From: | P Ward <P.Ward@**.CF.AC.UK> |
Subject: | Renegade's Gun Mod's |
Date: | Sat, 8 Apr 1995 09:39:10 BST |
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Well, you asked for it, the first installment of my gun mods for smmies
who want more toys on their firearms.
BTW, Damion's right about flechette's and impact, his version of it, marries
the SR packet sflechette and the real-life steel dart nicely.
I bow to your knowledge Mr Guru.
Phil (Runs-With-The-Pack)
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X-Sun-Data-Name: guns
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LIGHT Cost Wgh Mnt Cn Index Str Notes
Flashlight 50Y .25 U/T -1 2/24 Hr .9 HALF: Light/Dark, 2-Ways
+Smart Focus +50Y - - - +2/-- 2 FA to change focus
Infra-red 1800Y .25 Top -2 8/4 Day 1 Passive IR
Optical 4000Y .5 Top -3 4/48 Hr 1 Passive optical filter
Low-Light 1500Y .25 Top -2 3/36 Hr .8
Optical 3000Y .5 Top -3 4/48 Hr 1 Optical Light-amp
Thermographic 1500Y .25 Top -2 3/36 Hr .8 Thermal Imaging
Ultra-Sound 1300Y .25 Top -2 8/4 Day .8 HALF: Light, Dark, Invis
Projector 1000Y .1 Top -1 8/6 Day 1 HALF: Light, Dark, Invis
Display Gogs 1100Y .1 - 6 3/36 Hr 1 OR DLink + DJack Ultra-violet
1800Y .25 Top -2 8/4 Day 1
Optical 4000Y .5 Top -3 4/48 Hr 1
Xenon Projector 1500Y .25 U/T -1 8/7 Day 2 1/2 dark. 1-Way!
+Smart Focus +100Y - - - +2/-- 2 FA to change focus
NB. All Light Accessories Are Legal.
SIGHTS Cost Wgh Mnt Cn Index Str Notes
Laser Sight 500Y .25 U/T -1 6/36Hr .9 50/100m range Day/Night
IR/UV 1000Y .25 U/T -1 6/48Hr 1 AS above.
Ultrasound 1500Y .25 U/T -1 6/48Hr 1 Ultrasound vision reqd
Luminous Inserts 50Y -- - -- 2/24Hr 1 -1 in limited Light
Magnification I 500Y .25 Top -1 3/36Hr .8
II 800Y .25 Top -1 3/36Hr .9
III 1200Y .25 Top -1 3/36Hr 1
Optical +10% .25 Top -1 3/36Hr "
Rangefinder 150Y .1 T/U -1 2/24Hr .8 Active IR/UV Laser
Ultrasound 500Y .1 T/U -1 4/48 Hr 1 Shorter Range
+Grenade Link 750Y .1 8/48Hr 2 +RF:x1/2 Scatter (6-J)
NB. Usable only with official Rangefinder Grenades
NB. All Sights Accessories Are Legal, bar Grenade Link (qv).
SMART Cost Wgh Mnt Cn Rtg Lgl Index Str Notes
Nikkon COT 8000Y 1 Top -2 (3) 2PA 8/4 Day 2 DJack+DLink/Beta Smart
I Adaptor 600Y 1 T/U -2 2/1 4PA 4/48 Hr 1
Variant 200% .5 2/1 +1/Wep
Goggles 3000Y .1 1 3/36 Hr 1 1KY: Th/LL (2KY for both)
II Adaptor 800Y .75 T/U -2 * 4PA 6/48 Hr 2 +RF: -1 Long, -2 Extreme
Variant 250% .25 * 4PA +2/Wep -2 Called,-1 Indirect
Goggles 3500Y .1 0 1 4PA 4/36 Hr 2 1KY: Th/LL (2KY for both)
OTHERS Cost Wg Index Str Notes
Finger-Print Tape 25Y .1 6/36 Hr 2 /10m. Finger-print resistant
Gloves, Smart 100Y -- 4/48 Hr .5 Smart guns work through them
Surgical 25Y -- 3/36 Hr 1 Finger-print resistant
Thick 50Y -- 3/36 Hr .5 Powder-burn resistant
Shooting Muffs 20Y 1 2/12 Hr 1 Hearing Damper +2
Shooting Glasses 20Y .5 2/12 Hr 1 Flare Comp: 2
Shrink Wrapper 500Y 5 4/48 Hr 2 Quick[6], 1Y/item; +1 cnc vs Chem-snifffers
Hermetic Seal 100Y+ .5 6/73 Hr 2 Immune to chem-sniffers
SIG-DAMPING Cost Wg Mnt Cn Lgl Index Str Notes
Flash-Suppressor 250Y .2 Brl -1 Wep 6/48 Hr 1 Inc. with Suppressor/Silencer.
Revolver Silencer 1000Y .4 B+T -3 Wep 4/48 Hr 2 (4 CA) Fit/remove. 4 Cnc. Uses
Telescoping ammo: x2 cost/index
Silencer 500Y .2 Brl -2 Wep 4/48 Hr 2 (1 CA) fit/remove. 6 Cnc
Short Silencer 750Y .1 Brl -1 Wep 6/72 Hr 2 "" Lo-Vel Ammo only. 8 Cnc
Sound-Suppressor 750Y .5 Brl -2 Wep 6/48 Hr 2 (2 CA) fit/remove. /300 rnds.4 Cnc
Short Suppressor 1000Y .3 Brl -1 Wep 6/48 Hr 2 "" Lo-Velocity Ammo only. 6 Cnc
NB. Silencers/Suppressors result in -1 Power. GMD.
Short/revolver variants are 1 point less effective than normal
Special Weapon Types
Are shot by target/olympic shooters (or technicians). Once they have been
sighted in, they give +1 dice (as per customisation) to hit.
They tend to only be available from the manufacturer for double the price,
and in calibers at the GM's discretion. Match-Grade Weapons can be customised
as well.
Most Match-Grade shooters tend to Battle-sight Zero their weapons as well.
A longer barrel increases bullet spin and ensures that all the propellant
is burnt off (incidentally acting as a flash-suppressor), thus increasing the
range band by one level. Unfortunately the weapon will be harder to fast-draw.
Short barrels do just the opposite, but are no easier to draw, flash
suppressors are recommended as are shooting muffs, as flare and muzzle blast
are increased.
SPECIAL MODS Cost Wgh Cnc Index Notes
Alternate Feed +500Y .25 - 6/72 Hr 1.5 Changes the weapons feed from clip to
belt, etc.
Electric Feed 500Y - - 6/72 Hr 2 +1 TNo Sound. NC: chamber-Recoil/Heavy
Battery-Pak 500Y .25 -1 6/72 Hr 2 Powers Electric Feed, Recharge every 1000
Rounds. Mounts Top/Under (GMD)
Battery Clip 50Y+ .25 - 6/72 Hr 2 Powers Electric Feed, Use Twice, then
Selective Feed 1000Y .25 - 6/72 Hr 2 CA to change feed-type; from clip to belt,
Barrel: Long +50% .2 -1 6/36 Hr 1 +1 Range-Band. +1 TNO F.Draw.
: Short +50% -.2 +1 6/36 Hr 1 -1 Range Band, remove barrel mount.
Barrel, Re-Bore 100Y - - 2/24 Hr 1 Avoid ballistic ID. Can only be repeated a
few times before barrel unusable.
Replacement 100Y+ - - 3/36 Hr 1 To avoid ballistics ID.
Bolt, Heavy 250Y .25 - 6/48 Hr 1 -1 Max Autofire ROF.
X-Heavy 500Y .5 - 6/48 Hr 1 -2 Max Autofire ROF.
Calibre Modifications DM's Discretion. Both up and down.
Sub-Calibre Device DM's Discretion. Fires Smaller Calibre; Custom clips
Sub-Calibre Sabot DM's Discretion. Fires Smaller Calibre in sabots ; Regular
clips and chamber (no bonus to power).
Casing: Ceramic +200% - - +12/x3 3 CANNOT be detected by Metal Detectors,
SS/SA weaons only.
BF Macro-Plast +100% - - +6/x2 2 +2 Cnc v metal detectors. Burst-Fire
weapons maximum.
AF Macro-Plast +75% - - +4/x1.5 2 +1 Cnc v metal detectors. Auto-Fire
weapons maximum.
Composite:Bullet +100% * * +4/x2 +1 +1 Cnc Vs Metal detect, some special
rounds may not be made of composite materials.
Clip 50Y+ .25 * 6/72 Hr 2 +1 Cnc vs metal detectors.
Customisation +100% - - 6/48 Hr 1 +1 Dice, -1 Dice others. 3 Days.
Cycle,High Speed 500Y - - 6/7 Day 2 Burst Recoil := +2/+4. (CA): change
Ultra-High 1000Y - - 8/7 Day 2 Burst Recoil := +1/+4. to slow
Smart-capable +500Y - - +1/x2 3 SA to change to regular AF ROF.
Finishes NB. Blued, Nickle and Parkerised (Matte
Black) at no cost.
Camouflage +100% - - +1/-- 1 All standard camouflage patterns.
Chrome/Pearl/Gloss +100% - - +1/-- 1
Hypo-Allergenic +100% - - +2/x2Hr 1 Does not cause allergic reaction.
Natural Colours +10% - - +1/-- 1 Basic red, green, black, etc.
Neon-Glow +150% - - +2/x1.5 1 Actually emits light in the dark.
Oil-Resist Coat +200% .1 - 8/7 Days 2 No hand oils, etc.+1 Fast-Draw TNO.
Printless +200% - - +4/x2 1 Totaslly Finger-Print resistant (GMD).
+Cost of other finish. Mostly Illegal
Wood Furniture 2000Y+ - - x2 1 Wooden buttstock, grips, etc.
Fire Rate
Selective ROF 500Y .1 - 4/48 Hr 1 B/R:6 Add another ROF to gun. DMD.
Alternate ROF 400Y 4/48 Hr 1 B/R:4 Change ROF to another. DMD.
Locking Bolt 500Y - - 6/36 Hr 1 Single Shot, +1 T.NO. Perception.
H&K Short-Burst 500Y - - 4/36 Hr 1 Allows BF or AF weapons to have
Short-Bursts (2-round) as a Fire-Rate Option.
Floating Breech 1000Y - - 8/7 Day 2 Caseless only. ROF := 12. -1 Recoil
Burst := +2 per burst that round.
Snap-Down;Normal +100% +6/x2 2 Into Case, 3 CA to fix. As SM-3.
Rugged +200% +12/x3 3 Into Case, 4 CA to fix. NOT SNIPER.
Solenoid Trigger +100% - - 6/72 Hr 1 +1D when Battle-Site zero-d due to