Wow like totally amazing, threee!
Yobo chummas! We're here in 'ole Cal, which quite never stopped
being inhabited by the same crazee people, this time to deal
with the masters of adrenaline (loud grunge-slamdance music),
THE SKYDIVERS!!! Not a sport for the weak or the wimpy,
skydiving has arisen to new heights with WingMaster Pro (TM)
interchangeable Wingarms, allowing all of you who had had
serious accidents to fly again, and this time, for real! Not
adrenalizing enough? Then try ChOPPa, and hit the gas valve
with just one hand, while the other keeps on the pulling cord
of that Smart Parachute of yours! And of course, for all of
you that want a REAL thrill, join the MAX-ACC team and see how
many Gs you can do without blacking out!!!
WingMaster Pro (TM) Wingarms
Wingmaster Wingarms are a specialized form of interchangeable
cyberarms that allow the user to fly without any further
implements. First of all a special set of modifications by
WingMaster (TM) is needed to your standard cyberarm,
reinforcing the attachments to your shoulder and muscle, adding
a special break-proof plate to your back muscle, and preparing
the cyberarm for removal. This set costs 0.25 points of essence
and 3000 Y, but provides the wearer with an armor bonus of
(+1/+1) when attacked from the immediate rear only. Then the
cyberarm itself (or rather, the attachments), must be
strenghtened and augmented at least 3 times (costing and
counting as an increased strength (3). Notice this modification
is illegal in many states). This modification is not necessary
if you already have at lest 3 points of increased strength. Then
the actual wings can be installed. The wings themselves are 2.50
metres in span each and offer limited range (depending on your
endurance) and speed equal roughly to your normal running speed.
Wearer can fly for a number of hours equal to the successes
rolled on a Body(4) test where all cyber modifiers to your body
are SUBTRACTED from the number of dice rolled instead of added.
Other modifiers should ba added by the GM to the target number
according to the weight the character is carrying. No backpacks
are allowed when wearing Wingarms.
WingMaster Wingarms
Cost: 25000 Y
Essence: as cyberlimb
Availability: Not available from anyone except WingMaster Mail
order (street index = 1)
>>>>>[They are a nice addition to your essence-friendly gadgets,
but hardly useful... Fact is, the more your dermal plating
weighs, the more you tire when flying with these... It's just
incompatible with any cyber enhancements that improve
- Boyo (00:12:33/12-6-57)
>>>>>[What about them being so fatiguing?]<<<<<
- Troglo (00:19:pop/06-16-57)
>>>>>[Yer bones are not porous and light like bird
- Boyo (05:15:20/06-16-57)
>>>>>[No, mine are not. Titanium lacing!]<<<<<
- Troglo (03:39:pop/06-16-57)
The ChOPPa is a small, one-man, strap-to-back helicopter.
Provided with a CACR (Co Axial Counter Rotating) rotor, thus
eliminating the need for a tail fin and stabilizer, the ChOPPa
can carry up to 200 Kgs of cargo (including pilot), in open air.
The helicopter itself is strapped to the pilot's back and has
two large boxes attached to the sides which can be used to carry
equipment, and is propelled my an electric engine of high power
and small size. The whole package can be dismatled given some
time and transformed into a box that weighs only 55 Kgs.
Handling: 5
Speed: 10/25
B/A: 1/0
Sig: 10
Apilot: Real Men Don't Use Apilots!
Cost: 10000 Y
Seating: Ummm... 1 "Strapped"?
Economy: 2.5 PF per Km.
Cargo 4 CFs
Power: Electric/125
Weight: 55 Kgs
Landing/Take: VTOL
>>>>>[Toys, mere toys. There ARE people going round with
these... But then agin, there IS strange people around,
- Bloster (12:34:22/6-6-57)
Smart Parachute
The Smart Parachute is just a lightweight neomylar cage with the
latest aerodynamic form and a kevlar-III lacing. The Smart
Parachute is new in that information fro it can actually be
recieved via a datajack and the backpack. Information displayed
by the Smart Parachute includes GPS positioning, wind and own
speed, altitude, and metereologic conditions. All this
information can be used to provide for better and more accurate
landings and for longer flights. The Smart Parachute is
avaliable in all colors including Camouflage, Low Visibility
Dull Grey and Transparent.
Smart Parchute
Cost: 7000 Y
Weight: 6
Avalability: 2/66 hrs.
Street Index: 2
Note: The smart parachute subtracts 2 from all target
numbers of Skydiving control tests. Yes I know
there are no rules yet... And no, YOU invent them!
Or just enforce some control tests now and then...
>>>>>[A thingie for the military, the Smart Parachute has
"leaked" into the free trade... I have actually seen people do
incredible thigs with these babies... Landing on semi trailers
on the run, or in a dense wood without their parachute getting
tangled... And it is so light, and incredibly resistant to
incoming fire... Why, the thing can bounce off very small-caliber
ammunition at a distance! It is also really invisible!]<<<<<
- The Erg Raider (23:12:11/06-06-57)
>>>>>[I had use for it when I and me friends ahd to attack a
zeppelin. Yousee, this guy NEVER landed... Supplies arrived to
him "by wire"!!! We just dropped from the Tokio Geodesics and
landed on top of his darn zeppelin. Was fun, too!]<<<<<
- Stellar (wh:at:ad/um-bn-ame)
No, no stats for this one. MAX-ACC is the latest crazyness for
skydivers. Take a large cone-shaped barrel, fuel it with liquid
oxygen, and light the fuse. Up you go. Down you come. That is,
if you manage to stay awake during the 4 or 5 G starting
acceleration... MAX-ACC sites are found almost everywhere (they
are compaarble to bungee-jumping sites in the 90es), and consist
of a large shooting ground, some barracks for the fuel and
personnel, and large dumb signs taht claim this sis the laest
craziness (and craziness it is). The MAX-AC itself is a small
rocket, which goes as high as 5 thousand metres and then
suddently releases you while itself opening a parachute and
falling back to the ground. I doubt any runners could find a use
for such a rocket-frenzy, but, if they do, MAX-ACCS cost about
100000 Y (the rocket) and cost at least 500 Y per 100kilometers
of altitude you want to climb to refuel.
>>>>>[WHEEEE!!! Finally some place to waste my money
-TeRMiNAllY DUmB (12:32:11/06-03-57)
>>>>>[DOn't forget these things go BOOM! now and then. Ah, and
that you soemtimes go SPLAT! too...]<<<<<
-RIgger Happy (12:55:33/06-08-57)
BTW everything is MY copyright, copyup and copydown, and the
world is MINE!!! HAR HAR HAR!
Seriously, the only things I wouldn't like you to use are the
thingie's names, and the names "Rigger Happy" (copyright by
Davide Perinciolo) and "Stellar" (our decker, BTW really dumb
name, eh?)
Paolo Falco [Falco@****.it] Ironbound Section (Near Avenue L)
*****> SKATERS!!! Check this site for THE contact game! <****