From: | Starrngr@***.com Starrngr@***.com |
Subject: | skill levels redux Was: Realism |
Date: | Tue, 5 Oct 1999 12:19:37 EDT |
abortion_engine@*******.com writes:
> Say what? So you're saying, once I get a lifting skill, I will use that in
> place of Strength at every applicable opportunity? And then I could lose my
> strength through atrophy and still lift as much, because after all, I've
> a high lifting skill?
> I'm so confused.
That is Exactly my complaint and totaly true the way the rules are written
now. It doesnt matter if the skill is lifting, or programming, or Pistols.
Once you have a 1 in that skill, your just as likely to succeed if you have a
1 or a six in the controlling stat!
In a message dated 10/5/99 05:54:44 Pacific Daylight Time, sommers@*****.edu
> 2) Because you have a 10 Int, but could refer to your understanding of
> physics, your insight into polisci, or your ability to program a computer.
> The Intelligence measures potential. What it means is that you have a high
> aptitude to do whatever you want, but still have to put in the work. That
> 10 in Intellignce won't get you the FUT, but it will make it easier to but
> the physics, quantum physics, differential equations, and other skills you
> need to do so.
And MY point remains that once you have the skill in question, you have just
as much chance of creating the FUT with an int of 1 as with an int of 10!
Once you have a skill in anything, the only way a low stat hurts you is you
is through hitting the point of increased karma costs to increase the skill
So, I have a question to ask, since I dont have a gameing group to test a
couple of houserules with at the moment... Could someone who runs a live
game on a frequent and regular basis try these two alternate skill systems
for one night each and appraise me of the results?
System 1) add the stat to the skill to get the total number of dice thrown
(This has the benifit of keeping TN#'s the same)
System 2) adding the Stat to the die roll to get the final nmber (This would
probobly require adding 3 to all tn#'s, if you have the time to try it with
and without it would be greatly appreiciated)