From: | Loki <daddyjim@**********.COM> |
Subject: | Shadowrun Product List [Long] (was Re: Essential Books) |
Date: | Tue, 5 Aug 1997 21:49:04 -0700 |
> Also, is a complete list of all source books published available
Here's the compiled list as displayed on my web page:
FASA'S Shadowrun Product List
>>>>>[This is what's in my library. I try to keep on top of new
--Loki <~in-the-fringes~/~left-of-center~>
7101 Shadowrun
7102 Game Master's Screen (Includes Silver Angel Adventure)
7103 Sprawl Sites
7104 Street Samauri Catalog
7104 Street Samauri Catalog (Revised for 2nd Edition)
7105 Paranormal Animals of North America
7106 The Grimoire
7107 Virtual Realities
7108 Rigger Black Book
7109 Shadowbeat
7110 Shadowtech
7111 DMZ (Box Set)
7112 Paranormal Animals of Europe
7113 Corporate ShadowFiles
7114 Fields of Fire
7115 Lone Star
7116 Prime Runners
7117 Bug City
7118 Corporate Security Handbook
7119 Cybertechnology
7120 Awakenings
7121 Threats
7122 Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets
7123 Underworld Sourcebook
Game Master Guides:
7201 Seattle Sourcebook
7202 Native American Nations Vol. 1
7203 London Sourcebook
7204 Germany Sourcebook
7205 Universal Brotherhood
7206 Neo-Anarchist's Guide to North America
7207 Native American Nations Vol. 2
7208 Neo-Anarchist's Guide to Real Life
7209 California Free State
7210 Tir Tairngire
7211 Tir Na nOg
7212 Denver the City of Shadows (Box Set)
7213 Aztlan Sourcebook
7214 Target UCAS
7301 DNA/DOA
7302 Mercurial
7303 Dreamchipper
7304 Queen Euphoria (Renumbered from 7205)
7305 Bottled Demon
7306 Harlequin
7307 Dragon Hunt
7308 Total Eclipse
7309 Imago
7310 Elven Fire
7311 Ivy & Chrome
7312 One Stage Before
7313 Dark Angel
7314 A Killing Glare
7315 Celtic Double-Cross
7316 Eye Witness
7317 Paradise Lost
7318 Divided Assets
7319 Double Exposure
7320 Harlequin's Back
7322 Super Tuesday
7323 Shadows of the Underworld
7325 Missions
7326 Mob War!
7401 Sprawl Maps
Second Edition Sourcebooks:
7900 Shadowrun Second Edition
7901 Second Edition Game Master's Screen
7902 Contacts Insert (inluded with Game Master Screen)
7903 The Grimoire Second Edition
7904 Virtual Realities 2.0
7905 Shadowrun Companion
Shadowrun Novels :
Never Deal with a Dragon (Secrets of Power Vol. 1)
Choose Your Enemies Carefully (Secrets of Power Vol. 2)
Find Your Own Truth (Secrets of Power Vol. 3)
Into the Shadows
Never Trust an Elf
Streets of Blood
Night's Pawn
Striper Assassin
Lone Wolf
Fade to Black
Burning Bright
Who Hunts the Hunter
House of the Sun
Worlds Without End
Just Compensation
Black Madonna
Preying for Keeps
Dead Air
The Lucifer Deck
Steel Rain
Shattered Souls (Dragonheart Trilogy Vol. 1)
@>--,--'--- Loki
Poisoned Elves:
"You're being held up by a stim patch, Loki's almost a pile of ashes
thanks to that fire elemental, and we've got the Baron running around
screaming assassins...assassins...oh eek, assassins!"
--> Caric to Ook during the Harlequin Campaign
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