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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: Snake Eyes snake.eyes@********
Subject: [Semi-OT]Inspiration?
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 18:38:36 -0700
1. I just got done watching the episode of "The Simpsons" where the local
Mafia are enlisted by Homer to support Marge's pretzel delivery business
only to wind up in a climactic showdown with the Yakuza enclave that has
backed a rival pita franchise.

2. Last weekend I rented _The Big Lebowski_, a hilarious movie with one of
the most twisted and bizarre kidnapping, mistaken identity, and
double/triple-cross plots I've ever seen.

Both of these got me to thinking about how great campaign source material
is often found in the least expected places.

My question to the list is:

What is the most unconventional (or esoteric) source of inspiration you've
ever drawn upon for planning a shadowrun?

[If this kind of trolling is likely to get me thwapped, please advise me
off-list and accept my humble apologies for wasting your bandwidth.]

~ Snake Eyes
Message no. 2
From: Penta cpenta@*****.com
Subject: [Semi-OT]Inspiration?
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 22:26:02 -0700
Snake Eyes wrote:

> My question to the list is:
> What is the most unconventional (or esoteric) source of inspiration you've
> ever drawn upon for planning a shadowrun?
> [If this kind of trolling is likely to get me thwapped, please advise me
> off-list and accept my humble apologies for wasting your bandwidth.]
> ~ Snake Eyes

Hmm. Most unconventional? A snowball fight, crossed with a friend's older
brother's porno mag...twisted run idea. VERY twisted.

Message no. 3
From: Scott Wheelock iscottw@*****
Subject: [Semi-OT]Inspiration?
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 01:34:42 -0300
"And now, a Channel 6 editorial reply to Snake Eyes."
] 2. Last weekend I rented _The Big Lebowski_, a hilarious movie with one of
] the most twisted and bizarre kidnapping, mistaken identity, and
] double/triple-cross plots I've ever seen.

This is such a good movie...anyone who hasn't seen this should.
Right now. G'wan, go, get moving...

-Murder of One

(you still here?)
Message no. 4
From: Snake Eyes snake.eyes@********
Subject: [Semi-OT] Inspiration?
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 21:14:47 -0700
At 10:26 PM 4/23/99 -0700, cpenta@*****.com wrote:


> Hmm. Most unconventional? A snowball fight, crossed with a friend's older
>brother's porno mag...twisted run idea. VERY twisted.

Dude, don't make me sorry I asked! [:)] Please, elaborate. I've *got* to
hear how that one went down.

~Snake Eyes
Message no. 5
From: Penta cpenta@*****.com
Subject: [Semi-OT] Inspiration?
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 00:51:15 -0700
Snake Eyes wrote:

> At 10:26 PM 4/23/99 -0700, cpenta@*****.com wrote:
> [snip]
> > Hmm. Most unconventional? A snowball fight, crossed with a friend's older
> >brother's porno mag...twisted run idea. VERY twisted.
> >
> >John
> Dude, don't make me sorry I asked! [:)] Please, elaborate. I've *got* to
> hear how that one went down.
> ~Snake Eyes

Erm, OK. One moment. Past this line, may those who may be offended by
potentially pornographic descriptions not read.P





Ok, should be enough. Anyway...essentially, I had a nasty idea. It's 2055. The
awakened weather patterns have caused, throughout North America, major blizzards
(Think the Blizzard of 78, add a factor of magnitude on the order of 20, and ya
got it.). NOBODY can really get through. But, our intrepid runners have to
extract a stripper from a very notnice club. They do that, return to safehouse
(snow tunnels which collapse behind you work WONDERS.)...get stuck there. For
about a week or so (mebbe more, I don't remember) We were all male IRL, and
feeling...excited, so we went off on tangents. That stripper tried to seduce
EVERY member of the team (I was felt WEIRD)...and eventually did. She
was an elf that was...specially endowed (funky bioware. You figure it out. Just
think puberty going on and on and on for a while...Or, rather...Pam Anderson
gone supersized.:)) They were a human, an elf, and an ork. It hit XXX-rated a
few times, tho I kept it STRICTLY abstract. Eventually, they found out she just
wanted out of there. She got pregnant by the human (who joked he had a sperm
count in the high, and became a runner...their
point-of-contact person, meeting with Johnsons and the like. As an NPC. But,
that was a VERY shortlived group. First and only. Died after 6 months.

Message no. 6
From: NightLife habenir@*****
Subject: [Semi-OT]Inspiration?
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1999 20:42:52 -0400
>My question to the list is:
>What is the most unconventional (or esoteric) source of inspiration you've
>ever drawn upon for planning a shadowrun?

Queensryche albumss, Rage for Order and Operantion: Mindcrime. Both filled
with a man against society conspriacy also their song Lady in Black for a
solo adventure using the theme of love forsaken for power.

Nightlife Inc.

Historically, the Germans had a habit of associating the names of objects
with the sounds they made. In keeping with this tradition when cannons
were first made they became known as the bum for boom! The first 100-
pound bomb was dubbed "ein lautes Bumm " a loud boom!" After the first
atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, they called the fission device
"ein grosses Bumm " or a big loud boom!" The next obvious step was the
fusion, or H-bomb, which was pronounced
"ein grosses lautes Bumm all ist kaput!"

Paraphrased from "Dust" by Charles Pellegrino
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Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about [Semi-OT]Inspiration?, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.