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Message no. 1
From: Luke Kendall <luke@********.CANON.OZ.AU>
Subject: Rules for speed (Was: Re: unarmed/me)
Date: Thu, 4 May 1995 09:27:59 +1000
Philip Hayward suggested, to model the effect of reaction speeds:

> The simplest way I can see is to add a TN modifier for difference in
> reaction (combines Intelligence&Quickness). Say the guy with slower
> reaction gets +1 to TN for two points difference in reaction.

I think this is too large an effect. I'd suggest that you'd basically
only want a change in TN of 1; and I'd suggest a -1 to the TN of the
fast attacker, not a +1 to the TN of the slower.

Perhaps if the difference in Reaction was 6 or more, you'd allow a -2
to TN.

Keep in mind magic (Increase Reaction) and game balance when you propose
dramatic rule changes.

Message no. 2
From: Mark Steedman <RSMS@******.EEE.RGU.AC.UK>
Subject: Re: Rules for speed (Was: Re: unarmed/me)
Date: Thu, 4 May 1995 09:57:48 GMT
Luke Kendall writes

> Philip Hayward suggested, to model the effect of reaction speeds:
> > add a TN modifier for difference in reaction

> I think this is too large an effect. I'd suggest that you'd basically
> only want a change in TN of 1; and I'd suggest a -1 to the TN of the
> fast attacker, not a +1 to the TN of the slower.
> Perhaps if the difference in Reaction was 6 or more, you'd allow a -2
> to TN.
> Keep in mind magic (Increase Reaction) and game balance when you propose
> dramatic rule changes.
And keep it to say a minus to the attacker only with no penalty to
the slower guy. Reaction socores can easily vary from 4 for a
moderate magician (5 or 6 if they are lucky) to about 12 or so for
the sma on wired two, enhanced articulation e.t.c. and thats
reasonable characters. If the muncnkins get going reaction scores in
the high teens are fairly achievalbe without much effort.

you would also be better making the modifier based on average
initative roll as the number of dice each side rolls can be
different. Say -1 for every 7 initatives you are faster by on average.
(7 well, 10 seems a bit large so 7 as it was the action gap in 1st ed)
so normal 3+ D6 = 6.5 (that knowladgeable but slow target)

sam say 10 + 3D6 (typical for Pc's) = 20.5
20.5 - 6.5 = 14 divided by 7 = 2 : attacker base 2 (4 - 2) defend = 4
poor slow guy, unless he rolls about twice as many dice he's fragged
and thats assuming there are no other modifiers if there are well
then its all over SPLAT, ok sam your second action, oh ensure he
stays there (on floor).

Magician 5 + 4D6 (again typical with inc initative dice locked) = 19
19 - 6.5 = 12.5 div 7 = 1 (rounding down) not so good but still very

> luke

Any comments everyone??


Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Rules for speed (Was: Re: unarmed/me), you may also be interested in:


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