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Message no. 1
From: Felix Horbach horbach@*****
Subject: ShadowRN digest, Vol 1 #265 - 62 msgs
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 14:37:20 +0200
>Actually, in page 171 of SRIII, it doesn't state that you aren't using
>to see anything actually present in astral space. Free actions being
>speaking, and such, I figure that it isn't actually the concentration
>maintaining astral perception that is the cause of the +2 TN mod. Else,

>should all sams who uses a free action to talk while in combat receive
>+2 TN mod because they are concentrating on talking while shooting?

Actually itīs a simple action to "transfer" your sight to the astral and
THEN a free one to see something present there. So concentration could
be the reason for the +2 modifier since since only looking oops
perceiving around would be free.
As for the mage mask: Its pupose is to prevent mgician from casting
spells. This is IMHO seperated into two different parts. The part of
your perception in the mundane world is prevented from casting a spell
by the absence of LOS.
The astral perception part of your conscience on the other hand, which
would enable you to cast spells at entities astrally present is blocked
by a lack of concentration due to the white noise generator.

BTW where is this (Willpower(8) to enter astral space) test from? Itīs
not in the Lone Star book.

> The astral form is based on the mortal body. Sight is still based
>the eyes. If you had a different way of seeing then that would have

Hmm, there is at least a strong suggestion that astral perception is
indeed done by the aura. SR3 states that a character astrally perceiving
can physically interact with beings on the astral plane. Since that is
not the case unter normal circumstances astral perception seems to link
the entire aura to the astral.

And, finally to Da Twink Daddy: I was with you just up to the
differences between blind and non-blind mages in the astral. As far as I
understood your point was that the astral senses are not normal human
sensory input but something new and alien to the human mind, threfore
being translated by the mind to match the concerned humans primary
But if the astral input is in fact alien sensory then why should a blind
mage perceive different from a seeing one. He should get the same
informations as the seing, only translated to sound instead of sight.
Woulīd be thankful for an explanation,
Watcher spirit
Message no. 2
From: Da Twink Daddy datwinkdaddy@*********.com
Subject: ShadowRN digest, Vol 1 #265 - 62 msgs
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 19:19:43 -0500
----- Original Message -----
From: Felix Horbach <horbach@*****>

> BTW where is this (Willpower(8) to enter astral space) test from?
> not in the Lone Star book.

If that came from [only] my message, ignore it, I thought someone else
had posted that. I must've been remembering something else.

> > The astral form is based on the mortal body. Sight is still
> in
> >the eyes. If you had a different way of seeing then that would have
> been
> >said.
> Hmm, there is at least a strong suggestion that astral perception is
> indeed done by the aura. SR3 states that a character astrally
> can physically interact with beings on the astral plane. Since that
> not the case unter normal circumstances astral perception seems to
> the entire aura to the astral.
> And, finally to Da Twink Daddy: I was with you just up to the
> differences between blind and non-blind mages in the astral. As far
as I
> understood your point was that the astral senses are not normal
> sensory input but something new and alien to the human mind,
> being translated by the mind to match the concerned humans primary
> sense.
> But if the astral input is in fact alien sensory then why should a
> mage perceive different from a seeing one. He should get the same
> informations as the seing, only translated to sound instead of

Okay, depending on how I read this, I can answer one of two ways.

1) Isn't that what I said?

2) [This is probably the one you want.] Since all the astral
precieving is being done by the aura, you get a 360 degree Full-X
(near BTL) level experience. However, the Mages mind can only
translate some of this to the primary sence. In a blind mage, he gets
the hearing part and the locations/existence of objects [or rather,
what the mind 'shows' the mage] is based on the 'natural'
limitations/advantages of hearing.

--I'm saying something fairly radical, actually. Here it is in
Shadowspeak. You know that guy that fragged you over by hiding behind
that wall chummer? He was always there, and the astral was always
telling you that. Unfortunately, you ain't like me chummer, but that a
different thread. Your brain is tied to all those meat senses,
worthless little things... It was YOUR brain chummer, not the wall or
the astral that hid that dude. You brain put the wall in front of your
astral sight... If only you could feel the astral the way I do. But
then, when I say feel you are thinking of touch aren't you... It's not
near that limited chummer. (A pure astral being, talking to a mage in
ICU, Bullet-wound Recovery.

(If the mage was a 'listener' [blind], he probably would've heard the
hum of a guy around the corner (as sound goes around corners) but not
completely behind a wall (a mundane's 'quiet' aura wouldn't go though
a solid wall.))

Da Twink Daddy
ICQ# 514984

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about ShadowRN digest, Vol 1 #265 - 62 msgs, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.