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Message no. 1
From: Angus Chan <ak929@*******.CARLETON.CA>
Subject: Running
Date: Wed, 8 Dec 1993 15:06:47 -0500
I'm having some problems quoting from the last couple of messages so I won't
bother trying at the moment.

In my opinion, the DLoH is correct about not allowing people to increase their
movements with such augmentations such as Adrenal pumps, etc... Adrenelin
is a chemical that allows one to increase their alertness, resist the affects
of damage (to an extent). But does it really augment the muscles in the legs
to make you run faster?

If you consider that in combat, you're adrenalin is naturally running, should
more of it make you perform at a higher level than what you already are? Maybe
just longer than the average runner without a pump.

Angus Chan

Curiousity Killed the Cat...
But it also made it Rich!
Message no. 2
From: Markus Kalb <death@***.INFORMATIK.TH-DARMSTADT.DE>
Subject: RUNNING
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 1993 15:01:00 MEZ

a character could run once per turn for 4*(Quick+Running Succ.)meter or
he could walk three times for Quicknes meter.
and in both cases no action is needed to do it, so a character with
one action could run and shot(with TN mods).

bye Markus
---- Markus Kalb The Nighthawk or NHawk ---------
-- Commander of the Timber Wolf Hand of Death(Commanding Nova Beta Galaxy) ---
---- death@*** ---- PGP on request ---
---- PS: Watch your back. Shoot straight. Conserve ammo. And never, ----------
---- ever, cut a deal with a dragon -Street proverb ----------
Message no. 3
From: The Powerhouse <P.C.Steele@*********.AC.UK>
Subject: Running...
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 1993 14:56:06 GMT
I guess the running thing comes down to 'How realistic is it'.

Well if you think that someone with increased reactions should be able to run
faster than an olympic athelete with no running skill or improved muscles then
great, use the standard rules.

Myself I view increased reaction devices as being simply that. Your reactions
increase, you get to react to things quicker and so can shoot more people or
take cover faster. The whole buisiness of running and walking under SR rules
sucks in my opinion. The sam who is walking should not be able to go further
in a turn than an uncybered person with the same quickness, same goes for
running. So the way I play it is to readjust the rules so that walking and
running do not depend on phases, instead they depend on turns. If you want to
walk from point A to B, sure you may get several actions while you're doing it,
but all that means is that you get a chance to duck and shoot while you're on
you're way.

Phillip Steele - Email address P.C.Steele@*** | Let's get out there
Department Of Electrical & Electronic Engineering | and TWAT it !
University Of Newcastle Upon Tyne, England |
Land of the mad Geordies | The Powerhouse
Message no. 4
From: Nightfox <DJWA@******.UCC.NAU.EDU>
Subject: running
Date: Sun, 12 Dec 1993 17:22:35 -0700
one thing to remember when you think of a Sam running vs a track god running.
The track god is wearing NOTHING to slow him down. His shoes are specially made
so that he can accelerate well and and get optimum performance and the track he
runs on is in the best condition for running.

The sam is carrying a gun, wearing armor is running in sneakers or combat boots.
The floor is either a city street or the floor of a corp building. And yet with
all of these conditions the sam runs faster than a track star.

Now you see why its that way. and I do like the idea of using athletics to
increase your walking distance after you have run. It really does fit with the

The sam runs the whole turn.
in game turns he 'Runs' and then 'Walks' thats the only way to look at
it really. It needs fudging with but will basically work.

when he runs - add the extra actions that he will be running to the running

Sam has two actions and runs on both running mult become 5 instead of 4 (or
what ever it is - I didn't bring my book for the first time in a month to the

Daniel Waisley + SCA - March of Ered Sul - Flagstaff AZ
DJWA@******.UCC.NAU.EDU + Nau fencing club.
"Nightfox" + Brotherhood of the Cryptic Demesne -household
GE - d+(-) -p+@ c++(++++) !L u(--) e+(*) m+ s+/ !n+(-) h* f+ g+ w+++ t+ r+ y+
"infinity = zero" - Daniel Waisley "Nightfox"
Message no. 5
From: Adam Getchell <acgetche@****.UCDAVIS.EDU>
Subject: Re: Running
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 1995 17:42:09 -0800
On Tue, 10 Jan 1995, Marc A Renouf wrote:

> If you take running as an action, things get stupid very
> quickly. Take someone with wired-3 and a quickness of 6. If this person
> gets 4 actions (which is not unreasonable) they will move 6 x 3 meters
> per action, times four actions for a total of 72 meters per combat turn.
> That's over 60 miles per hour! See what I mean? Stupid.

Actually, this doesn't happen because you can take "running" as
an action only one time per combat round. So your wired guy will move
only 36 meters per combat turn ( 6 x 3, plus 3 x 6 ).
An unwired Olympic athlete can actually outrun your samurai if
she spends an action using Athletics to increase her effective quickness
multiplier. With a Target Number of 4, a skill of 10 can achieve 6
successes and have an effective 12 Quickness, which will tie the sammy
unless she gets an 11 or higher on her Reaction, in which case she will
actually beat him.
But all bets are off when the sammy has decent athletics, as well.

> Marc

Adam Getchell "Invincibility is in oneself,
acgetche@**** vulnerability in the opponent."
Message no. 6
From: Geoff Gerrietts <Sieffre@***.COM>
Subject: Re: Running
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 1995 01:19:45 -0500
> Actually, this doesn't happen because you can take >"running" as
>an action only one time per combat round. So your wired guy will >move
>only 36 meters per combat turn ( 6 x 3, plus 3 x 6 ).

Which rules are these? My book says one running action per phase, not per

Message no. 7
From: U-Gene <R3STG@***.CC.UAKRON.EDU>
Subject: Running
Date: Thu, 02 Nov 95 10:57:08 EST
Ok, I suppose I could just look this up but I'll ask anyway. (I probably
look it up later anyways, but...)

I remember sometime someone telling me that when you are running,
you only take your movement (Qx3) 1 time at the beginning of the Combat
round. I thought it was on every turn that the character went. That would
of course make people with wired 3 and such very fast distance wise also.
So if you had an initative of 35 and a quickness of 10, you would end up
moving 70 meteres for example. ( 4 actions x (10 Quick x 3) = 70)
Also in the front of the SRII book where they have that little story, I
think they describe some street samurie running at 70 kmh or some other
such thing. Or maybe my memory is just a bit scrambled after mid-terms :)

Can someone direct me to a page number, I remeber having a problem finding it

U-Gene << wants to be able to Run Away! really really fast >>
Message no. 8
From: Mike <ASMAD@*****>
Subject: Re: Running
Date: Thu, 02 Nov 1995 09:56:29 -0800
> I remember sometime someone telling me that when you are running,
> you only take your movement (Qx3) 1 time at the beginning of the Combat
> round. I thought it was on every turn that the character went. That would

I can't direct to the exact page, but it's under Movement in the chapter on
combat. And yes you only get to run in one phase, no matter how many phases you
get to act in, but it does not matter which phase.

> of course make people with wired 3 and such very fast distance wise also.
> So if you had an initative of 35 and a quickness of 10, you would end up
> moving 70 meteres for example. ( 4 actions x (10 Quick x 3) = 70)

Actually your math is a little off there. They'd be moving somewhere in the
nieghborhood of 120 meters. ( 4 actions x 30 = 120) That's quite a distance for
3 seconds, which is part of the reason, I think, that they say you can only run
once per turn.
The other reason, at least I think, has a lot to do with your body temp. It
would sky rocket. This wasn't really evident to me, until I watched a show on
cheetahs. Oh sure they can run 75 mph, but they can only run it for a
relatively short distance of something between 100-300 yards. And after their
body temp jumps dramatically, and they have to spend several minutes doing just
about nothing, except for panting to cool their bodies down. And cheetahs have
been boing this for thousands of years, so their bodies have had time to adapt
their bodies for this, humans haven't. My personal belief is that if someone
actually managed to cover over 360 feet (approx.0 meters) in 3 seconds, they
would die from severe dehydration, due to sweating literally buckets, unless
they got immediate medical attention.

> U-Gene << wants to be able to Run Away! really really fast >>

Mike Driggins
aka Draco
Message no. 9
From: U-Gene <R3STG@***.CC.UAKRON.EDU>
Subject: Re: Running
Date: Thu, 02 Nov 95 15:14:24 EST
Mike wrote:
[snip -- you only get to move on one phase or you would burn out]

woops. Sorry about that math mistake. I was helping someone here at
work and I must of got destracted :) Anyways, good point. I don't
know if he would croak _that_ fast (3 sec), but I think that is a
eventually a life ender.

120m/3s = 40 m/s x 1 km/1000m x 3600s/1h = 144 km/h
the conversion to mph would be: 87 mph (aprox.)

Of course if you replaced all the meat with cyber...
[looks through Cybertechnology]
Naw, that'd be silly :)

Well, guess I don't have to look it up anymore.

U-Gene << really wishes he could move at 144 km/h so he could >>
<< Run Away! Run Away! reeeaaallly fast :) >>
Message no. 10
From: Mike <ASMAD@*****>
Subject: Re: Running
Date: Thu, 02 Nov 1995 16:04:59 -0800
Well I don't think that they would die in 3 seconds, but at the end of the
run they might curl up into a little ball and pass out. Look at modern athletes
who run the 100 yard dash. They get some pretty heavy fatigue. I just think
that there would need to be some pretty large IV tubes waiting at the end of
the run, if you're running 120 meters.
Anyways, glad I could help.

Mike Driggins
aka Draco
Message no. 11
From: "Gurth" <gurth@******.nl>
Subject: Re: Running
Date: Fri, 3 Nov 1995 12:16:50 +0100
Mike said on 2 Nov 95...

> Actually your math is a little off there. They'd be moving somewhere in the
> nieghborhood of 120 meters. ( 4 actions x 30 = 120) That's quite a distance for
> 3 seconds, which is part of the reason, I think, that they say you can only run
> once per turn.

But it still makes for ridiculous movement rates if you have a high
Initiative, high Quickness, and high Athletics skill... Anyone remember
the Speed Samurai? We timed him, taking a turn to be 4 seconds (FASA says
it's between 3 and 5, so 4 seemed good enough) -- he did the 100 meters in
4-and-a-bit seconds... (current world record is somewhere between 9.5 and
10 AFAIK :)

Gurth@******.nl -
Amerika: het land van de onbegrensde onmogelijkheden
-> NERPS Project Leader & Unofficial Shadowrun Guru <-

Version 3.1:
GAT/! d-(dpu) s:- !a>? C+(++)@ U P L E? W(++) N o? K- w+ O V? PS+ PE
Y PGP- t(+) 5+ X+ R+++>$ tv+(++) b+@ DI? D+ G(++) e h! !r(--) y?
Message no. 12
Subject: Re: Running
Date: Fri, 3 Nov 1995 13:00:51 GMT
> Date sent: Thu, 2 Nov 1995 13:53:51 -0500
> Send reply to: shadowrn@********
> From: Mike <ASMAD@*****>
> To: Multiple recipients of list <shadowrn@********>
> Subject: Re: Running

> So if you had an initative of 35 and a quickness of 10, you would
> The other reason, at least I think, has a lot to do with your body
> temp. It would sky rocket. This wasn't really evident to me, until
> I watched a show on
> cheetahs. Oh sure they can run 75 mph, but they can only run it for a
> relatively short distance of something between 100-300 yards. And after their
> body temp jumps dramatically, and they have to spend several minutes doing just
> about nothing, except for panting to cool their bodies down. And cheetahs have
> been boing this for thousands of years, so their bodies have had time to adapt
> their bodies for this, humans haven't. My personal belief is that if someone
> actually managed to cover over 360 feet (approx.0 meters) in 3 seconds, they
> would die from severe dehydration, due to sweating literally buckets, unless
> they got immediate medical attention.
> > U-Gene << wants to be able to Run Away! really really fast >>
> Mike Driggins
> aka Draco
> asmad@*****
Good call that sounds good to me.
Message no. 13
From: Sascha Pabst <Sascha.Pabst@****>
Subject: Re: Running
Date: Sat, 4 Nov 1995 15:03:02 +0100 (MET)
U-Gene (the RUNer) wrote:
> I remember sometime someone telling me that when you are running,
> you only take your movement (Qx3) 1 time at the beginning of the Combat
> round. I thought it was on every turn that the character went.
> Can someone direct me to a page number, I remeber having a problem finding it
> before.

SRII, p. 83: "Characters who have multiple actions may run only in one of
those Combat Phases, but it doesn't matter which."

| / / _______ | Jhary-a-Conel aka Sascha Pabst | The one does not |
| / /_/ ____/ |Sascha.Pabst@********** |learn from history|
| \___ __/ | or | is bound to live |
|==== \_/ ======| Westerstr. 20 / 26121 Oldenburg | through it again.|
|LOGOUT FASCISM!| *Wearing hats is just a way of live* | |
Message no. 14
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Lars Wagner Hansen)
Subject: Running!
Date: Tue Jul 24 17:00:01 2001
All this talk about The Flash, and movement got me thinking and reading

How many times in a given round can you try to increase your movement by taking
an Atheltics (4) test?

If for example I have an initiative of 15, could I then try twice? Would I add
the results, or just take the higher of the two results.

On the other hand, both SR3 and the Companion, talks about increasing the
effective Quickness for that Combat Phase, but the Combat Phase is only the
exact count in the initiative, and how would you increase Quickness, when you
have already calculated your movement for the entire round.

Can somebody please enlighten me? For example via a step by step procedure.

Lars Wagner Hansen, Jagtvej 11, 4180 Sorø
Message no. 15
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Peter Kristiansen)
Subject: Running!
Date: Thu Jul 26 05:40:01 2001
> All this talk about The Flash, and movement got me thinking and
> How many times in a given round can you try to increase your
movement by taking
> an Atheltics (4) test?
> If for example I have an initiative of 15, could I then try twice?
Would I add
> the results, or just take the higher of the two results.

Hmm.. My first impression is that they accidently wrote "phase" under
running instead of "turn". Such that you roll your athletics, adds the
number of successes to that and then multiply it. I seem to remember
that it worked that way in earlier editions.

Message no. 16
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Jane van Roekel)
Subject: Running!
Date: Thu Jul 26 18:55:01 2001
> > All this talk about The Flash, and movement got me thinking and
> >
> > How many times in a given round can you try to increase your
>movement by taking
> > an Atheltics (4) test?
> >
> > If for example I have an initiative of 15, could I then try twice?
>Would I add
> > the results, or just take the higher of the two results.
> >

I am the opposite of an expert, but here is what we did. Work out far you
can move each initiative pass. Then, on your action, if you get one, you can
roll Athletics. The number of successes improves your Quickness for that
action. So you can run for that action, (3x modified Q)/(number of
initiative passes) in metres. If you still want to run fast for your next
action, you can roll athletics again.


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Message no. 17
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Damion Milliken)
Subject: Running!
Date: Thu Aug 2 11:05:01 2001
Lars Wagner Hansen writes:

> How many times in a given round can you try to increase your movement by
> taking an Atheltics (4) test?

Reading the rules, I assume once per Pass. See below for my reasoning.

> If for example I have an initiative of 15, could I then try twice? Would I
> add the results, or just take the higher of the two results.
> On the other hand, both SR3 and the Companion, talks about increasing the
> effective Quickness for that Combat Phase, but the Combat Phase is only the
> exact count in the initiative, and how would you increase Quickness, when
> you have already calculated your movement for the entire round.

In my SR3 (1st printing), the rules on movement rates were way whacked. The
errata cleared things up a lot - if you have an early printing, then this
might help you.

The rules used to specify (I think, I've since stuck the errata over the
text), that characters moved their movement in their Phase. But it now
specifies per Pass. However, it seems that the Running bit has remained as
specifying per Phase. If we replace this mention of Phase with Pass, then it
all works out OK.

OK, here's my attempt at an example <grin>:

Super Speedy Silly Sammy has a Quickness of 18, and rolls 51 for Initiative
(don't ask me how, but I'm sure some munchkin cruncher could manage it ;-)).
On Pass 1 he is standing still shooting the bewildered enemy.

On Pass 2, he decides that since he got shot up a bit, he'll run for cover.
Being an elf (it'd probably be difficult to get those stats without being
one :-)), he has a running multiplier of 3. That's 54m per Turn. Or, 9m per
Pass (51 Initiative = 6 Passes, and I'd be real scared if I was Sammy and
got beat in Initiative ;-)). He spends his Complex Action on Running
(colloquially known as "bolting", rather than "running" in my group),
gets 3 successes. That raises his Quickness by 3 for this Pass (Phase
according to SR3, but I'm sure that they meant Pass). Recalculating his
movement, we get a total movement of (18+3)*3cm, or 10.5m per Pass. So in
Pass 2, he runs 10.5m.

Come Pass 3, he decides it's worth making his own cover, and wants to toss a
smoke grenade. He runs (who cares about the +4 TN modifier, it's a smoke
grenade?), but doesn't bolt. So he's back to his normal running speed of 9m
per Pass.

On Pass 4, he's just outside his smoke cover (than darned +4 - he missed his
desired spot!), so he choses to walk. His walking pace is 3m per Pass (18m
per Turn, equal to his Quickness). Now, the rules are unclear whether Sammy
suffers the Walking or Running modifier to his TN in this case. They imply
that he suffers the Running modifier if he moves even 1m, but they also
imply that if he remains stationary that he suffers no modifier. To me it
seems illogical, so I apply the walking modifier. Sticklers may want to
apply the Running modifier. Walking allows him to get to his smoke, and
allows him to get a gun out, to boot.

On Pass 5, a large hooped thermo equipped Troll with a gigantic carving knife
finds Sammy in his smoke, and Sammy needs to make a run for it again.
Karma-ing his Athletics Test, he gets 9 successes. This modifies his
Quickness to an effective 27, for a total movement of 27x3m per Turn.
That's a whopping 13.5m per Pass. Sammy streaks away and gets 13.5m in this

On Pass 6, he's nearer to some real cover, and only has to run normally,
which gets him his standard 9m. He changes clips to some nasty ammo to get
ready for the Troll.

Damion Milliken University of Wollongong
Unofficial Shadowrun Guru E-mail: dam01@***
Version: 3.12
GE d- s++:-- a25 C++ US++>+++ P+ L+>++ E- W+ N++ o@ K- w+(--) O-@ M--
V- PS+ PE- Y+ PGP-@>++ t+ 5 X+>+++ R++ !tv(--) b+ DI+++@ D G+
e++>++++$ h- r++>+++ y->+++
Message no. 18
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Lars Wagner Hansen)
Subject: Running!
Date: Thu Aug 2 17:55:04 2001
From: "Damion Milliken" <dam01@***>
> Lars Wagner Hansen writes:
> > How many times in a given round can you try to increase your movement by
> > taking an Atheltics (4) test?
> Reading the rules, I assume once per Pass. See below for my reasoning.

After re-reading the movement rules, for the Xth time, I would assume once per
Turn. See below for my reasoning.

> > If for example I have an initiative of 15, could I then try twice? Would I
> > add the results, or just take the higher of the two results.
> >
> > On the other hand, both SR3 and the Companion, talks about increasing the
> > effective Quickness for that Combat Phase, but the Combat Phase is only the
> > exact count in the initiative, and how would you increase Quickness, when
> > you have already calculated your movement for the entire round.
> In my SR3 (1st printing), the rules on movement rates were way whacked. The
> errata cleared things up a lot - if you have an early printing, then this
> might help you.

I do have a 1st or 2nd printing, but I also have the erratta. They specifically
change the first Combat Phase to Combat Turn, but it's the Combat Phase under
Running that isn't changed, and which is the most annoying of the two.

> The rules used to specify (I think, I've since stuck the errata over the
> text), that characters moved their movement in their Phase. But it now
> specifies per Pass. However, it seems that the Running bit has remained as
> specifying per Phase. If we replace this mention of Phase with Pass, then it
> all works out OK.

Not really, it's still a bit wierd. See my example for why.

> OK, here's my attempt at an example <grin>:
<Snip example>

That's a might fine example, and by your changes (Phase => Pass) it' seems OK.
Except that you round up all the movements per pass (in the erratta), so your
10.5 meters become 11, and you 13.5 becomes 14 meters per pass. Even more
whooping :-)

But what about "Not-So-Speedy" Max which only gets an initiative of 9, with his
Quickness of 6. He is still in the same Combat Turn as Super Speedy Silly Sammy
with his Initiative of 51. So Max decides to "Bolt" aswell. He can run 6x3
(human)/6 = 3 Meters per Pass. Bolting gives him and extra 1 succes, for an
effective (6+1)*3/6=3.5 round up to 4 meters per pass.

But Max only has one pass, and can therefore not attempt to "bolt" more than
once, and should by your interpetations of the rules, move 4 meters in the first
pass, and only 3 meters in the 2nd-6th pass. He would move a total of 4+5*3

If Max was on his own there would only be one pass, and his "bolting" would
therefor count for the whole turn, and he would move (6+1)*3! meters.

So because he is together with Super Speedy Silly Sammy, he looses 2 meters (and
thats even with the round up rule).

It just dosn't make sense.

Changing the Combat Phase to Combat Turn under Running would make just as much
sense. Except than now you have the problems with characters attempting to
"Bolt" in each and every action, which could become ugly if you add the
successes. Therefor saying that you can only "Bolt" once per Turn makes sense.
But it becomes akward if you dont "Bolt" until the very last action, since you
shouldn't be able to add to movement already done.

Still dosn't make sense. Damn...

Lars Wagner Hansen, Jagtvej 11, 4180 Sorø
Message no. 19
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Damion Milliken)
Subject: Running!
Date: Fri Aug 3 01:55:02 2001
Lars Wagner Hansen writes:

> So because he is together with Super Speedy Silly Sammy, he looses 2
> meters (and thats even with the round up rule).
> It just dosn't make sense.

Hmm, you're right, good point!

> Changing the Combat Phase to Combat Turn under Running would make just as
> much sense. Except than now you have the problems with characters
> attempting to "Bolt" in each and every action, which could become ugly if
> you add the successes. Therefor saying that you can only "Bolt" once per
> Turn makes sense. But it becomes akward if you dont "Bolt" until the very
> last action, since you shouldn't be able to add to movement already done.
> Still dosn't make sense. Damn...

Didn't SRII specify that you could only "bolt" on one Action per Turn, but
that it affected your movement for the entire Turn? Let me check...

Hmm, lets not go there, the SRII rules are even more whacked (for instance,
a running human moves Quickness x 3 m in a _single_Phase_!).

But the idea of being only able to bolt once per Turn, like you say, might
be reasonable. It's OK if someone bolts part way through the Turn to only
modify their remaining movement, isn't it? It's logical and easy enough to
do. They can run, run, bolt, bolt, bolt, for instance, if they spent their
third action bolting. It makes it worthwhile to spend your first action
bolting, though.

Damion Milliken University of Wollongong
Unofficial Shadowrun Guru E-mail: dam01@***
Version: 3.12
GE d- s++:-- a25 C++ US++>+++ P+ L+>++ E- W+ N++ o@ K- w+(--) O-@ M--
V- PS+ PE- Y+ PGP-@>++ t+ 5 X+>+++ R++ !tv(--) b+ DI+++@ D G+
e++>++++$ h- r++>+++ y->+++
Message no. 20
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Lars Wagner Hansen)
Subject: Running!
Date: Sat Aug 4 11:50:27 2001
From: "Damion Milliken" <dam01@***>
> Lars Wagner Hansen writes:
> Didn't SRII specify that you could only "bolt" on one Action per Turn, but
> that it affected your movement for the entire Turn? Let me check...
> Hmm, lets not go there, the SRII rules are even more whacked (for instance,
> a running human moves Quickness x 3 m in a _single_Phase_!).

In SR2 you could "bolt" in each and every action, and the successe would add to
you Quickness (for moving) for that action. You could walk in each and every
action (Quickness meter), but you could run in one of your actions (instead of
walking, Quickness x Modifier meters). This could get very ugly fro characters
with high initiative.

Your Super Speedy Silly Sammy with his Quickness of 18, and 51 for Initiative
could move 18 x 3 (running) + 5 x 18 (walking) meters each turn, and that's
without bolting. That's 144 meter/3 seconds = 172.8 kph.

The one good thing about SR2 movement is that other peoples initiative dosn't
affect the way you figure the movement for your own character. It might be
illogical, but it was consistent.

> But the idea of being only able to bolt once per Turn, like you say, might
> be reasonable. It's OK if someone bolts part way through the Turn to only
> modify their remaining movement, isn't it? It's logical and easy enough to
> do. They can run, run, bolt, bolt, bolt, for instance, if they spent their
> third action bolting. It makes it worthwhile to spend your first action
> bolting, though.

I will consider letting my players bolt once per turn, and then keep the results
for the rest of the turn, or they can choose to use another complex action to
change the result.

That would let Super Speedy Silly Sammy bolt on his first action, getting 4
successes. He could then choose to keep this result for the rest of the turn, or
try to improve it. If however he only got 2 successes on his next attempt to
bolt, he would have to stick with these two successe for the rest of the turn.
So re-bolting could be potential dangerous.

But it still buggers me that I will have to recalculate movement in the middle
of a turn, especially dividing, which is something most people can't do quickly

Lars Wagner Hansen, Jagtvej 11, 4180 Sorø

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Running, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.