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Message no. 1
From: boserj@******.com (Jeffrey Boser)
Subject: Re: SHADOWRN digest 39
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 1995 08:50:39 -0800
>From: pbailey@***** (Peter Bailey)
>> It seems like there is no reason at all to be a rigger, you can control
>> a vehicle and whatnot just the same way from a control station, just
>> slower.
>And a lot less naturally. Sure, any jock with a vehicle skill can pick up a
>remote control deck, but only a rigger can telepresence with all that

'imply'? I don't want implications, I want rules. You know, lists of
actions and whatnot. As far as I can tell, a person sitting in a turrent
operating a heavy weapon uses his gunnery skill, and gets to use his full
combat pool. Does the rigger get to use his combat pool, and control
pool? both? either? the rules are NOT clearly defined. Sometimes it
says that a rigger is just issuing commands to a vehicle, but thats completely
contrary to what being a rigger is.

>> Are there any house rules?
>Probably, never needed them myself.

I have. My first rule was this.. when a rigger is rigged into a vehicle,
the autopilot is not. When he isn't, the autopilot is. The autopilot cannot
be controlling part of the vehicle while is rigged into it. My second rule
is that a rigger can only be rigged into one vehicle at a time. I also had
to flesh out exactly what the sensors for each sensor level are, as well as
input/output. (Sure, you issue a command to a drone, but HOW does it get there?
laser point-to-point? but its on the other side of town!)

>> I am designing some myself. I'm including a rigging skill (how good you
>> are at preceiving through vehicle sensors, and moving with vehicle limbs),
>> as well as rules for the state of the rigger during the rig, and how he
>> perceives things.
>Why? If you are forced to look through smoked glass, you cannot precieve
>much detail. Same when looking through low grade sensors.

Sensors are not just visual. It is clear from the rules, in various
sections, that sensors can and might include collision avoidance radar,
short range radar, long range radar, basic visual, basic audio, enhanced
visual, low light, thermographic, enhanced audio.. and nowhere are these
laid out clearly, and they come up time and time again. Can he track an
orc with the thermographic sensors on his drone, for instance?

>> For example, I think a gun on a vehicle should be just like a gun in
>> a samurai's smartlinked hand. Its a part of him when he is rigged.
>> And I also think that a rigger can only 'be' one vehicle at a time,
>> and leaving a vehicle and entering one each take a complex action.
>> All other vehicles that he is involved with can only be operating
>> on their autopilots, with the rigger using simple actions to send
>> them basic instructions.
>Sorry, I fail to see the problem. The sammy firing a full auto weapon can
>only fire once per action, and he can move at the same time. The rigger is
>doing the same thing. Telepresence is not an easy thing to accomplish.
>Besides, how confusing would the inputs of two vehicles be?

Yeah, he can. But a rigger, according the rules, can file a single shot
gun, like a laser, but takes up just as much time (a full complex action)
to fire it as a sam with a full auto weapon. A vehicle weapon takes a complex
action to fire, according to the rules, no matter what the vehicle weapon is.
No matter if he is rigged or not. NONE of this is explained.

Btw, for my house rule set, a rigger can fire any weapon just like a sam
with smartlink, but without the -2 bonus. (free action to eject clip,
simple action burst fire, etc). And, he can only fire weapons that are
mounted as remote turrents.

>> Also, I intend to run vehicles as people, so if he is controlling a
>> wounded vehicle, he suffers penalties and the like. Ideally, it
>> should clear up the rules alot for my rigger players, who (rightly)
>> do not like to go into dangerous situations in their flesh bodies.
>Wounded vehicle already equals penalties. Oh, don't forget to use the line
>of sight modifiers when you are rigging remote control.

For god sakes why? Why the hell does line of site modifiers apply to
the remote vehicle. The only possible delay is one formed by the
communication channel, and that is affected by jamming devices. He
sees through the vehicle sensors, so he is ALWAYS in line of sight.

The line of sight modifier only applies to using a remote control on
a vehicle, it seems to me. When you are non-rigging, but using a
remote deck with the little joystick/keyboard and stuff.

>I don't have a problem with the existing vehicle rules. Obviously you don't
>like them, and that's ok. Play whatever rules yourself and your players
>like, but I for one enjoy playing the part of my flygirl.

Oh, I love my rigger player. He's even nasty in combat with his combat
shotgun. But the rules are patheticly unorganized and lacking in clarity.

My other rules include, it takes a complex action to rig into a vehicle,
and a complex action to rig out. (the first he takes with his natural
initiative, the second during a turn with his rigged initiative) This
means he can switch vehicles, using two complex actions. (rig out of
his armored van, let the autopilot, which is enhanced, take over driving
it through the city, rig into his drone on the rack, launch it, and do
a remote fly over the area, checking it with his short range radar and
enhanced visual sensors.)

While youa re rigged, you can issue commands to other autopilots, according
to the rules, but only if you are in communication with them.

While you are rigged, you are out. Just like a decker, your entire sensory
perception is the vehicle. The decker's body is just meat in a seat.


Message no. 2
From: "A Halliwell" <u5a77@**>
Subject: Re: SHADOWRN digest 39
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 1995 11:51:08 +0000 (GMT)
> >From: pbailey@***** (Peter Bailey)
> >> It seems like there is no reason at all to be a rigger, you can control
> >> a vehicle and whatnot just the same way from a control station, just
> >> slower.
> >
> >And a lot less naturally. Sure, any jock with a vehicle skill can pick up a
> >remote control deck, but only a rigger can telepresence with all that
> >implys.
> 'imply'? I don't want implications, I want rules. You know, lists of
> actions and whatnot. As far as I can tell, a person sitting in a turrent
> operating a heavy weapon uses his gunnery skill, and gets to use his full
> combat pool. Does the rigger get to use his combat pool, and control
> pool? both? either? the rules are NOT clearly defined. Sometimes it
> says that a rigger is just issuing commands to a vehicle, but thats completely
> contrary to what being a rigger is.

I do think it says somewhere, that when a rigger is in vehicle combat he
uses his control poola and NOT his combat pool.

In the same way an astral mage uses his astral pool and NOT his combat pool.

As for the issuing of commands. YES....IMHO a rigger can only be present in one
machine at a time, but if he's controlling 3 drones he has to issue commands
while he's not 'in' that partcular drone, so that it can still

> >> Are there any house rules?
> >
> >Probably, never needed them myself.
> I have. My first rule was this.. when a rigger is rigged into a vehicle,
> the autopilot is not. When he isn't, the autopilot is. The autopilot cannot
> be controlling part of the vehicle while is rigged into it. My second rule
> is that a rigger can only be rigged into one vehicle at a time. I also had
> to flesh out exactly what the sensors for each sensor level are, as well as
> input/output. (Sure, you issue a command to a drone, but HOW does it get there?
> laser point-to-point? but its on the other side of town!)
> >> I am designing some myself. I'm including a rigging skill (how good you
> >> are at preceiving through vehicle sensors, and moving with vehicle limbs),
> >> as well as rules for the state of the rigger during the rig, and how he
> >> perceives things.
> >
> >Why? If you are forced to look through smoked glass, you cannot precieve
> >much detail. Same when looking through low grade sensors.
> Sensors are not just visual. It is clear from the rules, in various
> sections, that sensors can and might include collision avoidance radar,
> short range radar, long range radar, basic visual, basic audio, enhanced
> visual, low light, thermographic, enhanced audio.. and nowhere are these
> laid out clearly, and they come up time and time again. Can he track an
> orc with the thermographic sensors on his drone, for instance?
> >> For example, I think a gun on a vehicle should be just like a gun in
> >> a samurai's smartlinked hand. Its a part of him when he is rigged.
> >> And I also think that a rigger can only 'be' one vehicle at a time,
> >> and leaving a vehicle and entering one each take a complex action.
> >> All other vehicles that he is involved with can only be operating
> >> on their autopilots, with the rigger using simple actions to send
> >> them basic instructions.
> >
> >Sorry, I fail to see the problem. The sammy firing a full auto weapon can
> >only fire once per action, and he can move at the same time. The rigger is
> >doing the same thing. Telepresence is not an easy thing to accomplish.
> >Besides, how confusing would the inputs of two vehicles be?
> Yeah, he can. But a rigger, according the rules, can file a single shot
> gun, like a laser, but takes up just as much time (a full complex action)
> to fire it as a sam with a full auto weapon. A vehicle weapon takes a complex
> action to fire, according to the rules, no matter what the vehicle weapon is.
> No matter if he is rigged or not. NONE of this is explained.
> Btw, for my house rule set, a rigger can fire any weapon just like a sam
> with smartlink, but without the -2 bonus. (free action to eject clip,
> simple action burst fire, etc). And, he can only fire weapons that are
> mounted as remote turrents.
> >> Also, I intend to run vehicles as people, so if he is controlling a
> >> wounded vehicle, he suffers penalties and the like. Ideally, it
> >> should clear up the rules alot for my rigger players, who (rightly)
> >> do not like to go into dangerous situations in their flesh bodies.
> >
> >Wounded vehicle already equals penalties. Oh, don't forget to use the line
> >of sight modifiers when you are rigging remote control.
> For god sakes why? Why the hell does line of site modifiers apply to
> the remote vehicle. The only possible delay is one formed by the
> communication channel, and that is affected by jamming devices. He
> sees through the vehicle sensors, so he is ALWAYS in line of sight.
> The line of sight modifier only applies to using a remote control on
> a vehicle, it seems to me. When you are non-rigging, but using a
> remote deck with the little joystick/keyboard and stuff.
> >I don't have a problem with the existing vehicle rules. Obviously you don't
> >like them, and that's ok. Play whatever rules yourself and your players
> >like, but I for one enjoy playing the part of my flygirl.
> Oh, I love my rigger player. He's even nasty in combat with his combat
> shotgun. But the rules are patheticly unorganized and lacking in clarity.
> My other rules include, it takes a complex action to rig into a vehicle,
> and a complex action to rig out. (the first he takes with his natural
> initiative, the second during a turn with his rigged initiative) This
> means he can switch vehicles, using two complex actions. (rig out of
> his armored van, let the autopilot, which is enhanced, take over driving
> it through the city, rig into his drone on the rack, launch it, and do
> a remote fly over the area, checking it with his short range radar and
> enhanced visual sensors.)
> While youa re rigged, you can issue commands to other autopilots, according
> to the rules, but only if you are in communication with them.
> While you are rigged, you are out. Just like a decker, your entire sensory
> perception is the vehicle. The decker's body is just meat in a seat.
> ......jeff
> --
> D'oh!

| |What to do if you find yourself stuck in a crackin |
|u5a77@** |the ground beneath a giant bolder, which you can't |
| |move, with no hope of rescue. |
|Andrew Halliwell |Consider how lucky you are that life has been good |
|Principal in:- |to you so far... |
|Comp Sci & Visual Arts | -The BOOK, Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. |

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about SHADOWRN digest 39, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.