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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: "Michael St. John" <kbcs2120@******.OSWEGO.EDU>
Subject: request
Date: Tue, 1 Dec 92 16:56:52 EST
I'm sorry if this seems old but I haven't read my mail recently.

What is all this stuff on Beastmaster Adepts. Could someone please post
this information or E-mail it to me. It sounds like a strange idea but I woul
ike to know more about it before making any judgements.
Thanks in advance.
--Ghost Runner
>>Mike St. John<<

Message no. 2
From: "Robert A. Hayden" <hayden@*******.MANKATO.MSUS.EDU>
Subject: Request
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1993 17:50:32 -0500
Sorry for the clutter, but I'm posting here to reach more people.

Does anyone have available a copy of Chris Johnson's original ShadowTalk
cast listing? (This was from back in April or May). She doesn't have one
and I'm not sure who might.

If you do have one, please drop it in the mail to me. Thanks

[> Robert Hayden ____ <] This signature is actually
[> \ /__ <] Odo in disguise.
[> hayden@******* \/ / <]<----------------------------->
[> aq650@****.INS.CWRU.Edu \/ <] #include <std_disclaimer.h>
(GEEK CODE 0.3): GSS d- p--/-p+ c++ l++ m+/* s-/++ g+ w++ t++ r++ x+
[finger my Krypton account for a copy of the Geek Code]
Message no. 3
From: Dave The Shade <IZZYUX2@*******.BITNET>
Subject: Request
Date: Fri, 13 Aug 1993 15:05:00 PDT
Hey Robert, Jason, take it easy on me guys. Yes, maybe I did over do it on the
"I'm not receiving Posts, my life is over" stuff. But hey, the shadow-- lists
have become nearly a craving with me now. Thats a compliment-- the lists are
good entertainment and info, and I really liked them.

FYI, for the rest of you, Kendall and I had some tech probs, and were off the
list on the 12th, so if you mailed something you wanted us to see, we didn't
get it. Actually, I have a request. I posted several things to Tome on the 11th
(a new metamagic power "Gather Magic") Did they get through ? Was there any-
thing said on them? If any of you posted critiques of the Power, please send it
to me again. Thanx.

Message no. 4
From: "Robert A. Hayden" <hayden@*******.MANKATO.MSUS.EDU>
Subject: Re: Request
Date: Fri, 13 Aug 1993 20:52:24 -0500
On Fri, 13 Aug 1993, Dave The Shade wrote:

> FYI, for the rest of you, Kendall and I had some tech probs, and were off the
> list on the 12th, so if you mailed something you wanted us to see, we didn't
> get it. Actually, I have a request. I posted several things to Tome on the 11th
> (a new metamagic power "Gather Magic") Did they get through ? Was there
> thing said on them? If any of you posted critiques of the Power, please send it
> to me again. Thanx.

Learn to use the LISTSERV to get past logs. It's not hard. Start by
sending HELP to the LISTSERV.

{[> Robert A. Hayden ____ #include <std_disclaimer.h> <]}
{[> \ /__ ------------------------------- <]}
{[> aq650@****.INS.CWRU.Edu \/ / Bigotry is what is incompatible <]}
{[> hayden@******* \/ with military service. <]}
GEEK CODE v1.0.1: GSS d- -p+(---) c++(++++) l++ u++ e+/* m++(*)@ s-/++
n-(---) h+(*) f+ g+ w++ t++ r++ y+(*)
Message no. 5
From: Hank Grablewski <hcg0144@*****.NJIT.EDU>
Subject: request
Date: Wed, 23 Mar 1994 13:13:54 -0500
I would like to join your mailing list...i would appreciate this privelige t [D

Thank you
Message no. 6
From: The Jestyr <jestyr@*******.DIALIX.COM.AU>
Subject: Request
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 1996 12:54:22 +1100
Hmmm... if someone saved the final copy of the Chameleon Power physad
power post, could they please forward it to me? Stupid delete key. :(

Lady Jestyr

A titanic intellect... in a world full of icebergs
Elle Holmes jestyr@*******
Message no. 7
From: Loki <loki@*******.COM>
Subject: Re: Request
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 1996 12:57:35 -0000
> Hmmm... if someone saved the final copy of the Chameleon Power physad
> power post, could they please forward it to me? Stupid delete key. :(
> Lady Jestyr

Actually send it to me too, I lost mine in an O/S change. No more details,
to avoid another rant war.<sigh>

@>--,--'--- Loki

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Request, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.