From: | Drekhead <drekhead@***.NET> |
Subject: | Reply to Erik's rant [OT] |
Date: | Fri, 24 Apr 1998 17:38:07 -0500 |
public, it is only fair that I get a public forum for my rebuttal.
I promise if it continues to take it private.
On 24 Apr 98 at 16:45, Erik Jameson wrote:
> I thought someone had made a comment about not being able to lift
> cars up or something. So I responded. Why is that a problem?
It's not, except you were discounting Gurth's example, but his
example was valid to prove that a car couldn't be thrown, not lifted.
Your tangent was to state that a car could indeed be lifted. I agree
with that. But it is irrelevant to Gurth's example. So, no problem.
Just trying to keep things in context.
> <rant mode on>
Oh boy...
> If GridSec is going to start policing original thread intent and
> stop us from going off on tangents, OT or not, from those threads,
> you will have earned the title "Gestapo" (which at the time was
> innappropriate and incorrect) and I will quit this list.
Whoa. You need to step back and realize that I do post stuff once
in a while that is completely removed from my GridSec title. I'm not
going to comment further on the above portion of your rant, because
it is so without merit to be laughable.
> matter. Unless I, or others, are becoming abusive, are incessantly
> off-topic, flame and insult, or keep pounding away at a dead topic
> for weeks at a time, it's not your job as GridSec to step in.
I didn't step in as GridSec. I posted as a member of the list. And
not for the reason you think.
> Your
> job is to answer commonly asked questions, kill flame wars before
> they become wars, kill threads that are either off-topic or
> incendiary, and attempt to maintain some semblance of order. But
> that order is akin to Wild West order; you don't shoot me and don't
> steal my cattle, you ain't broken any laws. We won't take any
> Orwellian order on this list. Try to impose it and you'll kill the
> list.
No comment, because I agree.
> Let's get something straight here; as GridSec, you are always "on
> duty" as it were.
I am first and foremost a member of this list. I am GridSec only when
responding to a problem. If being a member of GridSec means I cannot
participate in list threads, then I will step down right now.
> If you're commenting on rules or whatnot, your
> opinion as GridSec is only as good as anyone else's on this list.
Of course. Who said otherwise?
> But when you move to stop, kill, squash, or otherwise end a line of
> postings, that's *always* as GridSec. You can't say, or imply, that
> a thread or tangent should be ended as a "private citizen."
Happens all the time. One of the reasons that GridSec was formed in
the first place. The Admins got tired of a thread lingering by the
continued array of messages from half the list to end it. Better 1
message than 10.
> I read your above reply to me as "This is GridSec.
> You have strayed off-topic. You will cease and desist this line of
> postings immediately. Return to the original topic or prepare for
> the consequences."
Sorry for the misunderstanding. It was not my intention, or desire. I
respect you Erik. I find most of your posts fascinating. I am sorry
you think I'm some kind of "Gestapo". Nothing could be further from
the truth.
I'm generally a pretty easy going and nice guy. I volunteered for
GridSec not to piss people off, but to try and help the list run more
So, can't we all just get along? :)
I hope we can end this now. If you need to reply, please do so
privately. (That was not a GridSec request. That was a personal
P.S. Question (this is mainly for Erik, but anyone can reply that
has read to this point);
Would it help if I took the GridSec title out of my sig for general
posting to avoid any confusion? I being serious here. I do want this
to happen again.
Thanks for listening.
- DREKHEAD - | "Just accept that sometimes
- drekhead@***.net - | you're the pigeon and sometimes
*-GridSec - ShadowRN Division-* | you're the statue."
"To Protect and To Serve" | -Unknown