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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: cm5323@*** (J.W.Thomas)
Subject: Smartgun Spell
Date: Thu, 23 Nov 1995 15:48:43 +0000 (GMT)
Using The GRIM II I've worked up that Smartgun Spell that I
WEAPON ZEN base T=f/2
Minor Physical manipulation M
Deep mind interaction t+2
Physical spell t+1
sustained spell t+1
touch required t-1
Deep mind interaction D+1
Perminant effect D+1
touch required D-1
Bonus game effect D+1
Volentry subject required D-1
Overall [(F/2)+3] S

You can jump this to D drain if you think it should be a Major
The bonus game effect gives you -2 TN as the gun is linked
magically to your thoughts. sort of intuitive telekinesis.
This spell is NOT compatable with an existing Smartgun...

But by adding 'effected cybered attribute' modifiers and
changing the bonus game effect to 'extra dice to use skill'-One
extra die per two sucesses- you could use it with smartguns but
with the formula [(F/2)+5] S.

As the spell effects the subject and the Gun, the target number
is 8 or willpower. whichever highest (not resisted).

The 'Perminant' duration means the spell is cast when you pick
up the gun, held for 10/successes rounds and them lasts till you
put the gun down, sleep or loose consiousness.

Any comments?
(no 'mad munchkin flaming' please- I'm feeling quite peaky today)

CHOPPER The god is absent
ChOpPeR His dead leaves are piling
cHoPpEr And all is deserted
chopper -Basho
Message no. 2
From: seb@*** (Sebastian Wiers)
Subject: Re: Smartgun Spell
Date: Thu, 23 Nov 1995 13:26:10 -0600 (CST)
> Using The GRIM II I've worked up that Smartgun Spell that I
> mentioned...
> WEAPON ZEN base T=f/2

> Perminant effect D+1
> The 'Perminant' duration means the spell is cast when you pick
> up the gun, held for 10/successes rounds and them lasts till you
> put the gun down, sleep or loose consiousness.

the spell affects the target and effects a change (grammar error was deleted,
anahoo, the permanent effects are only alowed for very specific spells, ones
that restore the natural order and therefore will be susstaned by natural
processes- the effect required by this spell is continuous and unatural, so
could not be made permanent (as part of the spell design- quickening is OK).

also, the "manipulation" refered to is very complex. I would think a health
spell would be simpiler- steady hand, sharpen eye, etc. Also, not
sustaimnable by an elemental, so a micron less easy to munch with. I would
limit any spell to a minus one TN, compatable with lazer sight, or extra
dice. Hell, soon we will have extra dice spells for armed and unarmed, then
biotech, then....

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Smartgun Spell, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.