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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: "S. Keith Graham" <vapspcx@***.GATECH.EDU>
Subject: Re: SHADOWRN Digest - 16 Dec 1993 to 17 Dec 1993
Date: Mon, 20 Dec 1993 11:41:44 -0500
>Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1993 10:03:15 EST
>From: Warlok <EHULTGRE@******.BITNET>
>Subject: Decker cyberware

>Now, I've seen both extremes of deckers and their cyberware. Personally, my
>character has minimal cyber, just a datajack and 50 MPs memory. Zat's it!
>However, a decker might buy skillwires.skillsofts. Although these are very
>expensive essence and nuyen wise, you could just slot in a Decking-12 chip(spe-
>cialization) and really cook through the matrix. Also, you could slot a Firear
>ms-8 and actually stand a chance of hitting something in a fight.
>Personally, I don't like the fact that the decker tends to have to hide behind
>the Sammies. Oh well, better that than dead, eh??


>"Yes I come from the Peppermint Tribe, wher people come and then they die"

Nothing personal, but would *you* trust a Decking-12 from any source? I mean,
really, you slot that puppy, and when things get really hot, the target
recognizes your moves, and exploits a "known bug" in the Decking-12 and
slags you. Nyah, I wouldn't slot a Decking-* for any amount of nY. (And it
would make me wonder about slotting a combat chip of any kind too. What if
the guy researches it, and learns that it doesn't know how to block
*this* strike in HtH?? Yikes.) And *never* make a run on the manufacturer
of a chip. BAD idea.

And Decking-12 doesn't require skillwires.. And Skillwires-8 are probably
overkill for a decker without other cyberware...

Now, language skillsofts, maybe an academic subject or two... That's real
handy. Maybe some B/R skills... Nix the combat softs; those you gotta

And you *want* to get shot at/shot up? What *have* you been slotting?
Combat from 30 miles away; the only way to go.

Keith Graham
Message no. 2
From: Erik Hultgren <EHULTGRE@******.BITNET>
Subject: Re: SHADOWRN Digest - 16 Dec 1993 to 17 Dec 1993
Date: Mon, 20 Dec 1993 12:59:09 EST
Gaaaaaa!!! I didn't mean that I would put all that cyberstuff in my decker!!
Hell, all I've got is the jack and 50 MPs!!
And I don't want to go leaping into combat, I just want to be able to defend my
self. Many times the group decker has had to go into the building because the
network was not accessible fron the Net. (I'm sure you've all heard of this!)
It gets really old hiding behind a troll hoping someone doesn't decide to geek
you, you know!! Hell, most deckers would be lucky to hit one of those barns, le
t alone a gnat.
And if anyone sends me sh*t about wanting a combat decker or wanting wired refl
exes in him, I will get really upset... <loads fish into his Archerfish anti-
personnel weapon. Flicks the safety and waits.......>


"Rejoice for the Emperor is generous"
Message no. 3
From: The Deb Decker <RJR96326@****.UTULSA.EDU>
Subject: Re: SHADOWRN Digest - 16 Dec 1993 to 17 Dec 1993
Date: Mon, 20 Dec 1993 20:26:14 -0600
>Gaaaaaa!!! I didn't mean that I would put all that cyberstuff in my decker!!
>Hell, all I've got is the jack and 50 MPs!!

>And I don't want to go leaping into combat, I just want to be able to defend my
>self. Many times the group decker has had to go into the building because the

>And if anyone sends me sh*t about wanting a combat decker or wanting wired refl
>exes in him, I will get really upset... <loads fish into his Archerfish anti-
>personnel weapon. Flicks the safety and waits.......>

Chill, please. No one will slight you for choosing to enter battle. Better you
than me.


J Roberson

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about SHADOWRN Digest - 16 Dec 1993 to 17 Dec 1993, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.