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Message no. 1
From: nichlas.hummelsberger@*****.com (Nichlas Hummelsberger)
Subject: Racoon City = Bug City :)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2004 13:52:03 +0200
Was i the only one who was making this connection while watching
Resident Evil 2?

We have the umrella coorporation acting a lot like Ares
We have the outbreak of zombieness looking a lot like insect spirits
We have a team of heroes getting stranded inside the walls, on a
mission, and trying to get out.

PS. Hey.. i liked the movie.. anything that has zombies, Milla
Jovovich and miniguns is a hit in my mind :)
Message no. 2
From: westiex@********.net (Aramis)
Subject: Racoon City = Bug City :)
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2004 02:39:46 +1000
Nichlas Hummelsberger wrote:

>Was i the only one who was making this connection while watching
>Resident Evil 2?
>We have the umrella coorporation acting a lot like Ares
>We have the outbreak of zombieness looking a lot like insect spirits
>We have a team of heroes getting stranded inside the walls, on a
>mission, and trying to get out.
>PS. Hey.. i liked the movie.. anything that has zombies, Milla
>Jovovich and miniguns is a hit in my mind :)
Oo ... its out already?

I was actually planning on using the design of the underground complex
and doing a run based on that. Not nessecarily one based entierly on the
movie (Afterall, what are the chances the rest of the group has seen it
before?), but one with enough simularities but to stuff them around.

Message no. 3
From: graxius@*****.com (Graxius)
Subject: Racoon City = Bug City :)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2004 12:44:27 -0500
> >Was i the only one who was making this connection while watching
> >Resident Evil 2?

I hope not :) I have been working on a RE2 Lite edition (As in not
taking away SR but adding in the RE2 flavor) campaign for SR. Email me
off list if you want to collaborate?

> >We have the umrella coorporation acting a lot like Ares
> >We have the outbreak of zombieness looking a lot like insect spirits
> >We have a team of heroes getting stranded inside the walls, on a
> >mission, and trying to get out.

I did not really think about it like that until you posted it though.

> >--
> >PS. Hey.. i liked the movie.. anything that has zombies, Milla
> >Jovovich and miniguns is a hit in my mind :)

[OT] - Has anyone seen the Directors commentary on RE1? All
participants in the making of the movies had to play the game and
watch others playing the game.

> >
> >
> Oo ... its out already?
> I was actually planning on using the design of the underground complex
> and doing a run based on that. Not nessecarily one based entierly on the
> movie (Afterall, what are the chances the rest of the group has seen it
> before?), but one with enough simularities but to stuff them around.

My approach so far is to seed it slowly and have it grow like cancer.
Then have the players be involved whether they like it or not :) My
players will catch on pretty quick but solving the problem (and making
cash in the process) is (hopefully) going to be the fun part.

Message no. 4
From: nichlas.hummelsberger@*****.com (Nichlas Hummelsberger)
Subject: Racoon City = Bug City :)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2004 20:15:09 +0200
On Thu, 16 Sep 2004 12:44:27 -0500, Graxius <graxius@*****.com> wrote:
> > >Was i the only one who was making this connection while watching
> > >Resident Evil 2?
> I hope not :) I have been working on a RE2 Lite edition (As in not
> taking away SR but adding in the RE2 flavor) campaign for SR. Email me
> off list if you want to collaborate?

Actually, i'm not very fond of using the whole zombie idea in a game..
i have a big enough suspension-of-disbelief problem with the bugs :)

> > >We have the umrella coorporation acting a lot like Ares
> > >We have the outbreak of zombieness looking a lot like insect spirits
> > >We have a team of heroes getting stranded inside the walls, on a
> > >mission, and trying to get out.
> I did not really think about it like that until you posted it though.
> > >--
> > >PS. Hey.. i liked the movie.. anything that has zombies, Milla
> > >Jovovich and miniguns is a hit in my mind :)
> [OT] - Has anyone seen the Directors commentary on RE1? All
> participants in the making of the movies had to play the game and
> watch others playing the game.
> > >
> > >
> > Oo ... its out already?
> >
> > I was actually planning on using the design of the underground complex
> > and doing a run based on that. Not nessecarily one based entierly on the
> > movie (Afterall, what are the chances the rest of the group has seen it
> > before?), but one with enough simularities but to stuff them around.

I will use it as inspiration, but not untill some time has gone by..
or it would be much too obvious.

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Racoon City = Bug City :), you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.