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Message no. 1
From: Mark Steedman <RSMS@******.EEE.RGU.AC.UK>
Subject: Re: Speed is Life : now elementals ans sustaining
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 1995 13:37:03 GMT
Jani Fikouras writes

> > > > Using elementals to sustain spells is expensive... :)
just slightly :)

> > >
> > > Well not nececerily, but a rather strong force 6-10 Elemental would
> > > be kinda expensive, not to mention taxing to summon :) Anyway its a really
> > > fullproff way of sustaining a spell on yourself and you only need to do it
> > > once a run. I'd say that a highpayed runner mage would definitely spend the
> > > 10K to do it.
yes they could, considering other folks using up ammo, drones etc
this can be worth it for heavy duty stuff, but remember most astral
defences only respond to astral intrusion, hence you could just be
unlocking another can of worms, like watcher to wage mage 'Da's a
whooping huge great fire thing over derrr, i don't like it !!' no
prizes for guessing what happens next.

> I dont think that a force 10 elemental has much to fear from spells.
depends but unless they are force 6 and karmered its likely to last a
while. [ this depends lots on how 'good' your dice are]

> And yes the elemental can sure sustain it and fight at the same
> time,
i would agree with that.

> not that anyone would be dumb enough toduke it out with a
> force 10 elemental in the astral.
depends a LOT on the mage. Your 'average' mage could roll sorcery 6 +
6 pool dice, so with a decent Charisma could hurt it hand - hand,
though i don't fancy it without karma on hand. From experience fire
elementals are a real pain, there action is ranged attack, so you
don't get to hit back at only 4's!, this gets through damage tracks
and karma real fast.
However give that mage any sort of reach enhancing weapon focus or
charisma 6 and reasonable karma on the first roll or nice big force 6
spell and life can look lots different very very fast.

> And even if that happens, you
> can always project and gang up on the attacker, can you say *ouch* :)
Squelch, ah look at the mess, would be more in line unless the wage
mage is some nasty grade initate and you are not.

Message no. 2
From: Jani Fikouras <feanor@**********.UNI-BREMEN.DE>
Subject: Re: Speed is Life : now elementals ans sustaining (fwd)
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 1995 14:34:49 +0100
I got this from Mark and I think that it interests everybody, so
here goes.

> here goes again!
> >
> > Well a watcher would just as easily detect your lock or anchoring
> > or even your sustained spell
> thats why i use spell locks and masking, they they cannot. Remember
> to mask your aura while you are at it as unmasked magic attribute is
> also on that modifiers table

Yes, masking is the ultimate in hiding. I agree, but masking is a
two edged blade, it will help you when up against watchers but it
wont help you against highter grade initiates and believe me when
they hit you its gona hurt more than ever, not only because they
are hard-asses, but because you will not be prepared for it.
And dont forget that masking is only for initiates.

> > and an elemental could warn you that
> > a watcher saw him or even attack the watcher before it gets away.
> > This however would require a different kind of bargain with the
> > elemental.
> >
> yes and works on 1 whatcher, corps using 4 at once (3 to get blown to
> bits while the last one makes it) however pose a problem.

Well nobody's perfect, if you re that paranoid you can have 2 or
even 3 of them up there patrol the astral :)

> > > > I dont think that a force 10 elemental has much to fear from spells.
> > > depends but unless they are force 6 and karmered its likely to last a
> > > while. [ this depends lots on how 'good' your dice are]
> >
> > Yes and whether your GM give the elemental threat rating dice or
> > not. I firmaly belive that the should definitely get some, especially
> > the big'uns.
> >
> Assuming the situation is right yes. They are certainly a 'threat!'.
> I tend to be wary of giving these to mages elementals or its unfair
> unless you give the PC's spirits them as well, as they don't get to
> spend thier karma pools for them.
> comments.

I simply think that elementals without threat ratings are a joke
compared to their real potential. Thats why I feel that they should
definitely get some.

> > > However give that mage any sort of reach enhancing weapon focus or
> > > charisma 6 and reasonable karma on the first roll or nice big force 6
> > > spell and life can look lots different very very fast.
> >
> > Yes, OTOH if you do this sort of thing often you could "resummon"
> > the same elemental over and over again (effectively geting more services
> > and healing its lost force points) and give him a weapon focus to bond.
> > It doesnt have to be anything fancy, the elemental just needs the
> > reach.

> same as the mage did. ouch.


> > What do you think of that ? This elemental could very well end
> > up becoming your friend and contact, some sort of astral buddy.
> >
> friendly free spirits, yes it could, and yes i know how hard that
> gets very quickely. How about getting the thing a sorcery skill and
> initiated while your at it?

It want be free, it will be just as bound as any other elemental.
but it will be your friend. Kinda like the elemental from
"Burning Bright", I really enjoyed their characters :)

> > Well thats when you call in the watchers :) The friends in melee
> > modifiers alone will be enough to kick anybody's ass :)
> >
> Yep! Best use for spirits, in quantity. i was well aware of the
> power of friend in melee, my players leant somewhat after some nasty
> experiences involving HB and Aftermath, amazing what a pair of very
> ordinary 'ganger' stat badguys can do fighting 1 PC, when they didn't
> die of getting shot 10 actions before they were due to move.

And thats even more true in the astral.

GCS d s+: p1 a-->? C++++ UA++$S++L+++>++++ L+++ E--- W+ N+ w(--) M-- !V(--)
PS+ PE Y+ PGP-- @*++ 5++ X++ R+++ tv++ b++ G+++ e++ h+(*) r

"In my mind I see the matrix, and in the matrix is held the power. The lock
to the matrix is my will, and in the matrix my will becomes the power."

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Speed is Life : now elementals ans sustaining, you may also be interested in:


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