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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
Subject: Re:Shadowtalk
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 92 10:38:00 BST
OK, just my 2Y worth...

The whole idea of what is being suggested is that we should *add* background,
whcih the GM(s?) can then accept or reject, or just use to add confusion. We
thus get involved with the creative process and can influence something that
*may* get published. If any of you have wanted to immotalise your characters
in a FASA module then this is the ideal way to do it.

Also this chat can be used as idle chatter in a campaign or your own, as an
additional inspiration for background or scenarios of your own etc etc.

If we're going to reject anything creative and just use this list for rules
aditions/complaints/corrections then I'm going to get bored!

So my votes for the SHADDOWTALK staying!

Message no. 2
From: "David M Girardot (Girardot, David)" <GIRARDOT@********.BITNET>
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 92 03:00:13 edt
>>>>>>[ Not Aztech too! Damn. I don't 'spose any 'o you folks can
the THREE HOURS Renraku was off the net yesterday either? ]<<<<<<
-- Wolfe (21:20:19/10-22-53)

>>>>>>[ I can. Heh heh heh... ]<<<<<<
-- Umbra (21:20:25/10-23-53)

-- David
Message no. 3
From: Mary Margaret Danforth <mmd@***.UMD.EDU>
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 92 10:38:58 -0400
>>>>>[ Hey wait a minute, I'm not FOOLISH! Me? No... and I'm not a
decker... I've been decking for half a year! And my virus wasn't that bad...
it only took out the minor corporations! Not to mention the fact that FastJack
and The Smiling Bandit teamed up toegether and stole 800k nuyen that was mine!
Well... I can still take you in my world, chummer... ]<<<<<
--Tailhook (Look Ma/I Can Fly)
Message no. 4
From: John DeLaHunt <JDELAHUNT@******.COLORADO.EDU>
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 92 19:15:52 CET
>>>>>[I can't say what's up in Aztek, but here in 'Raku, we're making
it harder and harder for you shaddies. Watch the hell out. SmartIC doesn't
stand a chance against IC-NT. So mean, we had to completely reboot the
system. And you all wondered why we closed the mall for the first time in
three years.... Stay hungry.]<<<<<

>>>>>[Run screaming. Ruby's not kiddn' round. IC-NT (what I saw
I pulled) looked like OGRE. I think this is the dawning
dawning of a new era
Damn. Fast pullout make a mess of the mess.ed utility.... Anyone want to
play with IC-NT? This makes a team of deckers (good ones) obsolete. oog.
I'm gonna go back to knocking over liquor stores.]<<<<<
Message no. 5
From: i'm considering madness as a viable alternative to life
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 92 19:03:00 EDT
>>>>[Something from the bowels of the account...

This is what he wrote:


This is what I thought it was going to say:


Ok, so maybe I have been playing a fixer too long. Maybe I do need to
stop thinking of my street samurai as commodities. But I still like
the idea!

King of Hearts
CEO House of Cards
Specializing in Information and Rare Equipment

"So you want a Force 6 Air Elemental? That'll take 3 days and should
pay for my new skillwires."

Then there was:




But times change, and the King is dead...


Message no. 6
From: i'm considering madness as a viable alternative to life
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 92 19:06:00 EDT
>>>>[ Hmmm, seems I've embarrassed myself with my decking skills. That's
alright though, I'm not a decker by nature... You can run your Matrix,
that just leaves the meat more vulnerable... *smile* (not a threat deckers,
not a threat).]<<<<
--Dulcimer, <19:08:05/10-16-53>
Message no. 7
From: Mary Margaret Danforth <mmd@***.UMD.EDU>
Date: Sun, 18 Oct 92 18:53:07 -0400
ERROR: This message seems to be empty. It is located at LOG9210C.RN::105796,233.
Message no. 8
From: i'm considering madness as a viable alternative to life
Date: Mon, 19 Oct 92 09:10:00 EDT
>>>>[ Hoi! Beware that mad decker Jock-O the Ever Jovial! He likes
nothing more than to hack into your datastores and trip your Scramble
IC! Let your owns systems shoot you down and all that.]<<<<
-Dulcimer, <09:11:29/10-19-53>
Message no. 9
From: "Boom - 'the skillwired street sam'" <CBREWER@******.BITNET>
Date: Mon, 19 Oct 92 17:38:00 EDT
>>>>>[YO, Does anyone know what has happened to a group of runners that
such members as merlin wiz and phoenix? I was trying to find them for a job
i was going to run and they all are missing from seattle. I mean no one has
a clue to where they are, or atleast they arn't talking.... I really need to
know i am sorta getting worried... first the king of hearts now those three.
maybe i should take cover?
Message no. 10
From: i'm considering madness as a viable alternative to life
Date: Mon, 19 Oct 92 19:20:00 EDT
>>>>[ Boom, Havok, you guys don't know drek. Me and the boys are busy
stalking the dregs of The Bloody Gods. Remind me to show you both the
wrong end of my T-250 when I'm done, ok? Another thing: Boom, someone
seems to be impersonating you. You'd best find him and blow him up.
Hey Rev: So quit your gripping and tell me about Houston.]<<<<
-Dulcimer <19:23:19/10-19-53>
Message no. 11
From: Doctor Doom <JCH8169@********.BITNET>
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 92 16:42:00 CST
>>>>>[Well guys, this stuff's all been intersting but let's switch
topics, I'm getting tired about hearing all this Magic @ AI garbage... Here
we go... I know what we can talk about! Have any of you ever seen that
old Sci-Fi show Star Trek??]<<<<<
--Tailhook <Look Ma/I can fly!>

>>>>>[Star Trek? Hhhmmmm... Ja, an associate of mine, name of
spoke of many old science fiction programs. The Prisoner, Star Trek, Dr. Who
some of which are American, others British, neither my native country.
Still...from what I have seen of them (Brodie has an extensive collection of
recordings, although we DID have to transfer it to a different medium, as I
recall.) I took quite a liking to them.]<<<<<
-- Doctor Doom <20:41:40/10-22-52>
Message no. 12
From: Robert Hayden <rahayden@*****.WEEG.UIOWA.EDU>
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 92 22:57:16 CET
>>>>>[I've seen a few of them myself. For the time the special effects
were wonderful, but, of course, by today's standards they really stink.
Word has it that Paramount is going to bring back Adm. Wes Chrusher for a
cameo appearence in the next movie. How old is Wil Wheaton now?]<<<<<
>-- Dante <16:53:42/10-23-52>
Message no. 13
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 92 20:18:00 EDT
>>>>[ Wheaton is currently 87 years old. Damn amazing what muscular-
strictive enzines can do for you isn't it? I bet that ol' one from the
the first show really wished thet had this tech back then. Drek, I keep
forgeting his name. Oh well, I can always buzz my chummer of mine over
at the Nimoy Institution of Higher Vulcanese Thinking. She would know.
Message no. 14
From: In search of a direction <WNEUMANN@******.BITNET>
Date: Fri, 23 Oct 92 02:03:00 EDT
>>>>>[Indeed, I hate to harp on magic and AIs, so I will move to a related
topic: life. I can think of many eliminative materialists who would argue
that a complex enough machine can be said to be alive (although not in a
fashion similar to those of us made of flesh and blood). These philosophers
would argue that we are nothing more than organic MACHINES that operate
under very complex but understandable principles. Not to take away from
the glory that is life...but we need not couch it in vague, ambiguous,

superstitious terms. It may be difficult to conceive of what type of
life a machine could develop (yes...develop...not have built into it)
but I will not rule it out out of hand because it appears to be prima
facie implausible. I would refer skeptics to such venerable late 20th
century philosopher/researchers as Chomsky, Churchland, and Ross. Is
it any more implausible to believe that a complex computer network
could develop a form of self-directed LIFE than to believe that dis-
associated amino acids could coelsce and develop into the wide diversity
of life now evident? I pray thee, at least examine the question before
dismissing it as "not possible."]<<<<<
--Mondragon <*RUNTIME ERROR*/gods I love archaic terms>
Message no. 15
From: "love is blind - it will hit you like a weed whacker one day..."
Date: Fri, 23 Oct 92 13:28:00 EDT
>>>>[ Hoi, chummers. Do you think that the "Tacnuke" could have
to do with the recent lock out at Aztechnology? According to the newsies
the meeting may have had a corporate sponsor. What are the odds that
Aztechnology either set them up, or decided to eliminate a competitors
go-gang backup? ]<<<<
--Plasma <09:36:55/10-23-53>

>>>>[ Seattle doesn't sound very safe anymore. Maybe I will fly out to
Chicago, since everyone thinks I'm there already. Boom: don't EVER
threaten a King in the House of Cards; I tried making a phone call, but
some of the Members may be on their way to find you already. ]<<<<
--Dulcimer <09:39:58/10-23-53>

>>>>[ Uh boss, does that mean you DON'T want us to kill him? Sorry boss,
we just assumed you'd want us to protect the House name. I'll call
Harley and the Troll Patrol when they touch down. ]<<<<
--Halo <10:00:00/10-23-53>

>>>>[ Harley?! Halo, dear boy, if the Ace of Spades decides to take his
Troll Patrol on a training exercise, then by all means let him! Although I
have to wonder what other duties he has coming here. ]<<<<
--Dulcimer <10:03:14/10-23-53>

>>>>[ You think to much boy. ]<<<<

>>>>[ Stay off my back Harley. I don't need you screwing up my 'run.
--Dulcimer <10:11:00/10-23-53>

>>>>[ Stop yer thinkin' boy before I exercise my Right and remind yer thick
skull why yer only the King. I've got my own business to take care of.
Starting with a two-bit demolitions man, and ending up the evening with Don
at the Wharf. ]<<<<

a friendly reminder to all who SHADOWTALK: please put SHADOWTALK or
SHADOWBABBLE or SHADOWJAW-FLAPPING or some such in your subj line so that
ppl who don't want to read it don't have to. it also helps ppl keep track of
the running storyline.

** Patric Rogers, PROGERS@******, **
** After 10 years and 50+ game systems, "I am the GamesMaster" **
** "Sure, what game did you have Questions About?" **
** --------------------------------------------------------------------**
** **
** And I know I'm forgetting at _least_ a dozen more.... **

i promise this is the only time you'll have to suffer my .sig. but i just
_had_ to show off. *grin*
Message no. 16
From: Doctor Doom <JCH8169@*****.TAMU.EDU>
Date: Fri, 23 Oct 92 19:16:23 CET
>>>>[ Harley?! Halo, dear boy, if the Ace of Spades decides to take his
Troll Patrol on a training exercise, then by all means let him! Although I
have to wonder what other duties he has coming here. ]<<<<
--Dulcimer <10:03:14/10-23-53>

>>>>>[ Troll Patrol? Hhhrrrrmmmm... that rather reminds me of something.
about you, Flare? ]<<<<<
-- Doctor Doom <12:39:37/10-23-53>
Message no. 17
From: Doctor Doom <JCH8169@*****.TAMU.EDU>
Date: Fri, 23 Oct 92 21:13:44 CET
>>>>>[I DON'T have and over active adrenal pump, I don't even have bioware.
As to who I am, that is a question many people have asked since the
time of Plato. I am Masque Rigger/Decker and new to these here parts
(and my cyberware too) and am I gonna cut a rep.]<<<<<
>>-Masque <22:12:16/10-22-53>

>>>>>[ Very well, Masque...but remember that enthusiasm, which is truly a
beneficial trait to have, should be tempered with a certain amount of caution,
if one is to survive in the shadows for any length of time. And take care that
you don't get yourself cut whilst you "cut" your reputation.
>>-- Doctor Doom <15:13:00/10-23-53>
Message no. 18
From: "A. Danforth" <mmd@***.UMD.EDU>
Date: Sat, 24 Oct 92 13:36:54 -0400
>>>>>[Ahahahah! Don't be afraid... Be VERY afraid. I'm the nastiest
Razor Guy here! Any challenges?]<<<<<
>>--Dark Razor <13:34:29/24-OCT-53>

>>>>>[C'mon, guys... why the hell do you all want to fight people?
sub is for enterprising discussions about life, the universe, and everything!
I mean... why do you all want to fight? Not that it's not fun, tho... And
Dark Razoor... that's not the way to make friends... and some of these people
can de very evil things to your, and your credstik...!!! Hehehehe!]<<<<<
>>--Tailhook <Look Ma/I can fly!>

>>--Mouse <The mouse is in the house>

>>>>>[Yeah, whatever, rat....]<<<<<
>>--Tailhook <Look Ma/I can fly!>

(Just let some of my friends post.. they think this net is neat-o!)
Message no. 19
From: "A. Danforth" <mmd@***.UMD.EDU>
Date: Sat, 24 Oct 92 13:30:14 -0400
>>>>>[howdy, howdy, y'all out there. There's a new face in the
matrix. The
name's RUDEBOY and everyone else out there with the exception of Tailhook
The Gravediggaz rule! Any challengers?]<<<<<
>>--RudeBoy <13:30:32/24-OCT-53>
Message no. 20
From: Robert Hayden <rahayden@*****.WEEG.UIOWA.EDU>
Date: Sat, 24 Oct 92 19:28:22 CET
>>>>>[howdy, howdy, y'all out there. There's a new face in the matrix.
The name's RUDEBOY and everyone else out there with the exception of Tailhook
SUCKS! The Gravediggaz rule! Any challengers?]<<<<<
>>--RudeBoy <13:30:32/24-OCT-53>

>-- Dante <13:25:16/10-25-52>
Message no. 21
From: Doctor Doom <JCH8169@*****.TAMU.EDU>
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 92 20:07:38 CET
[Previous post by David regarding the "Nuke or not a nuke" incident in Ork

]>>>>>[ HAH! Identified, indeed! Defence Activities Tactical Research Fund
]an arm of the UCAS government's information service...supplied with an
]impressive name to make it APPEAR important. (The government's ACTUAL Research
]& Development is handled by a different agency altogether.) I would wager the
]UCAS government knows EXACTLY what caused the blast in question, but it is not
]within their best interests that this data be offered for public consumption.
]Therefore, it is the Tactical Research Fund's function to provide a 'plausible'
]explanation, which if necesssary, they can recant at a later date--and the
]media is such a collection of mindless, scandal-mongering idiots that they are
]well prepared to believe it, fully convinced they have the information--and
]hence the story--first. ]<<<<<
] -- Doctor Doom <*:*:*/*-*-*>

>>>>>[I regret that I am unable to confirm or deny any such rumours. UCAS
doing everything in its power to discover the nature of this incident. It is
our belief that an independent group was involved. Herr Doom, I would be
extremely interested as to the source of your speculations. Though completely
inaccurate, they are well-structured. Sounds like well-planted propaganda. I
suggest that you drop the issue, however, as my department may be forced to
take action to prevent what could develop into a nasty episode. The Defence
Activities Tactical Research Fund is a legitimate organization, concerned with
the protection and general welfare of the populace. A statement will be
forthcoming. However, off the record, your estimate of the media is close to
the truth.]<<<<<
--A. Johnson <3:28:56/10-24-92>

>>>>>[Doom, did you ever wonder why the media is so

>>>>>[ Firstly, are you THREATENING me, Herr Johnson? That would be most
unwise. I do not concern myself with propoganda for or against the UCAS
government's petty interests, considering your nation has permitted itself to
be a second-rate power by submitting itself to the mundane business interests
within its borders. I simply point out inaccuracies and hypocricy when I find
Secondly, if you are going to bother to ATTEMPT to refer to me in the
German fashion, I am correctly addressed as either Herr Doctor Doom, or just
Herr Doctor. ]<<<<<
-- Doctor Doom <*:*:*/*-*-*>
Message no. 22
From: Doctor Doom <JCH8169@*****.TAMU.EDU>
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 92 20:08:31 CET
>>>>>[ You still have had no luck in finding Ford? I would suggest th at
ask Nightsky or Izbin on that. ]<<<<<
-- Doctor Doom <17:12:42/10-23-53>

>>>>>[ I tried... do you happen to know where Izbin went to? He just up
and left one day, kinda like you did... what happened? UB? Also I
haven't seen the NightGod in WAY too long. Although my car drives off
by itself every once in a while, I don't know whether it's Ford, or just
Jew having some fun trying to break my car's frequency codes.. :(]<<<<<
--Brodie <19:20:46/10-23-53>

>>>>>[Brodie! I'm shocked. I would NEVER (get caught) do(ing) that!
I don't know who this Ford person is anyways. He always seems to be
living in your car, but he's never there when I'm chan...examining your
car. Nice job on it. But a 195X Taxicab? Really, now. Do it in style.
And I think you did something to the stamp again. I told you to stop
playing with my deck!]<<<<<
--JEW <19:24:06/10-23-53>

>>>>>[ Izbin is still in Houston, Brodie. Are you having problems with
recall? He's working for a certain someone whose name it would not be prudent
to mention over a public communications grid. Nightsky is presently back with
her tribe in the Ute nation. I have phone numbers for both of them if you are
interested. ]<<<<<
-- Doctor Doom <12:34:09/10-28-53>
Message no. 23
From: Doctor Doom <JCH8169@*****.TAMU.EDU>
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 92 20:09:22 CET
>>>>>[I just had a rather sobering thought. It is well known that the
powerful corps on this planet have a general disliking of metas. What if
you were able to put a high powered genetic scanner on a satellite and a
fine-tuned laser and start picking off people. It would be like shooting
proverbial ducks in the proverbial barrel....
And as an orc, it is a thought I don't find to appealing....]<<<<<
-- Dante <20:30:01/10-25-52>

>>>>>[ One would HOPE that if business elements, i.e. the MegaCorporations,
nations such as UCAS started engaging in such activity on an even semi-regular
basis, it would be in the best interest of the international community to...uh,
CONVINCE them to do otherwise, via various possible methods. As they would have
to consider that if they willing do this to the population at large (or in
UCAS's case, their own citizens) in their own country, what is to say they will
refrain from doing it to other nations? ]<<<<<
-- Doctor Doom <12:53:55/10-28-52>
Message no. 24
From: "J. Earl Williams" <IH46@****.BITNET>
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 92 12:18:47 MST
>>>>>[ Izbin is still in Houston, Brodie. Are you having problems with
recall? He's working for a certain someone whose name it would not be prudent
to mention over a public communications grid. Nightsky is presently back with
her tribe in the Ute nation. I have phone numbers for both of them if you are
interested. ]<<<<<
##-- Doctor Doom <12:34:09/10-28-53>

>>>>>[Sunlight must be getting to my brain or something...I forgot that
Izbin was with [ENCYRPTED]. I am interested in the phone numbers (nice
to see that you're learning the terminology, Doom. (are you sure that
I can't call you [ENCRYPTED]? :) I haven't heard them called phone
numbers in.... a while. Is it possible to get a hold of Nightsky? I
wasn't sure whether or not they had access. Anyways, Jew's bugging me
about "traces", so I've gotta run...]<<<<<
--Brodie <12:11:00/10-28-53>

J. Earl Williams
Up the Brotherhood!
Message no. 25
From: "Dark Thought Publications." <JEK5313@*****.TAMU.EDU>
Date: Thu, 29 Oct 92 06:38:11 CET
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 92 20:07:38 CET
Last Speaker: Doctor Doom <JCH8169@*****.TAMU.EDU>

>>>>>[I regret that I am unable to confirm or deny any such rumours. UCAS
doing everything in its power to discover the nature of this incident. It is
our belief that an independent group was involved. Herr Doom, I would be
extremely interested as to the source of your speculations. Though completely
inaccurate, they are well-structured. Sounds like well-planted propaganda. I
suggest that you drop the issue, however, as my department may be forced to
take action to prevent what could develop into a nasty episode. The Defence
Activities Tactical Research Fund is a legitimate organization, concerned with
the protection and general welfare of the populace. A statement will be
forthcoming. However, off the record, your estimate of the media is close to
the truth.]<<<<<
--A. Johnson <3:28:56/10-24-92>

>>>>>[Doom, did you ever wonder why the media is so

>>>>>[ Firstly, are you THREATENING me, Herr Johnson? That would be most
unwise. {1.2Mp deleted by Censor Bureau}
Secondly, if you are going to bother to ATTEMPT to refer to me in the
German fashion, I am correctly addressed as either Herr Doctor Doom, or just
Herr Doctor. ]<<<<<
-- Doctor Doom <*:*:*/*-*-*>

>>>>>[Sir, neither I, nor my government, would ever DREAM of threatening a
valuble citizen such as yourself. Surely, you misunderstand. What I was
TRYING to say is that your statement which cannot be confirmed, could lead to
further rumouring, which could be disastrous. I merely made an humble, polite
request that we consider the matter in the proper hands, and leave it to the
proper channels. By the way, Herr Doctor, is your visa not in need of renewal?
The list in my hand states it due by next Tuesday. I suggest that you come see
my people, and we can issue you a new visa at your convenience.]<<<<<
-A. Johnson <23:38:56/10-28-92>
Message no. 26
From: "Dark Thought Publications." <JEK5313@*****.TAMU.EDU>
Date: Thu, 29 Oct 92 06:42:29 CET
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 92 12:18:47 MST
Last Speaker: "J. Earl Williams"

>>>>>[ Izbin is still in Houston, Brodie. Are you having problems with
recall? He's working for a certain someone whose name it would not be prudent
to mention over a public communications grid. Nightsky is presently back with
her tribe in the Ute nation. I have phone numbers for both of them if you are
interested. ]<<<<<
##-- Doctor Doom <12:34:09/10-28-53>

>>>>>[Sunlight must be getting to my brain or something...I forgot that
Izbin was with [ENCYRPTED]. I am interested in the phone numbers (nice
to see that you're learning the terminology, Doom. (are you sure that
I can't call you [ENCRYPTED]? :) I haven't heard them called phone
numbers in.... a while. Is it possible to get a hold of Nightsky? I
wasn't sure whether or not they had access. Anyways, Jew's bugging me
about "traces", so I've gotta run...]<<<<<
--Brodie <12:11:00/10-28-53>

>>>>>[Give him a break, Doom. He had it kinda hard, at the end there.
Besides, we can use him. Brodie, I have a "small" business proposition for
you. Ever run a supply train before?]<<<<<
-Flare <Up the UB/Indeed!>
Message no. 27
From: Robert Hayden <rahayden@*****.WEEG.UIOWA.EDU>
Date: Thu, 29 Oct 92 06:46:38 CET
>>>>>[Herr Doctor, dispite the crap he just spewed, you know and _I_ know
and everyone else on this channel know that he was threatening you.
Threats indicate fear. Fear is indicitive of truth. In other words, you
are on to something that has Mr. Johnson scared.]<<<<<
-- Dante <23:44:27/10-28-52>
Message no. 28
From: "J. Earl Williams" <IH46@****.BITNET>
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 92 23:00:42 MST
> >>>>>[Give him a break, Doom. He had it kinda hard, at the end there.
> Besides, we can use him. Brodie, I have a "small" business proposition for
> you. Ever run a supply train before?]<<<<<
> -Flare <Up the UB/Indeed!>
>>>>>[Hmm... thanks for standing up for me, Flare. Personally, I'm just
glad I'm not in Doom's boots right now. No SIN, no VISA! (or AmEx tho')
I wonder if I've got any bugs left... could be an interesting conver-
sation! As for the supply train? I haven't run one... yet. Please
tell me that I don't have to use my cab. That thing needs a change of
paint, I think. Too recognizable again. Any recommendations? (and no,
I don't want to hear anything about painting it pink and putting an
improbability field on it!:) I am interested in running the train,
especially if you and Doom are involved. Any chance for 2 riggers?
(Jew's getting bored again. all together now... dum, dum, dum...and
another gang bites the dust) Anyways, thanks for the offer. Give me a
ring, okay? Oh, btw. What don't you like about Jew's Sig thing? I like
the idea of "up"ing the brotherhood. Blowing it "up", one
"up"ing them,
etc. And I thought _I_ disliked the brotherhood! I better watch what I
say... they might come after me....and you thought the Scientologists
were bad! :(]<<<<<
--Brodie <11:00:00/10-28-53>

J. Earl Williams
Up the Brotherhood!
Message no. 29
From: The Techno Hippy <dgodden@**.NEPEAN.UWS.EDU.AU>
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 92 12:15:34 EST
>>>>[If the Aztecology want you dead for a number of good reasons
where would be the best place to get away from it all for aa while.
Say like from here to eternity. And anyone who says Mexico City
will be ignored.]<<<<
- Myzer <Got the time?>
Message no. 30
From: "P. Steele" <P.C.Steele@*********.AC.UK>
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 92 02:41:47 GMT
>>>>[If the Aztecology want you dead for a number of good reasons
where would be the best place to get away from it all for aa while.
Say like from here to eternity. And anyone who says Mexico City
will be ignored.]<<<<
- Myzer <Got the time?>

>>>>[ He he .... well back from the fight with Tailhook I can now offer Myzer
some good advice. No where... they'll get you in the end. But if you're
trying to live a little longer try the UK. Aztecnology are gonna
have real problems launching a campaign against you over there. If you're
looking for a safe house there just lemme know as I can put you onto a
good friend, for a price of course ]<<<<<
- The Powerhouse(Fri Oct 30 02:40:28 GMT 1992)
Message no. 31
From: The Techno Hippy <dgodden@**.NEPEAN.UWS.EDU.AU>
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 92 14:23:19 EST
>>>>[If the Aztecology want you dead for a number of good reasons
where would be the best place to get away from it all for aa while.
Say like from here to eternity. And anyone who says Mexico City
will be ignored.]<<<<
- Myzer <Got the time?>

>>>>[ He he .... well back from the fight with Tailhook I can now offer Myzer
some good advice. No where... they'll get you in the end. But if you're
trying to live a little longer try the UK. Aztecnology are gonna
have real problems launching a campaign against you over there. If you're
looking for a safe house there just lemme know as I can put you onto a
good friend, for a price of course ]<<<<<
- The Powerhouse(Fri Oct 30 02:40:28 GMT 1992)

>>>>[I think I will pass on the offer. I would have to be a nut to say
yes here anyway. Never know where Aztecnology is looking for me. I
got a safe house to go to. But I have to hang low for a couple of weeks
before that. And then it will be safe house for a few months. Actually
I have arrange a few of them to move around to it will be a bit harder
to make a trace on me.]<<<<
- Myzer <Ain't got the time>
Message no. 32
Subject: shadowtalk
Date: Thu, 29 Oct 92 23:42:00 EST
>>>>[Myzer, I haven't got any love for ANY of the corps. I have several
for you to use if you need to. All stocked and provisioned. I understand
how money must be tight right now, so I'll call in a favor late.]<<<<
-Harlequin <Catch me later>
>>>>[contact can be established at the Vault, the Tech Track, the Orion
,and TYR Securities Inc.]<<<<
Message no. 33
From: Doctor Doom <JCH8169@*****.TAMU.EDU>
Subject: SHADOWTALK...
Date: Sat, 31 Oct 92 00:18:42 CET
>>>>>[Sir, neither I, nor my government, would ever DREAM of threatening a
valuble citizen such as yourself. Surely, you misunderstand. What I was
TRYING to say is that your statement which cannot be confirmed, could lead to
further rumouring, which could be disastrous. I merely made an humble, polite
request that we consider the matter in the proper hands, and leave it to the
proper channels. By the way, Herr Doctor, is your visa not in need of renewal?
The list in my hand states it due by next Tuesday. I suggest that you come see
my people, and we can issue you a new visa at your convenience.]<<<<<

-A. Johnson <23:38:56/10-28-92>

>>>>>[ Three points, Herr Johnson...

1) Your records are inaccurate, my visa is quite up to date.
2) The inaccuracy of your records is due to the fact that you do not know who
I am, and hence you have no knowledge of the status of my visa.
3) Perhaps you should be aware of <<13 key encryption protocol established>>

Next time you should think through your plan for persuasion, mein Herr,
considering your last attempt resulted in a transparent attempt at underhanded
extortion. I do not mean any harm to your government or your department,
despite what you may think; my goals lie upon a differnt path. What I object
to is the false facade that agencies such as Defence Tactical Research Fund
have as legitimate organizations (although I DO admit that dis-informing the
Media is an endearing trait to have), and bureaucrats like you threatening
someone who manages to strike upon the truth. ]<<<<<
-- Doctor Doom <*:*:*/*-*-*>
Message no. 34
From: Doctor Doom <JCH8169@*****.TAMU.EDU>
Date: Sat, 31 Oct 92 00:20:09 CET
>>>>>[Hmm... thanks for standing up for me, Flare. Personally, I'm just
glad I'm not in Doom's boots right now. No SIN, no VISA! (or AmEx tho')
I wonder if I've got any bugs left... could be an interesting conver-
sation! As for the supply train? I haven't run one... yet. Please
tell me that I don't have to use my cab. That thing needs a change of
paint, I think. Too recognizable again. Any recommendations? (and no,
I don't want to hear anything about painting it pink and putting an
improbability field on it!:) I am interested in running the train,
especially if you and Doom are involved. Any chance for 2 riggers?
(Jew's getting bored again. all together now... dum, dum, dum...and
another gang bites the dust) Anyways, thanks for the offer. Give me a
ring, okay? Oh, btw. What don't you like about Jew's Sig thing? I like
the idea of "up"ing the brotherhood. Blowing it "up", one
"up"ing them,
etc. And I thought _I_ disliked the brotherhood! I better watch what I
say... they might come after me....and you thought the Scientologists
were bad! :(]<<<<<
--Brodie <11:00:00/10-28-53>

>>>>[ We have a very, very special project running, Brodie, one we are sure
would have an abiding interest in, considering our past experiences together.
We are presently in the training phase, but we will soon be prepared for
operations, and that is what we need th supply train for.
But on another topic...No, I do not have an American SIN, it only stands
to reason. And Herr Johnson is incorrect, my visa is quite up to date...I have
the necessary records to prove it. ]<<<<<
-- Doctor Doom <17:14:54/10-30-53>
Message no. 35
From: "J. Earl Williams" <IH46@****.BITNET>
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 92 21:50:01 MST
>>>>[ We have a very, very special project running, Brodie, one we are sure
would have an abiding interest in, considering our past experiences together.
We are presently in the training phase, but we will soon be prepared for
operations, and that is what we need th supply train for.
But on another topic...No, I do not have an American SIN, it only stands
to reason. And Herr Johnson is incorrect, my visa is quite up to date...I hav
the necessary records to prove it. ]<<<<<
###-- Doctor Doom <17:14:54/10-30-53>

>>>>>[Okay, sounds interesting. Time to ditch the stun ammo, methinks.
I can handle the supply train. As for the SIN? Makes sense. And as
for the "necessary records"? Doom I know that you have ANY records to
prove ANYTHING that you want to. Deckers are my friends! (especially
you, Doom)]<<<<<
--Brodie <9:49:49/10-30-53>

J. Earl Williams
Up the Brotherhood!
Message no. 36
From: HAHN@***.EDU
Subject: shadowtalk
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 93 01:41:44 CET
excusemoi, but does anyone have the current "Cast of characters" in
Shadowtalk currently? I've been reading through the voluminous Logs for the
past few months, but a direct listing would be helpful and greatly
thanx. L8R!
Message no. 37
From: Christina Johnson <johnson1@**.UWP.EDU>
Subject: Re: shadowtalk
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 93 01:53:21 CET
On Fri, 9 Apr 1993 HAHN@***.EDU wrote:

> excusemoi, but does anyone have the current "Cast of characters" in
> Shadowtalk currently? I've been reading through the voluminous Logs for the
> past few months, but a direct listing would be helpful and greatly
> appreciated.
> thanx. L8R!
> -30-

Right now, the "current" cast of characters is so outdated, that it's not
even worth sending to you.

Ok. Looks like it's that time again. To those of you who have sent me
your characters already, don't send repeats, but if any of you new joiners
would like to see your characters name in the current cast of characters,
I'll be revamping the thing. Looks like it'll be huge. Go ahead and
start sending them to me, In this format, and this format only:

Character's Name:
Discription of character including occupation (mage, rigger, etc)
race, age if important, etc. A bit about backround or personality if
you want. Whatever. No more than 4 to 5 lines. If you want your
name to appear, put it at the end, like this: (Christina Johnson)

Also, for those of you who want your name to appear at the end, but it
doesn't right now (this is referring to the folks who have already sent in
characters) Just send me a list of your current characters, and your name
as you wish it to appear.


Christina M. Johnson, University of Wisconsin, Parkside
I know the darkness that I may recognize the light.
Message no. 38
From: Christina Johnson <johnson1@**.UWP.EDU>
Subject: Re: shadowtalk (fwd)
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 93 18:31:18 CET
Ok guys... I do hate to be a bitch, but the last time I compiled this
list it took about five times longer than it should have because I had to
edit people's postings, and then they would send me three or four notes
regarding changes they wanted made that they had remembered after their
initial sending. Since I'm going to get several hundred character
discriptions sent to me, most likely, I'd rather not have to go through
and change the format of each one.

The character below is the format that the character discriptions should
follow. Of the postings I've recieved just today, only one person got the
format right. (this is not a flame, i repeat, this is not a flame...
well, maybe it is. I dunno) Anyway, what with school and work and family
and all that, I'm going to have to say that I'll only include postings
that follow this format. (Minor mistakes will, of course, be ignored, but
wild variations on a theme have become common occurance.)

And Please: A MAX of five lines in the body of the description.

Thanks a lot, and I really hope I don't sound to horrible. I'm doing this
because I enjoy it, after all. No one told me I HAD to...

16 year old human decker. Her origins are a little fuzzy, and she is
in reality only about 11 years old, but she is a vat job. Born of an
experiment gone bad involving Fuchi and a spin-off company called
Precision, DOA (Otherwise known as Sierra) has several abilities that
'normal' deckers do not. Her major disadvantage is a lack of experience.
(Chris Johnson)


Christina M. Johnson, University of Wisconsin, Parkside
I know the darkness that I may recognize the light.
Message no. 39
From: Eve Forward <ez019741@****.UCDAVIS.EDU>
Subject: Shadowtalk
Date: Sun, 10 Jul 1994 16:56:09 -0700
I've tried to subscribe to Shadowtalk 3 times now; I send off my original
letter (with subscribe shadowtk etc) and get no response at all. Anyone
else having this problem, or is my mail server on the blink?

Message no. 40
From: "Robert A. Hayden" <hayden@******.MANKATO.MSUS.EDU>
Subject: Re: Shadowtalk
Date: Sun, 10 Jul 1994 19:13:24 +0100
On Sun, 10 Jul 1994, Eve Forward wrote:

> I've tried to subscribe to Shadowtalk 3 times now; I send off my original
> letter (with subscribe shadowtk etc) and get no response at all. Anyone
> else having this problem, or is my mail server on the blink?

A) Where are you sending it
B) what kind of mailer are you using (if misconfigured, the smail binary
package in linux will not reach the listserver, but it's an easy fix)
C) It's probably your mailer :-)

____ Robert A. Hayden <=> hayden@******
\ /__ -=-=-=-=- <=> -=-=-=-=-
\/ / Finger for Geek Code Info <=> I do not necessarily speak for the
\/ Finger for PGP Public Key <=> City of Mankato or Blue Earth County
(GEEK CODE 1.0.1) GAT d- -p+(---) c++(++++) l++ u++ e+/* m++(*)@ s-/++
n-(---) h+(*) f+ g+ w++ t++ r++ y+(*)
Message no. 41
From: Alex Rudnick alex@**********.com
Subject: Shadowtalk
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2000 19:28:58 -0400 (EDT)
Hey kids, Vocenoctum sez:

> I'd also like an update on some of the characters that became familiar
> through that shadowtalk.

That'd be really interesting... although I'm not sure if I'd want to
buy a book on it. What might be even better would be a web page with
profiles of regular Shadowland posters. Would anybody be interested in
taking up such a project? Scan the old sourcebook's shadowtalk and glean
as much information as possible about the 'runners who post... it's
normally pretty easy to discern profession, but beyond that, it's kinda
difficult. Maybe FASA should do this; they probably know more about these
guys than we do :)

The Geek in the Hat (who is the same as GeekNdHat who occasionally hits
Message no. 42
From: Lars Wagner Hansen l-hansen@*****
Subject: Shadowtalk
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 14:16:26 +0100
----- Original Message -----
From: Alex Rudnick <alex@**********.com>
To: <shadowrn@*********.com>
Sent: Saturday, October 28, 2000 12:28 AM
Subject: re: Shadowtalk

> That'd be really interesting... although I'm not sure if I'd want to
> buy a book on it. What might be even better would be a web page with
> profiles of regular Shadowland posters. Would anybody be interested in
> taking up such a project? Scan the old sourcebook's shadowtalk and glean
> as much information as possible about the 'runners who post... it's
> normally pretty easy to discern profession, but beyond that, it's kinda
> difficult. Maybe FASA should do this; they probably know more about these
> guys than we do :)

Have already startet this about 5 years ago, but do you know how much
information there is to go though? I gave up after about 10 books.

The solution to many problems lies in having somebody else do the work.
[Andrew S. Tanenbaum]
Lars Wagner Hansen mailto:l-hansen@*****
Jagtvej 11
DK-4180 Sorø phone +45 5783 5950

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about SHADOWTALK, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.