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Message no. 1
From: korishinzo@*****.com (Ice Heart)
Subject: Running Rules (was Martial Arts rules)
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2004 13:35:51 -0700 (PDT)
--- Lone Eagle <loneeagle@********> wrote:
> At 10:05 PM 4/5/2004, Korishinzo wrote:
> >Korishinzo
> >--New Adept Power: Faster Than A Speeding Bullet, .5 per level,
> >multiply successes on a running test by the level of this power
> >before applying them to the adept's Quickness (max 4 levels) :p
> That'll be somewhere on Bast's wishlist then... that way he might
> actually
> outpace those things next time... and it might not be a bad thing
> for
> Japanese gangs either if the title is really to be believed :D

It was mostly a joke, people. I'd have to playtest the thing a few
times before I moved it from a sig line to a house rule. :)

That said, I might entertain something similar, as a straight 1 or 2
point power, that simply doubled successes on a running test.
Something to think about.

--rules tweaking... fun fun

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Yahoo! Small Business $15K Web Design Giveaway
Message no. 2
From: korishinzo@*****.com (Ice Heart)
Subject: Running Rules (was Martial Arts rules)
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2004 13:40:45 -0700 (PDT)
--- "Renouf, Marc A" <marc.renouf@******.com> wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: korishinzo@*****.com [mailto:korishinzo@*****.com]
> > Sent: Monday, April 05, 2004 5:05 PM
> >
> > Have to disagree here. :)
> And yet, virtually all of your subsequent post proved my point
> exactly. Thanks, Kori. :)
> Marc

I was only disagreeing with your assessment of the base rule being
broken. Each pass, the runner must reroll, starting from their base
Quickness, or drop back to their base movement. In so far as we
agreed you are, of course, welcome. :)

--now, who types faster... a maxed out speed sammie or an
administrative assistant (archtype: Secretary) on two cans of red
bull? :p

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Small Business $15K Web Design Giveaway
Message no. 3
From: gurth@******.nl (Gurth)
Subject: Running Rules (was Martial Arts rules)
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2004 11:09:29 +0200
According to Ice Heart, on Tuesday 06 April 2004 22:35 the word on the
street was...

> That said, I might entertain something similar, as a straight 1 or 2
> point power, that simply doubled successes on a running test.
> Something to think about.

How about a power that adds 1 to the character's Running Multiplier?

Gurth@******.nl - Stone Age:
Those who ignore history are doomed to keep liking crappy dance
covers of great songs.
-> Probably NAGEE Editor * ShadowRN GridSec * Triangle Virtuoso <-
-> The Plastic Warriors Page: <-

GC3.12: GAT/! d- s:- !a>? C++(---) UL+ P(+) L++ E W--(++) N o? K w(--)
O V? PS+ PE@ Y PGP- t- 5++ X(+) R+++$ tv+(++) b++@ DI- D+ G+ e h! !r y?
Incubated into the First Church of the Sqooshy Ball, 21-05-1998
Message no. 4
From: maxnoel_fr@*****.fr (Max Noel)
Subject: Running Rules (was: Martial Arts rules)
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2004 16:01:28 +0200
Le 07 avr. 2004, à 11:08, Gurth a écrit :

>> Assuming
>> an augmented Quickness of 9, you're running at 99 meters per turn, or
>> 118.8 kilometers/hour.
> That's about as bad as the old Speed Samurai, whose top speed I don't
> recall offhand, but it must have been somewhere in that general area,
> too.

Heh... What did he use, Kid Stealth legs, suprathyroid gland, muscle
replacements, Move-By-Wire 4 and reflex recorders (athletics)?

Hey, I feel like playing with maths a bit today. If you hate
ridiculous characters, skip this message. If not, here comes (*drum
roll*) the Vampire Horse Shaman!
Consider a normal, non-cybered human with a Quickness of 6. Then
infect him with HMHVV and give him enough to drink so his Essence maxes
out at 12. He has an augmented Quickness of 18, and a running
multiplier of 5. Sustained running speed: 90 meters/turn (108kph).
Now, let him be a Horse shaman. IIRC those can learn the Movement
spirit/critter power as a metamagic technique. So let him be an
...And activate the power. His speed now becomes 1080 m/t, or 1296
kph, before any athletics rolls.
Mach 1 is 340.29 m/s (1225.044 kph).

Magic In the Shadows: 25 euros.
A pen and some paper: less than 1 euro.
A pocket calculator: 10 euros.
Looking up a constant on Google: negligible.
The face of my GM upon being asked the damage code for breaking the
sound barrier on foot: priceless.

-- Wild_Cat
maxnoel_fr at yahoo dot fr -- ICQ #85274019
"Look at you hacker... A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting
and sweating as you run through my corridors... How can you challenge a
perfect, immortal machine?"
Message no. 5
From: james@**** (James Niall Zealey)
Subject: Running Rules (was: Martial Arts rules)
Date: Thu, 08 Apr 2004 08:19:19 +1000
> Max Noel <maxnoel_fr@*****.fr>
> Hey, I feel like playing with maths a bit today. If you hate
> ridiculous characters, skip this message. If not, here comes (*drum
> roll*) the Vampire Horse Shaman!
> His speed now becomes 1080 m/t, or 1296
> kph, before any athletics rolls.
> Mach 1 is 340.29 m/s (1225.044 kph).
> -- Wild_Cat

Then I gotcha beat. Somewhere around here I've got a character that hits
those speeds... *as a valid starting character with a normal point buy*.
I wonder what I did with him? Night elf, horse shaman physad with cyber
and bio. Took a lot of balancing...

Mind you, if your horse shaman actually used some of those abilities
he's got, he'd probably out-do me.
Message no. 6
From: maxnoel_fr@*****.fr (Max Noel)
Subject: Running Rules (was: Martial Arts rules)
Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2004 01:50:33 +0200
Le 08 avr. 2004, à 00:19, James Niall Zealey a écrit :

> Then I gotcha beat. Somewhere around here I've got a character that
> hits those speeds... *as a valid starting character with a normal
> point buy*. I wonder what I did with him? Night elf, horse shaman
> physad with cyber and bio. Took a lot of balancing...

Wow. That being a *legal starting character* does deserve some
applause. Kudos! I'll have to submit this to one of my GM's, next time
we start a campaign, for another Mastercard moment.

> Mind you, if your horse shaman actually used some of those abilities
> he's got, he'd probably out-do me.

Indeed, that was just a proof of concept, I had forgotten about
Magician's Way adepts/shamans. Let's see...
As a grade 1 initiate, we have 7 PP to spend. One goes to Magic
Ability, then 6 levels of Attribute Increase: Quickness, 6 of Attribute
Boost: Quickness and 6 of Improved Athletics. Let the character's
Athletics(Running) skill be 6, and let's start calculating streaks...
Quickness is now 6(24(30)). Best-case scenario, perfect rolls on both
the Attribute Boost (highly improbable given the TN of either 12 or 24
depending on whether you count the vampiric boost as natural or not)
and Athletics (this one is easier, with a little karma...) will bring
the character's effective Quickness to 42. He starts running at 210 m/t
(252 kph)...
...And then activates his Movement power. Final speed: 2520 m/t, or
3024 kph. That's a character who can outrun *any* vehicle bar
suborbitals, semiballistics and perhaps some missiles.

As an interesting side note, considering that speed takes a whole turn
to reach, that character sustains, over 3 seconds, an acceleration of
280 m/s/s, or 28.54 G.
Does regeneration help against G-force-induced damage?

-- Wild_Cat
maxnoel_fr at yahoo dot fr -- ICQ #85274019
"Look at you hacker... A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting
and sweating as you run through my corridors... How can you challenge a
perfect, immortal machine?"
Message no. 7
From: tjlanza@************.com (Timothy J. Lanza)
Subject: Running Rules (was: Martial Arts rules)
Date: Wed, 07 Apr 2004 19:16:12 -0500
At 06:50 PM 4/7/2004, Max Noel wrote:
> ...And then activates his Movement power. Final speed: 2520 m/t,
> or 3024 kph. That's a character who can outrun *any* vehicle bar
> suborbitals, semiballistics and perhaps some missiles.

And he's still slower than a newbie mage on the Astral with no funky powers. :)

> As an interesting side note, considering that speed takes a whole
> turn to reach, that character sustains, over 3 seconds, an acceleration
> of 280 m/s/s, or 28.54 G.
> Does regeneration help against G-force-induced damage?

LOL... I have no idea.

Timothy J. Lanza
"When we can't dream any longer, we die." - Emma Goldman
Message no. 8
From: loneeagle@******** (Lone Eagle)
Subject: Running Rules (was Martial Arts rules)
Date: Fri, 09 Apr 2004 09:55:30 +0100
At 09:35 PM 4/6/2004, Korishinzo wrote:
> > That'll be somewhere on Bast's wishlist then... that way he might
> > actually
> > outpace those things next time... and it might not be a bad thing
> > for
> > Japanese gangs either if the title is really to be believed :D
>It was mostly a joke, people. I'd have to playtest the thing a few
>times before I moved it from a sig line to a house rule. :)
>That said, I might entertain something similar, as a straight 1 or 2
>point power, that simply doubled successes on a running test.
>Something to think about.

I did grin (or rather :D ) at the end of it...
My tongue was firmly in my cheek.

Lone Eagle
"Hold up lads, I got an idea." - Please be patient, this site is under construction

Version: 3.12
GE d++(---) s++: a->? C++(+) US++ P! L E? W++ N o? K? w+ O! M- V? PS+ PE-()
Y PGP? t+@ 5++ X- R+>+++$>* tv b+++ DI++++ D+ G++ e+ h r* y+>+++++

GCC0.2: y75>?.uk[NN] G87 S@:@@[SR] B+++ f+ RM(RR) rm++ rr++ l++(--) m- w
s+(+++) GM+++(-) A GS+(-) h++ LA+++ CG--- F c+

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Running Rules (was: Martial Arts rules), you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.