From: | MDB0213@*****.TAMU.EDU |
Subject: | Rigger questions answered |
Date: | Thu, 28 Jan 93 18:08:07 CET |
eventually lead a few of these along our path and provide a
minimal diversion in case our team has to back out suddenly.
Good idea!
Since Skillwires override the natural skills of the user....
Could ya develop a drone that would have a chipjack adapter and
allow the decker the ability to take control of a person?
I would disallow that sucker on game balance alone. It only overrides the
natural skills, not override the mind. That is something else entirely!
Perhaps something that is not even mobile, like a slave collar
with Sensors or cameras for the Rigger to operate out of? If
not on a living body then how about on a corpse with skillwires?
(I am sure ya too have run into at least one of these types...)
Ya mean RNA Jammers? Ick! And that is kinda implausible... if the mind is
totally gone, how could you control it, even with skillwires (which wouldn't
work, IMHO)
I know that some of the above are costly; but money is not that
big of a problem- the team seems slightly overpaid lately.
Join the club...I was looking at an old character sheet...even with spending
more than half a mil on drones, he still has a mill waiting for him!
Has anyone else encountered this lethargy while playing a rigger?
Not really.. I started out as a heavy gunner for the group (multiple drones
carrying machine guns, and a high gunnery skill), then worked my way into
combat (under RBB he is a Street Sam/Rigger, instead of a Rigger/Street Sam)
Has anyone come up with solutions?
Join the club! Get useful skills! If too many mages, become a techie! If too
many techies, learn demolitions, etc! Round out the group! Surveillance drones,
tiny drones, whatever it takes! Or, try to keep up. One of our house rules was
that a rigger could do the same thing as a decker. +2 for each sense kept when
rigging. (from VR originally) For a +6 (which was automatically offset by his
VCR-3), he could walk, talk, etc, ALL WHILE RIGGING! Ever read Doc Bones? Also,
a rigger could conceivably be a reporter, since the drones info can probably
be taped. They give an MP cost, and my guy had a LOT of headware/Rig memory
(gm's approval for the rig memory, but it makes as much sense as a deck having
memory does... quite a lot)
Also, get some headware memory & a display link! Now, you can keep maps in your
head, and it makes it easier for your rigger to get around (and for his drones
Has Anyone Designed any of their own drones?
Several...I'll dig out the stats (if you don't see anything by monday, remind
me about it)
Any prices on robotic arms for a drone?
See the other person's post, which said Radio Shack. Also, try heathkit.
Dimensions on a CF ?
No set dimensions....think of it as a mass amount.
Can you ambush using a drone in SRII ?
I don't see why not.
Given no port limitation on a Remote Deck, is there any other
limitation on the number of drones a Rigger can operate at
one time?
Our house rule says that it is limited by a couple things:
1) The WEIGHT of the Deck/Rig (I use the names interchangably). At 2*ports in
weight, it gets heavy quickly.
2) Intelligence. I believe the house rule is the limit of drones controlled
individually is equal to the intelligence.. However, if you are ordering several
drones to do the same damn thing, then it only counts as one drone.
What does an ECM system do to non-vehicle systems such as
Nothing except for radios/telephones
Radio helmets?
Electronics in Security Armour?
For these I'll dig out my RBB...conceivably they only Jam "Rigger frequencies"
The Reverend (NEW ADDRESS! mdb0213@****
"They called me the Reverend when I entered the church unstained"
Head Shot "A Head Shot a day keeps the Doktor away"