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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: Faux Pas <fauxpas@******.net>
Subject: ShadowRN T-Shirts, anyone?
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 1996 21:29:14 -0500
Is there anybody interested in getting new and improved ShadowRN t-shirts?
With the time it took to get the orders done in the spring, if we start now,
we could get the shirts delivered by mid- to late- December. I'm sure the
readers of this list in the Southern Hemisphere wouldn't mind getting a
short-sleeve t-shirt during thier summer. And hey, it'll make a great
Christmas gift for the 'runner in your life.

I'll volunteer to organize the whole thing again, having seen what I got
myself into last April/May. This time, I'm thinking another black (or dark
colored) shirt: on front either a four-color design or a simulated 4c
process on black; on back, a list of everyone's names (and e-mail addresses,
space permitting) printed over the stylized "S" logo found in the word
"Shadowrun" on the front of the main rule book.

The cost should be anywhere from $10 to $15 a shirt, slightly higher for
XXLs and higher, plus shipping - figure $3 in the US of A and Canada, 'bout
$5 to Europe, $7 to Australia.

If you are interested in getting a shirt, and (here's the kicker) think you
can afford to buy one, e-mail me at fauxpas@******.net .

Right now, this is just a call to see if anyone is interested in getting a
t-shirt. If enough people want one, I'll go ahead and get more information
out and officially say I'm organizing a t-shirt for the mailing list.

[For those interested, the three rules I have to follow is: FASAMike gets a
shirt (so he can check for violations of copyright, uh huh. :) ), all the
proper copyright statements and trademarks are where they're supposed to go,
and that nobody makes a profit off of this.]

This in no way means that it's time for another Assistant Fearless Leader. :)

-Thomas Deeny
the Cartoonist at large is on the web at

Everyone wants to go to Heaven, but no one wants to die.
Message no. 2
From: "Gurth" <gurth@******.nl>
Subject: Re: ShadowRN T-Shirts, anyone?
Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 13:22:53 +0100
Faux Pas said on 21:29/23 Sep 96...

> I'll volunteer to organize the whole thing again, having seen what I got
> myself into last April/May. This time, I'm thinking another black (or dark
> colored) shirt: on front either a four-color design or a simulated 4c
> process on black; on back, a list of everyone's names (and e-mail addresses,
> space permitting) printed over the stylized "S" logo found in the word
> "Shadowrun" on the front of the main rule book.

If this gets done, I think the back should look better than it did on the
last shirt -- leave off the email addresses if it means the back won't be
as bare as it was last spring.
Also, a higher-quality shirt (not the prints, the shirt) would be
desirable -- my 1994 and 1995 shirts are still going (more or less)
strong, while the 1996 shirt has shrunk terribly.

> Right now, this is just a call to see if anyone is interested in getting a
> t-shirt. If enough people want one, I'll go ahead and get more information
> out and officially say I'm organizing a t-shirt for the mailing list.

To tell the truth, I think one shirt a year is enough, each spring/summer
(northern hemisphere, that is) or so.

Gurth@******.nl -
Don't ask me to justify my life.
-> NERPS Project Leader & Unofficial Shadowrun Guru <-
-> The Plastic Warriors Page: <-

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Message no. 3
From: RAY MACEY <r.macey@*******>
Subject: Re: ShadowRN T-Shirts, anyone?
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 1996 13:10:30 +1000 (EST)
On Mon, 23 Sep 1996, Faux Pas wrote:

> Is there anybody interested in getting new and improved ShadowRN t-shirts?
> With the time it took to get the orders done in the spring, if we start now,
> we could get the shirts delivered by mid- to late- December. I'm sure the
> readers of this list in the Southern Hemisphere wouldn't mind getting a
> short-sleeve t-shirt during thier summer. And hey, it'll make a great
> Christmas gift for the 'runner in your life.

I guess I'll say "I'm interested"


| 'The Universe is a big place, and whatever happens, you will not be |
| missed.' |

EMAIL: n1565842@******* or
Message no. 4
From: David van Nederveen Meerkerk <D.N.M.vanNederveen@***>
Subject: Re: ShadowRN T-Shirts, anyone?
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 1996 14:56:27 +0200 (MET DST)
Well, I'm still waiting for my last one :-( Couldn't find it



This is not a signature, I type it every mail again.

David "42" van Nederveen Meerkerk
Warande 128
3705 ZK Zeist
tel: +31 (0)30 6951487

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about ShadowRN T-Shirts, anyone?, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.