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Message no. 1
From: Kurt Rauscher <kjrausch@*******.CS.VT.EDU>
Subject: small bioware
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 93 22:19:18 CET
here's and interesting thought that i came up with:

Now, alot of people have a significant amount of bioware, but most
of these people end up with a small amount of 'room' left which is too small to
use for implantation of even the smallest piece of cultured bioware.
The solution: Small bioware!
DON'T SCREAM MUNCHKIN! the only reasonable use of these
small remaining amount would (and should) be merely for adding some further
depth to a character. Some examples:
one shot reflex recorders:
the standard reflex recorder takes up either .25 or .1 body index, for a
general skill or a concentration, respectively. why not allow a
character to get a very specific recorder for .02 or .01 body cost? This could
be for entertaining things, like .02 bc(body cost) for a recorded phone number.
good examples: girl(boy)friend's number, pizza delivery number, a trusted
contact(fixer, streetdoc etc.), docwagon... Now, it would still take the same
amount of time, but when someone asks you for the number you could honestly
"I forgot the number. Just Gimme the fraggin phone and I'll call!!!"
Or you could use them for simple gestures... for .01 bc you could get a
recorder for taking a drag on a cigarette, flipping someone off, blowing a
some of these could get you in trouble (blowing a kiss at a troll after
insulting him/her...) but that's half the fun!

Other possibilities:
more permanent or extensive cosmetic modification :
lengthened tongue, real long snake tongue, bunny nose and wiskers, animal
ears and features etc.

Any comments or further ideas will be appreciated... have fun!

BTW: costs for the above will still be high, depending on exaclty what you are
having done. These things would need to be custom made, and therefore, usually

->Kurt Rauscher<- aka <*Datatorch*>
Message no. 2
From: "Jason Carter, Nightstalker" <CARTER@***.EDU>
Subject: RE: small bioware
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 93 23:51:37 CET
This is one of the most bizare ideas I have ever heard. Who in their right
mind would pay good money to get a reflex recorder that give people the middle
finger or dials a phone number. Only incompetent people would need them and
Shadowrunners are very competent.

See Ya in Shadows,
Jason J Carter
The Nightstalker
Message no. 3
From: ArkAngel <DUNN@******.BITNET>
Subject: RE:Small Bioware
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 93 17:56:00 EST
>From: Kurt Rauscher <kjrausch@*******.CS.VT.EDU>
> The solution: Small bioware!
> DON'T SCREAM MUNCHKIN! the only reasonable use of these
ALRIGHT, I WON'T! however, instead I'll scream WHY?!?!?!
It seems to me that to remember a phone number a pocket computer is a helluva
lot cheaper than any bioware would be...
> Or you could use them for simple gestures... for .01 bc you could get a
> recorder for taking a drag on a cigarette, flipping someone off, blowing a
> kiss...
Interesting, but I honestly can't think of any reason that somebody in
character would want to sink the 1000s of nuyen into these mods that they would
cost... I mean, these all seem to be mindless things that people pick up as
habits rather than something which they'd waste lotsa nuyen trying to do...
> more permanent or extensive cosmetic modification :
> lengthened tongue, real long snake tongue, bunny nose and wiskers, animal
> ears and features etc.
Now here, I can almost see a rational--gangers all of them having the
same cat whiskers grown on their face, etc... however, I still can't see
anybody shelling out the Nuyen to pay for it...
Overall, I'd hafta say--Neat Idea, but the expense is just too
unjustifiably high...

First law of RPG adventure writing:"In any given scenario, there are 4
possible player actions, the three reasonable ones the GM expects, and the one
the players ultimately divise and use."
Message no. 4
From: "David Loewenstern, Bell Labs,
Subject: small bioware
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 93 18:41:57 EST
I like this idea. No, it's silly to use it as an autodialer. But it
would be great for flashy but essentially useless tricks, like a
really impressive card shuffle, or juggling an egg, a bowling ball,
and a chainsaw (and _only_ those three things -- it's a single set of
reflexes, not a skill), or lighting a cigarette with one hand.

For a little more, you could get a whole series of reflexes which
produce a full routine. For example, a decker could get a series of
reflexes which allowed him to go through an elaborate sword-showmanship
routine a la _Raiders of the Lost Ark_. It wouldn't help him actually
_use_ the weapon, of course, and he'd actually only know one routine,
but it would be impressive-looking the first time.

]<<<<< Quincunx <loewenst@****> (Wed Feb 10 18:41:24 EST

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about small bioware, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.