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Message no. 1
From: "Brennan M. O'Keefe" <bmokeefe@**.com>
Subject: Really odd ideas -- was Re: The "S" Files - Conspiracy Paranoia
Date: Tue, 1 Oct 1996 01:06:00 -0500
> From: Joker <s1057948@*******>
> To: shadowrn@********
> Cc: shadowrn@********
> Subject: Re: The "S" Files - Conspiracy Paranoia
> Date: Monday, September 30, 1996 11:48 PM

> This may be a little silly, but.....

Hey, I can take any of this and push it MUCH further through the looking
glass. Yes, I'm about to get really far out, consider yourselves warned.

[MUCH deleted]

> It's possible that a colony civilisation existed on Mars during the
> Earthdawn time, courtsey of teleportation etc.

> Or (Gawd) The expedition to Mars has discovered the ruins of Parlainth
> or an equivalent city, moved by magic to escape the horrors..

How about this: Cydonia was the last refuge of a race on the verge of
elimination by the horrors. They fought valiantly, but failed. And then,
having consumed all life on one world, the horrors turned their hungry eyes
upon another.

Anyway, I LIKE this guy's ideas! Fit in quite nicely with some of mine!

Okay, guys, here goes with my ideas. Everybody seems to be thinking in
terms of elves, dragons, etc. actually being aliens. What if the "reality"
is the other way around?

Decades before magic rose to levels that humans were able to notice and
use, some horror managed to open the way for a few of its contructs to
enter our world and start paving the way for itself and its kind to return.
It equipped these constructs with some means to create a local increase in
the magic level, artifacts capable of harnessing a low-mana field, etc. The
constructs surveyed the world that the humans had shaped without magic. To
maintain their magics, these constructs performed blood magic rituals, but
only on animals (so as not to alert the humans too early). Occasionally,
they kidnapped humans for study, often "marking" them in some way, and
altering their memories. And occasionally, they took unborn children to
corrupt into more horror constructs...
Message no. 2
From: chaos@*****.com (Steven Ratkovich)
Subject: Re: Really odd ideas -- was Re: The "S" Files - Conspiracy Paranoia
Date: Tue, 1 Oct 1996 02:29:35 -0500 (EST)
>Decades before magic rose to levels that humans were able to notice and
>use, some horror managed to open the way for a few of its contructs to
>enter our world and start paving the way for itself and its kind to return.
>It equipped these constructs with some means to create a local increase in
>the magic level, artifacts capable of harnessing a low-mana field, etc. The
>constructs surveyed the world that the humans had shaped without magic. To
>maintain their magics, these constructs performed blood magic rituals, but
>only on animals (so as not to alert the humans too early). Occasionally,
>they kidnapped humans for study, often "marking" them in some way, and
>altering their memories. And occasionally, they took unborn children to
>corrupt into more horror constructs...
You're a sick, sick person, but I think I like ya...:0 This a truly hideous
idea that could be very interesting...:)

-Bull, aka Chaos, aka Rak, aka Steven Ratkovich
Order is Illusion! Chaos is Bliss! Got any fours?

"I say we go back to the ship, and nuke the
site from Orbit. It's the only way to be sure."
-Ripley, "Aliens"
Message no. 3
From: bluewizard@*****.com (Steven A. Tinner)
Subject: Re: Really odd ideas -- was Re: The "S" Files - Conspiracy Paranoia
Date: Tue, 1 Oct 1996 03:03:01 -0500 (EST)
>How about this: Cydonia was the last refuge of a race on the verge of
>elimination by the horrors. They fought valiantly, but failed. And then,
>having consumed all life on one world, the horrors turned their hungry eyes
>upon another.
>Anyway, I LIKE this guy's ideas! Fit in quite nicely with some of mine!
>Okay, guys, here goes with my ideas. Everybody seems to be thinking in
>terms of elves, dragons, etc. actually being aliens. What if the "reality"
>is the other way around?
>Decades before magic rose to levels that humans were able to notice and
>use, some horror managed to open the way for a few of its contructs to
>enter our world and start paving the way for itself and its kind to return.
>It equipped these constructs with some means to create a local increase in
>the magic level, artifacts capable of harnessing a low-mana field, etc. The
>constructs surveyed the world that the humans had shaped without magic. To
>maintain their magics, these constructs performed blood magic rituals, but
>only on animals (so as not to alert the humans too early). Occasionally,
>they kidnapped humans for study, often "marking" them in some way, and
>altering their memories. And occasionally, they took unborn children to
>corrupt into more horror constructs...


Cattle mutilation!
I love it!
This could almost fit in without disturbing too much continuity!


"C'mon, let's give 'em two more turns to live."

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Really odd ideas -- was Re: The "S" Files - Conspiracy Paranoia, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.