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Message no. 1
From: sean jamieson elf61@*******.com
Subject: ShadowRN digest, Vol 1 #111 - 50 msgs
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 1999 16:00:05 PST
I'm baaaack!
<begin evil laughing>
bwa ha haaa.
<end evil laughing>
a good font might be the hackers font.

now some questions.
t-shirts- how much and how do i get one?
what is the cost for a physical adept for invisibility? can they get it?
if a tree falls in the forest and lands on a shadowrunner does it make a

when war is on the horizon, the law becomes silent.

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Message no. 2
From: dghost@****.com dghost@****.com
Subject: ShadowRN digest, Vol 1 #111 - 50 msgs
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 1999 18:51:23 -0600
On Tue, 30 Mar 1999 16:00:05 PST "sean jamieson" <elf61@*******.com>
>I'm baaaack!
><begin evil laughing>
>bwa ha haaa.
><end evil laughing>
>a good font might be the hackers font.

Welcome back. :)

>now some questions.
>t-shirts- how much and how do i get one?

Hasn't been worked out yet entirely.

>what is the cost for a physical adept for invisibility? can they get it?

There is no Invisibility PhysAd power by the book, feel free to make one
up. There was a Web of Concealment power in a magazine (name?) that cost
.5 for level 1, 1 for level 2 and 2 for level 3. Level 3 conceals the
user even on the astral plane. The Physical Adept's Handybook available
at the Shadowrun Archive ( has a more reasonable
version of this power (Level 3 costs 6 points and does not conceal you on
the astral plane.).

>if a tree falls in the forest and lands on a shadowrunner does it make a


Depends ... is it a crunchy runner?

D. Ghost
(aka Pixel)
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Message no. 3
From: Laughing Man oliver_wilken@*******.com
Subject: ShadowRN digest, Vol 1 #111 - 50 msgs
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 1999 17:24:38 PST
>>what is the cost for a physical adept for invisibility? can they get

>There is no Invisibility PhysAd power by the book, feel free to make
one up. There was a Web of Concealment power in a magazine (name?) that
cost .5 for level 1, 1 for level 2 and 2 for level 3. Level 3 conceals
the user even on the astral plane.<

I think that that ability was in one of the issues of 'White Wolf
Magazine'. I'll check just to be sure, I know that it had several
abilities in it though.

*Laughing Man* <strikes-again/ha-ha-ha>

Magic is a tool. Neather Good of Bad
It all depends on how it is used.

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Message no. 4
From: Andrew Cowan lesbos@******.net
Subject: ShadowRN digest, Vol 1 #111 - 50 msgs
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 06:59:50 -0600
> >what is the cost for a physical adept for invisibility? can they get it?
> There is no Invisibility PhysAd power by the book, feel free to make one
> up. There was a Web of Concealment power in a magazine (name?) that cost
> .5 for level 1, 1 for level 2 and 2 for level 3. Level 3 conceals the
> user even on the astral plane. The Physical Adept's Handybook available
> at the Shadowrun Archive ( has a more reasonable
> version of this power (Level 3 costs 6 points and does not conceal you on
> the astral plane.).

Is it just me, or does anybody else find that _completely_ unreasonable considering the
definition of a physad? They use their magical energy internally, to better themselves.
Please reconcile that with an invisibility power (maybe you want a physmage?)

Message no. 5
From: Laughing Man oliver_wilken@*******.com
Subject: ShadowRN digest, Vol 1 #111 - 50 msgs
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 09:35:33 PST
> >what is the cost for a physical adept for invisibility? can they get
> There is no Invisibility PhysAd power by the book, feel free to make
> up. There was a Web of Concealment power in a magazine (name?) that
> .5 for level 1, 1 for level 2 and 2 for level 3. Level 3 conceals the
> user even on the astral plane. The Physical Adept's Handybook
> at the Shadowrun Archive ( has a more reasonable
> version of this power (Level 3 costs 6 points and does not conceal you
> the astral plane.).

Is it just me, or does anybody else find that _completely_ unreasonable
considering the definition of a physad? They use their magical energy
internally, to better themselves. Please reconcile that with an
invisibility power (maybe you want a physmage?)

>>AndyKatie<<>> Wed, 31 Mar 1999 06:59:50 -0600<<

For those out there that don't know about a physmage it's in the
Awakenings supplement for SR2

Now don't think that I think that your all idiots, becouse I don't:)

*Laughing Man*<<Strikes-Again/ha-ha-ha>>

He who laughs last laughs longest.
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Message no. 6
From: Kelson kelson13@***********.com
Subject: ShadowRN digest, Vol 1 #111 - 50 msgs
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 09:45:21 -0800
On Wed, 31 Mar 1999 09:35:33 Laughing Man wrote:

>Is it just me, or does anybody else find that _completely_ unreasonable
>considering the definition of a physad? They use their magical energy
>internally, to better themselves. Please reconcile that with an
>invisibility power (maybe you want a physmage?)

Yeah, I get kinda sick of seeing people try to turn PhysAds into Magicians. That's what
Physical Magicians are for. I don't buy any power (even for Magicians) that allows you to
make yourself invisible on the Astral Plane. Heck, the only thing I allow to alter your
aura in any way is Masking - and even then all it does is alter your level of magical
ability and hide some Spell Locks/Quickenings.

It's just a fundamental rule - the Astral doesn't lie. It can be manipulated a little bit
via one Metamagical ability, but that's it.

And don't even get me started on Distance Strike. Sheesh. If you want to cast a spell -
cast a spell already. Create a Physical Magician instead of a Physad.

>*Laughing Man*<<Strikes-Again/ha-ha-ha>>

Justin (feeling a bit opinionated today) ;)

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Message no. 7
From: Lehlan Decker DeckerL@******.com
Subject: ShadowRN digest, Vol 1 #111 - 50 msgs
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 12:47:11 -0500
>Is it just me, or does anybody else find that _completely_ unreasonable
>considering the definition of a physad? They use their magical energy
>internally, to better themselves. Please reconcile that with an
>invisibility power (maybe you want a physmage?)

Yes and no. I personally would't let a PA come up with an Invisibility
power. I have allowed in the past, a power similiar to a Disregard spell,
where the ability makes it harder for folks to spot the PA in a crowd, or
remember anything he said or did. The PA simply becomes unnoticable,
and blends into the crowd. Camera's could still pick him up, but a guard
might simply remember him as another coporate drone.
Lehlan Decker, Unix Admin (704)331-1149
deckerl@******.com Fax 378-1939
Moore & Van Allen, PLLC Pager 1-888-608-9633
Message no. 8
From: Glenn Royer groyer@********.EDU
Subject: ShadowRN digest, Vol 1 #111 - 50 msgs
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 11:54:39 -0500
> Yes and no. I personally would't let a PA come up with an Invisibility
> power. I have allowed in the past, a power similiar to a Disregard spell,
> where the ability makes it harder for folks to spot the PA in a crowd, or
> remember anything he said or did. The PA simply becomes unnoticable,
> and blends into the crowd. Camera's could still pick him up, but a guard
> might simply remember him as another coporate drone.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Lehlan Decker, Unix Admin (704)331-1149

whenever players ask me something about physads getting invisibiity
power, i always say "yes they do, it's called increased ability:
Message no. 9
From: Lady Jestyr jestyr@*******
Subject: ShadowRN digest, Vol 1 #111 - 50 msgs
Date: Thu, 01 Apr 1999 17:45:45 +1000
>>Is it just me, or does anybody else find that _completely_ unreasonable
>>considering the definition of a physad? They use their magical energy
>>internally, to better themselves. Please reconcile that with an
>>invisibility power (maybe you want a physmage?)
>Yes and no. I personally would't let a PA come up with an Invisibility
>power. I have allowed in the past, a power similiar to a Disregard spell,
>where the ability makes it harder for folks to spot the PA in a crowd, or
>remember anything he said or did. The PA simply becomes unnoticable,
>and blends into the crowd. Camera's could still pick him up, but a guard
>might simply remember him as another coporate drone.

I developed a similar power - check out

Lady Jestyr

It might look like I'm doing | * Shadowrun Webring Ringmaster
nothing, but at the cellular | * Hibernator Extraordinaire
level I'm really quite busy. | * All-Around Superhero(TM)

jestyr@******* | URL:
Message no. 10
From: Gurth gurth@******.nl
Subject: ShadowRN digest, Vol 1 #111 - 50 msgs
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 1999 12:27:07 +0200
According to Andrew Cowan, at 6:59 on 31 Mar 99, the word on
the street was...

> Is it just me, or does anybody else find that _completely_ unreasonable
> considering the definition of a physad? They use their magical energy
> internally, to better themselves. Please reconcile that with an
> invisibility power (maybe you want a physmage?)

I have to agree with this. The Web of Concealment power seems unsuitable
for physads to me, but then so do some of the ohter powers in the White
Wolf article referred to. (Which is in WWM #38, pages 57-62, BTW.)

However, the power as described in the magazine has three levels, with the
following effects:

Level 1 (0.5 Magic points)
Perceivers must roll Perception (6) test to spot the adept when hiding in
shadows. Thermographic isn't fooled, video cameras are.

Level 2 (0.5 Magic points)
As above, but TN rises to 8. Thermographic uses TN of 5.

Level 3 (1 Magic point)
Complete invisibility against both normal and thermographic vision.

The costs are cumulative -- you can't just buy level 2 by itself, for

Note that no mention is made of being invisible on the astral plane, so
it's not too bad in that regard. It's possible many of you are confusing
this power with the Astral Cloak power from the same article, which
doesn't give invisibility on the astral plane but increases the TN for
Detection spells (or reduces their number of successes -- the description
contradicts itself) in whose area of effect the physad ends up.

Still, the game mechanics of the whole thing seem very much (read: too) un-
Shadowrun to me. I'd probably make a power like this where the level is
added to the TN for Perception tests rather than giving fixed TNs for each

Gurth@******.nl -
Everyone has a lie to live.
-> NERPS Project Leader * ShadowRN GridSec * Unofficial Shadowrun Guru <-
->The Plastic Warriors Page:<-
-> The New Character Mortuary: <-

GC3.1: GAT/! d-(dpu) s:- !a>? C+(++)@ U P L E? W(++) N o? K- w+ O V? PS+
PE Y PGP- t(+) 5++ X++ R+++>$ tv+(++) b++@ DI? D+ G(++) e h! !r(---) y?
Incubated into the First Church of the Sqooshy Ball, 21-05-1998

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about ShadowRN digest, Vol 1 #111 - 50 msgs, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.