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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Hahns Shin)
Subject: Recycled Art
Date: Sun Apr 22 13:55:01 2001
I'm sure you all have noticed that SR artwork tends to be a world of
deja vu; that is to say, FASA liked to duplicate artwork, sometimes in
the same sourcebook! I was wondering if there was a "recycled art" FAQ
around. If there isn't, I would like to start one up, just for fun.

Send all submissions to hahns@****.org. It has to be artwork that is
recycled either within or between different products, including the
card game and any adventures/sourcebooks. Updates to a sourcebook
(say, VR to VR 2.0) doesn't count.

Hahns Shin, MS I
Budding cybersurgeon
Message no. 2
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Augustus)
Subject: Recycled Art
Date: Sun Apr 22 15:35:00 2001
> I'm sure you all have noticed that SR artwork tends to be a world of
> deja vu; that is to say, FASA liked to duplicate artwork, sometimes in
> the same sourcebook! I was wondering if there was a "recycled art" FAQ
> around. If there isn't, I would like to start one up, just for fun.

This is one of those times when its hard to choose the right question... I'm
torn between "Does it really matter?" and "Does anybody actually

This is a big topic amongst D&D players... Some would complain for years it
seemed about how TSR was using the same art over the years...

What you are probably gonna end up with is... almost all the color art was
used in the CCG, and some of the art was used in the book that later
replaced it.

Message no. 3
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Hahns Shin)
Subject: Recycled art
Date: Mon Apr 23 15:00:02 2001
> > I'm sure you all have noticed that SR artwork tends to be a world
> > deja vu; that is to say, FASA liked to duplicate artwork,
sometimes in
> > the same sourcebook! I was wondering if there was a "recycled art"
> > around. If there isn't, I would like to start one up, just for
> This is one of those times when its hard to choose the right
question... I'm
> torn between "Does it really matter?" and "Does anybody actually
> This is a big topic amongst D&D players... Some would complain for
years it
> seemed about how TSR was using the same art over the years...
> What you are probably gonna end up with is... almost all the color
art was
> used in the CCG, and some of the art was used in the book that later
> replaced it.
> Augustus
Oh, I'm not complaining. You must be misinterpreting my tone, because
I think it's rather funny. The recycled art is a running gag with our
gaming group (along with the tab errors in the early FASA products).
And new color art was commissioned for the CCG and later recycled into
the books (for example: Street Sam color pic). I think the worst
offender is the b/w picture of Darke, who has appeared in every
instance FASA needed a "dark, brooding evil mage" type. He's not even
in the main storyline anymore, but his pic lives on... same thing with
Teachdaire and some others.

Anywho, sorry if I came off as the complaining type. I just thought
the recycled art was amusing, that's all.

Hahns Shin, MS I
Budding cybersurgeon

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Recycled Art, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.