From: | briann@*******.com |
Subject: | Seeking Comments on New Spell |
Date: | Tue, 11 Jun 1996 04:27:16 +0000 |
feedback from the group. Feel free to use it if you like it. Also
since I have the original, feel free to delete the original text or
cut it down to just what you feel you really need.
thanks in advance. Now the Spell.
Spell Name: Claws
Spell Type: Transformation manipulation
Spell Description: Claws transforms the hands of the target of this
spell into deadly weapons. Their are 4 basic versions of this spell
which go by various names, and may have various appearances related
to the names given them. However the 4 basic ones are as follows.
1. Cat Claws
Damage: (Strength)L
Drain: (F/2)L
2. Dog Claws
Damage: (Strength)M
Drain: (F/2)M
3. Tiger Claws
Damage: (Strength)S
Drain: (F/2)S
4. Bear Claws
Damage: (Strength)D
Drain: (F/2)D
This spell causes the hands of the target to knit into tougher
structures. the hands grow fur similar to that possessed by the
animal the spell is name after, and the hand may take on some of the
appearance of that animals paw. The nails transform into claws
similar to those of the animal the spell is named for, the muscles
in the hands and fore arms strengthen as the spell demands this for
support of the damage the claws will dish out, this also cuases
ligaments attached to muscle, bone, and nail to strengthen as well.
Drain level for this spell varies from base spell type to base spell
type based on the damage potential of the spell. The animal relation
of any given spell can be re-assigned by re-designing the spell with
a new animal affinity, giving rise to such variants as black panther
claws. The animal affinity of any given spell is mostly cosmetic in
nature and other then role playing possibilities can be changed at
Type: Mana
Range: Touch
Target: 4
Damage Level: Special (see spell description)
Duration: Sustained
Drain: Special (see spell description)
Spell Creation Notes
Base Target Number: (Manipulation Spell): 4 {my original pick}
or possibly (fine manipulation of (meta)human tissue): 6
or (as the shapechange and transformation spells): Willpower
1. Major Physical Changes (changes form of hands): Drain Level S
2. Touch Required: -1 Drain Target, -1 Drain Level
3. Voluntary Subject Required: -1 Drain Level
4. Sustained Spell: +1 Drain Target
Base Drain for Cat Claws is (L damgae Level) is (Force/2)L
Increase the Drain Level for each increase in damage potential.
Therefore the Drain Level of the spell becomes the Damage Level of
the spell. This is more for game balance then anything else.
I hope this is an original spell, and if you have any coments or
suggestions I would like to hear them.
Brian K. Nielsen
e-mail: briann@*******.com