From: | andre eibel <eibel.andre@**.COMCITY.DE> |
Subject: | speed freaks was: Did I miss something |
Date: | Fri, 23 May 1997 19:48:40 -0500 |
>"M. Sean Martinez" writes
>> Did I miss something?
>> Wired 4 Gamma?
>> When Did gamma grade cyberware come into play? And more importantly Wired
>I thought given both a ware grade and item that don't exist and
>another comment it would be obvious. At the time i was typing fast
>and 6 words is faster than 'wired 3 detla, reaction enhancers 6 and
>muscle augmentation 4 etc.' which is generally the start of the speed
>freaks combination. PC's with reactions of 20 (and more!) plus 4 dice
>are ok but when you get more than 1 it can be difficult explaining
>how yet another load of opponents moves fast enough to survive them.
>Sure tactics work a treat but clever PC's don't walk into ambushes
>often and solve the 'hidden sniper' by putting an IPE grenade in his
>vicinity, on the basis they do such a devastating damage code close
>is plenty good enough.
oh and you miss the TacComp for the real speedy and deadly.
For all the real speed-freaks out there: take a shapshifter physical mage.
If the GM not kills you on the spot you can get 10 dice for initiative.
You can see the earth we`re high here we`re
climbing over sumertowm you can kiss the air we`re
gliding follow me for sumerland no sound no life
no essence we lay enstranged in our curious ways
memories lay beside us but i`m seeing through an
age who i`m through sumerland.
(Fields of the Nephilim-Eilzium-Weil of Sumer)