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Message no. 1
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Valeu John EMFA)
Subject: Rare books and Famous Names
Date: Sat Jun 16 05:00:01 2001
Anyone know how I can get a hold of a few of the following books,
Harlequin's Back,
Prime Runners,

Hey that reminds me, Has anyone every used any REAL prime runners in their
FastJack, Wedge, Hatchetman, Wolf, Raven, De Vries, Bull, basicly anyone
quoted, used in an example, or had a few books written about them.
Message no. 2
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Lady Jestyr)
Subject: Rare books and Famous Names
Date: Sat Jun 16 06:05:01 2001
At 10:53 AM 16/06/01 -0800, Valeu John EMFA wrote:

>Hey that reminds me, Has anyone every used any REAL prime runners in their
>FastJack, Wedge, Hatchetman, Wolf, Raven, De Vries, Bull, basicly anyone
>quoted, used in an example, or had a few books written about them.

We've used... uh...

Runners: FastJack, Wolf, Raven, Captain Chaos, Dodger & Morgan, a few of
the other named deckers (Babel, Syzygy, Ronin, Cinder, Neon Wraith), HeadKase.
Other famous names: Harlequin, Leonardo, Dunkelzahn, Nadja Daviar, Kyle
Haeffner, Sherman Huang, Damien Knight, Don Maurizio Bigio, Ehran, Lofwyr,
Ryumyo, and Perianwyr. (I've probably forgotten some.)

Then again, this is in a campaign just shy of 600 karma, so the characters
are definitely in the big leagues anyway. By now the game is mostly
focusing on the difficulties of being a criminal when you're famous (since
a couple of the characters are rising stars in the Urban Brawl league and
about to become action-simsense stars to boot). It certainly adds a
different twist when you *know* you cannot do whatever you want in public
and only have to worry about Lone Star or the corps *maybe* tracking you
down. If you *know* that onlookers are almost certainly going to recognize
you and be able to give your name to the Star, it definitely makes things a
lot more interesting. One has more personal power, but also a lot more
limitations on your behaviour - makes for a rather fun campaign.

Lady Jestyr
"If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be
a horrible warning." - Catherine Aird

* jestyr@*****.com | URL: *
Message no. 3
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Valeu John EMFA)
Subject: Rare books and Famous Names
Date: Sat Jun 16 08:55:01 2001
>We've used... uh...

>Runners: FastJack, Wolf, Raven, Captain Chaos, Dodger & Morgan, a few of
>the other named deckers (Babel, Syzygy, Ronin, Cinder, Neon Wraith),
>Other famous names: Harlequin, Leonardo, Dunkelzahn, Nadja Daviar, Kyle
>Haeffner, Sherman Huang, Damien Knight, Don Maurizio Bigio, Ehran, Lofwyr,
>Ryumyo, and Perianwyr. (I've probably forgotten some.)

Uhhhhh....uh....<Speechless. Please stand by.>

Were these just in passing or did your runners actually work for/with these
(except for Dodger, Morgan, Babel/Ronin and anyone else mentioned (and given
stats or bios) in Brainscan or any other module).
How long have you been running your team by the way???
Message no. 4
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Patrick Goodman)
Subject: Rare books and Famous Names
Date: Sat Jun 16 09:30:01 2001
From: Valeu John EMFA
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2001 1:53 PM

> Anyone know how I can get a hold of a few of the following books,
> Harlequin's Back,
> ShadowBeat,
> Prime Runners,
> CalFree.

eBay is your friend. You don't have web access at the moment, though, so
that's a useless suggestion.

Other than that, hang out at game shops and used book shops and see what you
can come up with.

> Hey that reminds me, Has anyone every used any REAL prime runners in their
> campaign?
> FastJack, Wedge, Hatchetman, Wolf, Raven, De Vries, Bull, basicly anyone
> quoted, used in an example, or had a few books written about them.

Let's see...Martin de Vries has turned up a time or two in my games. Texas
2-Step is a fixture, but no one's met Corona or the Midnight Angel yet. A
couple of players have met "Patrick Goodman" in-game (and I swear to God I'm
going to get Erik Jameson back for that one of these days). And I actually
played one game session with the Dixie Hick.

That answer anything? :)

Message no. 5
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Lady Jestyr)
Subject: Rare books and Famous Names
Date: Sat Jun 16 10:45:01 2001
At 02:02 PM 16/06/01 -0800, Valeu John EMFA wrote:

>>We've used... uh...
>>Runners: FastJack, Wolf, Raven, Captain Chaos, Dodger & Morgan, a few of
>>the other named deckers (Babel, Syzygy, Ronin, Cinder, Neon Wraith),
>>Other famous names: Harlequin, Leonardo, Dunkelzahn, Nadja Daviar, Kyle
>>Haeffner, Sherman Huang, Damien Knight, Don Maurizio Bigio, Ehran, Lofwyr,
>>Ryumyo, and Perianwyr. (I've probably forgotten some.)
>Uhhhhh....uh....<Speechless. Please stand by.>
>Were these just in passing or did your runners actually work for/with these
>(except for Dodger, Morgan, Babel/Ronin and anyone else mentioned (and given
>stats or bios) in Brainscan or any other module).
>How long have you been running your team by the way???

Okay. Well, we've worked with HeadKase for a long time - he's one of the
old characters from this campaign who wound up getting written into a few
of the books by me and my collaborator, and a few of the other writers
picked him up as a useful name for a shadowposter. So having worked with
him is nothing big.

As for the other runners; well, the association with the deckers came from
a modification of the Renraku Arcology adventure, and the characters
maintained social contact with the NPCs after the job was over... hey, even
the primest of prime runners still have to have friends and social
acquaintances, after all. Wolf and Raven were purely a social call, since
one of our runners is getting something of a reputation in the shadowy
communities and social underbelly of Seattle as something of a
philanthropist - kinda like a junior Doc Raven, in fact, which of course
attracted Raven's interest and led to the recent acquaintence.

The other names come partly from working for some of them, and partly from
the fact that there's strong Earthdawn ties and crossovers in this campaign
and the anti-Horrors effort is alive and well. Some of the characters did
the original Harlequin and Harlequin's Back modules, years ago, and Harly
never forgot their usefulness, so they've gradually been drawn more and
more into the struggle against the Scourge. That's what brought them into
contact, directly or indirectly, with almost all the other big names.
(Almost all of them, in fact, except Sherman Huang - again, a side effect
of the Arcology adventure - and Maurizio Bigio, which comes from a long
history of taking a lot of Mafia-sponsored runs.)

I can't really explain how and why all these NPCs have come into the
campaign without giving a complete synopsis of the last, say, seven years
of my character's life, which would take faaar too long. Suffice to say
that, although it sounds like social powergaming, it's actually relatively
reasonable given the events of the campaign.

Lady Jestyr
"If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be
a horrible warning." - Catherine Aird

* jestyr@*****.com | URL: *
Message no. 6
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Sebastian Wiers)
Subject: Rare books and Famous Names
Date: Sat Jun 16 11:20:00 2001
>Hey that reminds me, Has anyone every used any REAL prime runners in their
>FastJack, Wedge, Hatchetman, Wolf, Raven, De Vries, Bull, basicly anyone
>quoted, used in an example, or had a few books written about them.

Most of the characters used in examples in recent books (Balthazar, Twitch,
maybe others) were from the SR2 camapign Rob Boyle was running when he got
hired at FASA. They aren't superstars by any means- most of them had less
than 50 karma whne the campiagn was put asside for other things.
Similarly, many of the quoted characters are authors and friends PC's. This
has always been true, afaik- I think Hatchetman was Tom Dowd's character.
"Shetani" is Rob Boyle's mage, BTW. He was the most experienced character
in the campaign, having been used in another previously. He maybe got up to
200 karma. Other occasionally quoted characters I rmember from that group
are Bandi, Ptah, Eli, Matrixter, Leggy, Huck (a free field spirit) and (my
own character) Mongoose.

The only "guest star" prime runner we ever had show up was Martin DeVries.
{What a jerk HE was. If he ever shows up in your game, help him get a nice
tan as a favor for me...} That doesn't mean occasional other PC's weren't
as powerful, but they weren't from the books (afaik).

Message no. 7
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Aewyn)
Subject: Rare books and Famous Names
Date: Sat Jun 16 12:20:01 2001
My players are currently working for Lofwyr, even though they don't know it
yet. They'll most probably get drawn in the whole horror conflict rather
soon, so I guess they'll eventually come in contact with Harlequin et al.
Oh, and the group's decker managed to get her hand on some legendary
decker's personality-on-a-chip (a la neuroncer).

Besides that, no one else. They've met with an Ork named Victor Ashe who
could be anything from an exceedingly powerful mage (Harlequin-level), an
exceedingly powerful decker baked by a mage, a group of people playing with
their lives, or a "simple" game programmer, in which case the characters
would actually be nothing more than characters in the game.

They've also run into a rival runner group, about as powerful as them,
hence not exactly "prime", as they're still below 100 karma. While good,
they'd definately be out of their league if confronted to, say, FastJack on
the matrix.

Oh, and they'll *run* into totally unofficial prime runners soon, namely a
samruair with high-level skillwires and a rigger, staying safely away from
the firefight and managing the sammy's"skillsoft server": that is, giving
him the right skills at the right time (thanks to whoever on the list came
up with this idea, btw).
Message no. 8
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Bull)
Subject: Rare books and Famous Names
Date: Mon Jun 18 18:05:01 2001
>Hey that reminds me, Has anyone every used any REAL prime runners in their
>FastJack, Wedge, Hatchetman, Wolf, Raven, De Vries, Bull, basicly anyone
>quoted, used in an example, or had a few books written about them.

LAUGH!!!!! :]

Bull -- Who's never used Bull in a game. Really! :]
Message no. 9
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Valeu John EMFA)
Subject: Rare books and Famous Names
Date: Tue Jun 19 04:35:01 2001
>Hey that reminds me, Has anyone every used any REAL prime runners in their
>FastJack, Wedge, Hatchetman, Wolf, Raven, De Vries, Bull, basicly anyone
>quoted, used in an example, or had a few books written about them.

LAUGH!!!!! :]

Bull -- Who's never used Bull in a game. Really! :]

I did as an information source in the matrix.
Message no. 10
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Bull)
Subject: Rare books and Famous Names
Date: Tue Jun 19 11:05:01 2001
Valeu John EMFA <ValeuJ@*************> wrote:

>>LAUGH!!!!! :]
>>Bull -- Who's never used Bull in a game. Really! :]
>I did as an information source in the matrix.
And, Like the Triple H joke with Herc... WOOSH ;] the sound of a joke
going RIGHT over someone's head ;]

BTW, I'd be interested to hear how I was used in a game :]


Bull -- The Best Ork Decker You Never Met

bull@***********.com == bull22@***********.com
Bull's Place! ==
ICQ: 35931890
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Message no. 11
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Valeu John EMFA)
Subject: Rare books and Famous Names
Date: Tue Jun 19 20:10:01 2001
-----Original Message-----
From: Valeu John EMFA
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2001 2:24 AM
To: 'shadowrn@*********.com'
Subject: RE: RE: Rare books and Famous Names

>>>LAUGH!!!!! :]
>>>Bull -- Who's never used Bull in a game. Really! :]
>>I did as an information source in the matrix.
>And, Like the Triple H joke with Herc... WOOSH ;] the sound of a joke
>going RIGHT over someone's head ;]

>BTW, I'd be interested to hear how I was used in a game :]


Runners needed some info on Cleveland and after doing some searching, came
up with your name (and site).
Message no. 12
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Steven Ratkovich)
Subject: Rare books and Famous Names
Date: Thu Jun 21 08:00:00 2001
>>> Valeu John EMFA <ValeuJ@*************> 06/20/01 05:10AM
>BTW, I'd be interested to hear how I was used in a game :]

Runners needed some info on Cleveland and after doing some searching, came
up with your name (and site).

John, you rock :]

Glad to know the site was useful to SOMEONE <grin>


The Best Ork Decker You've Never Met!

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Rare books and Famous Names, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.