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Message no. 1
From: Jett <zmjett@*********.COM>
Subject: Re: Shapeshifter Questions/supp in progress
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 08:10:35 -0500
Thanatos wrote:

> I dont remember whether I wasnt present when this question was asked, or if
> I just ignored the thread :) but I really need to know what's up with this,
> so I've got a few questions to ask:
> Another question, it isn't listed that shapeshifters have any enhanced
> senses while in animal form, but this has to be an oversight right? They
> have to have improved hearing and sight or whatever their animal form
> dictates, right?

A little bit of info, and a chance to plug my new project:

I'm working on a supplement for contagious lycanthropy (that's shapeshifter-ness, for
you illiterates. ;) ). I'm making it a form of HMHVV. No, it doesn't originate from the
shifters we know and love: you can only catch the disease (generally, by being wounded
by a shifter in animal form) from an HMHVVshifter.
The premise is a bit different from the SRC. Some of my key points are:

1) Regeneration and some bonuses apply in human form as well as animal. Enhanced senses
also apply. Yes, this makes these shifters a touch more powerful than the SRC version.
However, it also has down sides. If you're trying to hide the fact that you're a
werewolf, how do you explain that the guy shot you and you're already healed a few
minutes later?
2) A shifter, like the SRC version, can shift into animal form any time he wants,
however shifting back takes a toll on him. Gotta resist stun damage when he/she does.
3) Staying in animal form too long has nasty side effects. You lose the ability to
change back to human completely. :>
4) HMHVV shifters are prone to bloodlust, of course. Every time they smell fresh blood
or have sex (anything that appeals to the bestial nature, really), they need to resist
the urge to go beastie.
5) Essence regenerates. This is the one that I'm only partly considering, and this
mainly because I'm using them in a run with vampires. Here's my thoughts: since a
shifter absolutely cannot have cyber or bio (if you find a way to force the body to keep
it, then the immune system goes nuts and winds up killing the shifter within hours), the
main way that he could lose essence would be by vampire/other HMHVV bite. The reasoning
is that vampires keep shifters around as a handy, constant supply of food. Which makes
regenerating essence really more of a down side than a plus. :)
5) Some forms of shapeshifter are highly contagious, some aren't. Were-rat is the most
contagious, which should make PCs think twice about asking to be infected...

Keep in mind that people who don't like shifters anyway won't like these rules. But I
like shifters and critters in general, and I always thought that I could do a better job
than the writeup in SRC. Of course, these are also created for my games, where I'm sure
my players can handle the RP. And I fully intend to put all shifters through the wringer
to make SURE that they earn those bonuses. :)
Eventually, I will have this stuff up on my web page. The basics are going well: I have
some stats and most of the outline written out. I will also have a section on the social
culture of shifter packs, which is a bit different from most humans...Anyway, I'm far
enough into the project where feedback is welcome. Just be nice. :)



"I'll make this clear, that I'm just here for backup. And to offer the occasional
or insult."
--Jett, on being an NPC

Behold the mighty sonic scream of the Jett!
Message no. 2
From: Paul Gettle <RunnerPaul@*****.COM>
Subject: Re: Shapeshifter Questions/supp in progress
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 13:13:57 -0500

At 08:10 AM 11/18/98 -0500, Jett wrote:
>A little bit of info, and a chance to plug my new project:
>I'm working on a supplement for contagious lycanthropy (that's
>shapeshifter-ness, for
>you illiterates. ;) ). I'm making it a form of HMHVV. No, it doesn't
>originate from the
>shifters we know and love: you can only catch the disease (generally,
>being wounded
>by a shifter in animal form) from an HMHVVshifter.

Sounds like you might want to check out the entry for Loup-Garou in
Not quite the same as what you're working on, but similar.

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Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Shapeshifter Questions/supp in progress, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.