From: | shadowrn@*********.com (Bryan Pow) |
Subject: | ShadowRN digest, Vol 1 #1857 - 32 msgs |
Date: | Tue Apr 16 23:15:04 2002 |
> Not necessary, your forgetting that the +8 for invisibility is to shoot the guy. ie
you have to know he's there. The +12 for Ruthenium is for Perception tests, not combat
> So, for either you can only shoot him when you know he's there. To spot an invisible
person requires breaking the illusion spell To spot a ruthenium person requires a
perseption test at +12
> Once you've spotted them Invivsibility +8 to ranged combat test due to blind fire
Ruthenium (my rule) +4 to ranged combat due to obscurement, but since you've spotted them,
you can see them and so it isn't blind fire.
> so basically Invisibility = impossible to see (but maybe can hear)
> Ruthenium + Difficult to see, +12 mod (but maybe can hear)
> ------------End of Message-------------
> I'd disagree - once you've broken the invisibility (with a successful intelligence
test) you "see through" the illusion, and so suffer no modifiers for shooting
the guy (unless it's totally dark or something).
> Same with ruthenium - making the perception test means you can see the guy, and so
suffer no penalties.
That was actually the point I was trying to make.
Ein scharfes Schwert schneidet sehr, eine scharfe Zunge noch viel mehr.
The tongue is sharper than any sword.