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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: shadowrn@*********.com (shadowrun)
Subject: re bug city
Date: Fri Nov 30 12:35:04 2001
I was working on a campaign in bug city ( thanks for the
info damian ) but it all comes down to one really bad BTL
ride ( i thought of calling the BTL paranoid schizophrenia),
pc find themselves in BC pre events , and slowly uncover the
nasty truth , but as most gm's should , always ask for
unexplained die rolls , things like resist body ( why ? shut
up and do it ) or will whatever have started on some nasty
dreams sort of like waking up but not really waking up
(visions of the real world or some other AR) , already have
two false layers ( sort of like perfect blue or matrix but
deeper ) where not one runner resisted a stun gas ( that was
layer 2 ) and the original BTL is layer 1 , only just
started and it is going to be one big crash , the crux
statement as the layers fall is


now as the layers slowly fall apart the AR's are left
behind (with a few shuffles back and forth to disoreint)
(sort of like matrix only what if the computer designed
multiple layers for all those rebels and neo is just in
another altered reality diving into the first AR? ) and
eventually as you close the campaign the only words the pc's
( convinved they have found true reality ) need to hear are

okay this is an invitiation any more really weird ideas to
continue along this vein something along the lines of

" all your memories of your wife and daughter are false "

Kanniemeernie Korperaal
"If I become a psychopath you will be the very first person
to know"
Employee to boss
Message no. 2
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Damion Milliken)
Subject: re bug city
Date: Sun Dec 2 11:05:01 2001
shadowrun writes:

> <Snip idea for multi level altered reality campaign.>

In principle it sounds like a good idea, at least from a GM standpoint.
However, having played a SR game at a convention that was some sort of
BTL/psychotropic programming trip/VR trip, I will say that as a player, such
things are somewhat unsatisfactory. For lack of a better word, rather
"hollow", or pointless. You'd have to judge your players carefully, I think.
As an interlude to an otherwise 'normal' game I could see a use for such a
thing, and it might even be rather fun, but as the _whole_ game, I could see
some problems.

How were you planning on having multiple levels? I could think of 3
possibilities to get entirely new worlds: VR hosts, BTL level psychotropic
(re)programming, and astral quests. And then a combination of laes and
psychotropic reprogramming to make the _real_ world hazy, incomplete, and
suspicious for the PCs once they finally _do_ break out into it.

Damion Milliken University of Wollongong
Unofficial Shadowrun Guru E-mail: dam01@***
Version: 3.12
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e++>++++$ h- r++>+++ y->+++
Message no. 3
From: shadowrn@*********.com (shadowrun)
Subject: re bug city
Date: Tue Dec 4 12:20:01 2001
Damian replied
> three types of altered world

the entire thing from start to stop is one really bad
psychotropic BTL , it involves taking the player deeper and
deeper into chip induced psychoses , although the players
may think they are in the real world , other events such as
astral quest or matrix induced psychotropics , are just
created to fulfill the BTL's programming ,

all this takes place within the BTL for all characters are
actually just psychotopic hallucinations of a single poor
chipper ( hence the name paranoid schizophrenia ) who
believes that he is one of the runners but isn't so sure
which one ( so the wizzers think they cast spells the decker
thinks he is decking ) , the secret is not to keep the
secret , let players in on something being wrong ( normally
1 per layer ) so each thinks they are the only party who
knows the truth , in the mean time none are truly aware so
they will try to wake up but every time they do they have a
strange dream like sequence ( the real real world )
involving some shitty dive but as they try to look into a
mirror they "wake up" and return to whatever layer they were
on , until they resolve that the layer is truly false , die
in that layer or some such action , ( like realise this is
all one really nasty onion )

it is only a 6-9 session event , not a campaign or such , i
realise that the last adventure is going to be hell , but
the guys are fairly mature and used to this kinda shit from
our V:tm GM , just thought i'd give em something different
yet not different from the usual run , i got a bit sick of
the get the run , do the run , get stabbed in the back by
johnson , get a ultimate reward , type of thing , and
thought to get a touch of sweet revenge on a Vtm gm

Kanniemeernie Korperaal ,
"paranoia is not a state of mind but a way of life"
the first wave

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about re bug city, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.